Weight Loss Thread


Silver Baronet of the Realm
15 lbs down since April. Shooting for another 10-15 before my next cholesterol test in October.
I suspect that your TC is going to be slightly elevated until you stop running a calories déficit. And that shouldn't be a concern at all.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I suspect that your TC is going to be slightly elevated until you stop running a calories déficit. And that shouldn't be a concern at all.

Yeah. The plan is to get to 175-180 and stabilize for three weeks before the test. That may not be long enough, but my doctor is up on research and not pushing medication until I either fail at lifestyle changes (which I won't; I'm on track to be in the best shape of my life at 45) or they've proven not to work for my LDL. I dropped 15 points going from 200-195; if the next 20 lbs scale anything like that I should be good.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. The plan is to get to 175-180 and stabilize for three weeks before the test. That may not be long enough, but my doctor is up on research and not pushing medication until I either fail at lifestyle changes (which I won't; I'm on track to be in the best shape of my life at 45) or they've proven not to work for my LDL. I dropped 15 points going from 200-195; if the next 20 lbs scale anything like that I should be good.
Even should your TC be still elevated after lifestyle changes, and you feel great, your diet is clean, then you should rather do an artherlsclerosis test to see if that TC is negatively impacting you. Most of the people reaching 100 had an elevated TC at 60. High TC is proctective for your brain. But it can also be ugly if you combine high TC with pro-inflamation lifestyle.

High TC (190 to 240), mediteranean diet and decent exercice is the combo to maximise healthspan.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

Weight loss thread in meltdown

What's the contention with this? Calorie counting, protein priority and focusing on cooking enjoyable meals is pretty much the most agreeable way to lose weight.

Only thing I'd add to this is how it can be difficult for some to stay on a weight loss plan that involves single-serving meals like he made in the video. I did the Whole 30 diet thing earlier this year and the biggest lesson I learned is how time consuming it is to cook your own meals unless you plan for it and meal prep. These days almost anything I make, I cook in largish quantities.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
What's the contention with this? Calorie counting, protein priority and focusing on cooking enjoyable meals is pretty much the most agreeable way to lose weight.

Only thing I'd add to this is how it can be difficult for some to stay on a weight loss plan that involves single-serving meals like he made in the video. I did the Whole 30 diet thing earlier this year and the biggest lesson I learned is how time consuming it is to cook your own meals unless you plan for it and meal prep. These days almost anything I make, I cook in largish quantities.
I dont have the will power to do something new every single meal. I really wish I could, but either I just dont want to do it or I dont have the time to. I fix meals four days in advance and just grab it and go. I'm cutting right now trying to get to a lower body fat percentage and Im just wearing thin on the ~2100 calories a day. That shit is just brutal when combined with a solid gym routine. Slight headache as I write this, and I know its from the diet.
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Vyemm Raider
What's the contention with this? Calorie counting, protein priority and focusing on cooking enjoyable meals is pretty much the most agreeable way to lose weight.

Only thing I'd add to this is how it can be difficult for some to stay on a weight loss plan that involves single-serving meals like he made in the video. I did the Whole 30 diet thing earlier this year and the biggest lesson I learned is how time consuming it is to cook your own meals unless you plan for it and meal prep. These days almost anything I make, I cook in largish quantities.
It's not really that bad if you simplify things a bit. For instance I make a shake in the morning as my breakfast. Pretty damn easy and fast, like 5 mins probably. Frozen strawberries, blueberries, bananas, peanut butter, oat or almond milk. Doesn't take long at all. Lunch I'll toast a piece of ezekiel/genesis bread and eat half an avocado and put the other half as slices on it and top with pickles. Dinner I'll make half a cup of black rice or some kind of pasta with some veggies like zucchini and squash or asparagus or broccoli etc. The combined time to make ALL of these meals is like 30 mins.

