Weight Loss Thread


Trakanon Raider
My suggestion to opiate would be too just try to have a bike race once or twice a week since he genuinely enjoys that. If Seattle is anything like Portland, there is a bike race every day during summer months. I know I can barely manage to go to the gym two days a week without wanting to shoot myself.

He's also got marymoor velodrome up there if he's feeling real strong.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Unless he's very narrowly built, 190 @ 6 feet seems appropriate.
Depends completely on composition... rather than talking in pounds or height, I'd say an appropriate goal for any guy regardless of the amount of muscle he has or his height should be 14-15% body fat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Metabolic damage? Huh? Those are 1500 GOOD calories, like lean beef, chicken, and hardly any carbs other than some vegies and fruits. Im consuming about 200g of protein daily, thats more than enough to sustain my metabolism. Like I said I feel great. Have way more energy, even when I was consuming 3000+ calories. I dont understand this damage im doing to myself.?
BioLayne Video Log 9 - Metabolic Damage - YouTube

I think you're going to crash hard eventually, and then what? Dip even lower? That sounds horrible.


Bronze Squire
190 @ 6'0 and he's freaking out? What the fuck? Lol

Unless he's very narrowly built, 190 @ 6 feet seems appropriate.
Yeah man, did you miss the part where I said I actually really don't care about the number on the scale? I mean, I do use it as a reference but this is more of a physique and fitness level issue for me. Maybe I'll post some pictures later to illustrate but I'm carrying more weight in my beer-gut/love handles than I am comfortable with. I would definitely call myself "narrowly built."

Although I will add that I was talking to my wife about this last night and she didn't think I had packed on much weight as I think I have. She thought maybe I was getting some of that "dad strength" from hauling around and playing with the baby. But my tight pants tell a different story.

You are calling yourself 6', just in a way that makes you look like a moron. And who doesn't round up their height? 1/8 of an inch over 6' 2"? You are 6'3" motherfucker!
It's just a joke man. Sorry you don't find it as funny as I do.

My suggestion to opiate would be too just try to have a bike race once or twice a week since he genuinely enjoys that. If Seattle is anything like Portland, there is a bike race every day during summer months. I know I can barely manage to go to the gym two days a week without wanting to shoot myself.

He's also got marymoor velodrome up there if he's feeling real strong.
I appreciate the suggestion but I basically only mountain bike. I have done the STP a couple of times now but that pretty much killed any desire I had to do anymore road biking. I think signing up for some more races will help keep me motivated so I'll check into that to see if there are any others coming up, but I don't think they will be as prevalent as road biking events. It used to be I'd mountain bike every single day but I moved 30 minutes away from my favorite hill and there really isn't much in the town I live in now mt. bike wise. With the baby it is harder to find time to pack up the bike and drive to a good spot.

I did find a hill near my neighborhood where they are just starting to open up some trails for mt. biking. They are pretty tame for what I am used too but better than nothing!


Molten Core Raider
Unless he's very narrowly built, 190 @ 6 feet seems appropriate.
At 6'3 I look pretty shitty at 190. Skinny fat would be the proper term. I almost wish I'd have lifted for 2 years at a surplus before ever dieting but fuck having a gut. It's the one thing preventing me from doing it now. God for-fucking-bid my genetics would ever deign to store any fat on my arms or legs.


Bronze Squire
STP isn't a race, it's a bunch of dudes with very questionable bike handling abilities trying to ride fast.

Looks like there are plenty of MTB races in Wa. Look at the calendar.Calendar - Washington State Bicycle Association serving Washington and North Idahoand see what works with your schedule.
I agree on the STP. Amature hour. My wife really wants to do it just to say that she has but I just can't bring myself to a.) get back into road biking and b.) do that cluster-F oversold ride. MAYBE I'd do the RSVP if I could get a spot but I just hate how much training for those ride cuts into my mt. biking season (even though I finished the no-training STP once, I learned my lesson).

Appreciate the link, I'll see if anything works into my schedule.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I did the STP last year as just a bucket list thing. I enjoyed it but no way in hell I'd want to suffer through those idiots every year.


Guarding the guardians
At 6'3 I look pretty shitty at 190..
I'm 6'4'', and I'd put my ideal weight at around 200 on a pretty scrawny build. If I go below 195 it doesn't look good.
Sitting at around 210 now, but staying at a surplus for another 2-3 weeks to fuel lifting.

(And personally, I'm in favour of a 4-week ketonic crash diet to drop those 10lbs, and then go back to eating more or less what I want. At which point I add about 1lb / week if I don't exercise)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I started paleo a few days back and am doing what lifting I can with my one free weight. I really need to join a gym so I can do a greater range of exercises.


<Gold Donor>
I joined a gym around me called fitness 19. Supposedly they are nation wide. They have a vast array of free weights and machines, squat racks, etc.. I signed both me and my son for $65 down and $19 per month for me and $12 per month for my son. No they dont have pools or saunas, or even changing rooms other than bathroom, but for a gym about a mile from my house its perfect.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I mean I'm sitting at 194 currently at 6'0 and I'm guessing my ideal weight is around 186-188 if I want a defined 6 pack at all times.

Then again, I think most of you aren't as into lifting as I am, so it gets a little confusing.

And for anyone just getting into lifting with no strength base, join a shit tier gym like PlanetFitness for $10. Go until you're too strong for the dumbbells they provide and then find a more upscale gym.

Just my 2 cents.


Got something right about marriage
The problem with Planet Fitness is there is no fucking room in the weight section and no machines are ever free. It's a good way to get yourself into the habit of completely ignoring your gym membership because it sucks to go there and "hey, it's only 10 bucks"


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh yeah? I've never been in one so I wouldn't know. I went to what I can only imagine is the Florida version of it, YouFit I believe it was called.

Let's just say when I squatted 315 pretty much everyone in the weights section was staring at me, probably thought I was going to crumble beneath the soil. Also got yelled at for deadlifting 4 plates. Was a fun week.


Log Wizard
Guys with the new #DadBod coming into fashion, are you all worried you're making a huge mistake?

I for one salute our new pot-bellied overlords.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What is this dadbod shit? I saw a massive rant on youtube about it.

So girls with poor self-esteem prefer fat dudes who don't make them self-concious. How is this news? 9/10 a ripped body > a fat turd.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The emergence of the dadbod + those new injections that explode chin fat = all gyms out of business (except Planet Fitness because free pizza) within 5 years.