With that said it's kinda funny because I'm probably the only person here that is trying to gain weight. I'm 5'9 and used to hover around 130lbs a couple years before covid and dropped to like 125 at my lowest. I started getting back into working out a little bit in 2018 and went a lot harder when covid happened and have since put on nearly 20 lbs of muscle and weigh 145 now. My goal is 150.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It's not really that bad if you simplify things a bit. For instance I make a shake in the morning as my breakfast. Pretty damn easy and fast, like 5 mins probably. Frozen strawberries, blueberries, bananas, peanut butter, oat or almond milk. Doesn't take long at all. Lunch I'll toast a piece of ezekiel/genesis bread and eat half an avocado and put the other half as slices on it and top with pickles. Dinner I'll make half a cup of black rice or some kind of pasta with some veggies like zucchini and squash or asparagus or broccoli etc. The combined time to make ALL of these meals is like 30 mins.

With that said it's kinda funny because I'm probably the only person here that is trying to gain weight. I'm 5'9 and used to hover around 130lbs a couple years before covid and dropped to like 125 at my lowest. I started getting back into working out a little bit in 2018 and went a lot harder when covid happened and have since put on nearly 20 lbs of muscle and weigh 145 now. My goal is 150.
There was recent work done showing that bananas negate some/a good bit of the benefits from berries. Can’t remember the details, but it was legit and widely accepted from what I recall


Vyemm Raider
There was recent work done showing that bananas negate some/a good bit of the benefits from berries. Can’t remember the details, but it was legit and widely accepted from what I recall
Ya apparently that's a thing but I'm not too worried. I don't always add bananas to it and when I do it's like at most 1/3rd of a banana and I doubt it's that big of a deal in general.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There was recent work done showing that bananas negate some/a good bit of the benefits from berries. Can’t remember the details, but it was legit and widely accepted from what I recall
What benefit? Lumi's most certainly doesn't have any insuline resistance issue. He's trying to gain weight. And even if he wasn't, a banana once in a while probably bringing some nutrients not easily available elsewhere.

Berries are nice and most people don't eat enough of them, but once you eat a little bit most of the days, it makes sense to eat as many different fruit as possible including some tropical fruits.


Vyemm Raider
What benefit? Lumi's most certainly doesn't have any insuline resistance issue. He's trying to gain weight. And even if he wasn't, a banana once in a while probably bringing some nutrients not easily available elsewhere.

Berries are nice and most people don't eat enough of them, but once you eat a little bit most of the days, it makes sense to eat as many different fruit as possible including some tropical fruits.
Bananas reduce the flavonoid content of the berries so they should be eaten separately but I'm consuming a significant amount of them throughout the day so it really shouldn't matter much overall.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Bananas reduce the flavonoid content of the berries so they should be eaten separately but I'm consuming a significant amount of them throughout the day so it really shouldn't matter much overall.
Interesting. I'm wondering if other stuff can have the same effect on flavanoid like meat or cheese.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I don't know shit about interactions, but I do know that blueberries are the big one that changed shit for me. I'm always craving something sweet after a meal, and blueberries cut that shit right out, are like 6/10s of a calorie each, and are under 4 bucks for 18oz at Walmart.

2.5oz of blueberries is 40 calories and saves me from eating like 300 calories in cookies or ice cream or some shit.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Bananas reduce the flavonoid content of the berries so they should be eaten separately but I'm consuming a significant amount of them throughout the day so it really shouldn't matter much overall.
I make a lot of smoothies for the kids, only the oldest likes berries. Half an avocado works great to help with the creaminess. The younger one thinks berries are too tart so it’s a green smoothie for her. Banana, handful or 2 of one of those “power greens” mixes you can get everywhere, plain Greek yogurt, chia seeds, avocado.


Vyemm Raider
I make a lot of smoothies for the kids, only the oldest likes berries. Half an avocado works great to help with the creaminess. The younger one thinks berries are too tart so it’s a green smoothie for her. Banana, handful or 2 of one of those “power greens” mixes you can get everywhere, plain Greek yogurt, chia seeds, avocado.
Avocados actually do the same thing to berries that bananas do. The reason bananas reduce flavonoid content in berries is because it is high in polyphenol oxidase(PPO). Avocados also have high levels of this enzyme and so would have a very similar effect as bananas. Essentially any fruit that turns brown pretty quickly has high levels of PPO and will inhibit the benefits of flavonoids. Altho honestly if you're just using a small amount I don't think it's that big of a deal.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't know shit about interactions, but I do know that blueberries are the big one that changed shit for me. I'm always craving something sweet after a meal, and blueberries cut that shit right out, are like 6/10s of a calorie each, and are under 4 bucks for 18oz at Walmart.

2.5oz of blueberries is 40 calories and saves me from eating like 300 calories in cookies or ice cream or some shit.
I was doing that, but I'll go several days before a craving hits. So half the time they just end up going bad. I'm at the office right now, but Kroger has these little single serving yogurts that are like 40 calories, 11g protein - I just cant think of the name. Obviously not a great source for protein, nor is it likely to be a good protein - BUT - I would eat a handful of blue berries and still crave more. The yogurt, since I dont eat sugar, tastes really sweet even though it has 0 sugars or fake sugars and after eating that, my craving is gone. I also drink the PowerAde Zero's that.. are probably bad for you too. Waiting for Lumi to chastise me about this shit. But a 28 oz PowerAde Zero is a dollar. Those Yogurts are like a dollar and some change. Not real expensive and they do the trick. I was drinking unsweetened tea like a Yankee or some shit for the longest time, but without sugar - I was making it too strong and it would have so much caffeine that I'd stay up wayyy too late.

As for Bananas, if you let them get too ripe - they have way more sugar content than one that is slightly ripe, as well. But its still a Banana, better than most things out there. The flavonoid things is new to me, but I generally dont mix fruits anyways. Could have waited for people to respond and explain what they were saying before screaming for peoples attention to the thread Ossoi Ossoi .
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think it might be when they are specifically blended together. But I could be misremembering. But its really not going to do anything. So just eat up lol


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I was doing that, but I'll go several days before a craving hits. So half the time they just end up going bad. I'm at the office right now, but Kroger has these little single serving yogurts that are like 40 calories, 11g protein - I just cant think of the name. Obviously not a great source for protein, nor is it likely to be a good protein - BUT - I would eat a handful of blue berries and still crave more. The yogurt, since I dont eat sugar, tastes really sweet even though it has 0 sugars or fake sugars and after eating that, my craving is gone. I also drink the PowerAde Zero's that.. are probably bad for you too. Waiting for Lumi to chastise me about this shit. But a 28 oz PowerAde Zero is a dollar. Those Yogurts are like a dollar and some change. Not real expensive and they do the trick. I was drinking unsweetened tea like a Yankee or some shit for the longest time, but without sugar - I was making it too strong and it would have so much caffeine that I'd stay up wayyy too late.

Man, I miss yogurt. Not that I don't eat it - but I've been a yogurt fan my entire life. I ate a shitload of yoplait when I was a kid and into adulthood, and basically any other yogurt on the market I could find. Then 10 or 15 years ago when Greek came out, all yogurt kinda turned to shit real quick. Yoplait changed their sweetener and I can't stand any artificial sugars. Shit tastes like poison (probably because it is). And all Greek is like eating fucking paste. And every yogurt company followed suit. I really miss the shit we had as kids.

The closest thing I've found to tolerable is the dannon Greek - not pasty, 12g protein, still has sucralose, but must be under the threshold or poison. But still doesn't match up to the memory of how many awesome yogurts we had 30+ years ago.

It's like tracking down your old high school girlfriend just to find out she's 350 now.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Man, I miss yogurt. Not that I don't eat it - but I've been a yogurt fan my entire life. I ate a shitload of yoplait when I was a kid and into adulthood, and basically any other yogurt on the market I could find. Then 10 or 15 years ago when Greek came out, all yogurt kinda turned to shit real quick. Yoplait changed their sweetener and I can't stand any artificial sugars. Shit tastes like poison (probably because it is). And all Greek is like eating fucking paste. And every yogurt company followed suit. I really miss the shit we had as kids.

The closest thing I've found to tolerable is the dannon Greek - not pasty, 12g protein, still has sucralose, but must be under the threshold or poison. But still doesn't match up to the memory of how many awesome yogurts we had 30+ years ago.

It's like tracking down your old high school girlfriend just to find out she's 350 now.
You could make your own in an instapot. I’ve done it before and it came out pretty fuckin great.

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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
To each their own, I guess. I vastly prefer Greek yogurt to what we had before. Low fat/cal and great protein. Agreed that Yoplait 100% tastes like plastic now.
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