Weight Loss Thread


Can anyone recommend a P90X style program? I've had a lot of success with P90X in the past, but a tad bored of it plus a lot the workouts are really tough on bad knees so want something that is a little lower impact (the yoga and plyometrics are the hardest).

I have horrible knees and am starting this tomorrow. One of my good friends also has bad knee problems and he said he didn't have much trouble with this, hardest part is the diet.

Last august i was 212, now I am down to 183. Being 6ft means I still am skinny, but I am looking to get rid of the last of that body fat and push the extra definition.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The key to successfully dieting (at least for me) was the following:

1) Don't keep any shit food in the house, period. And whatever food you do have is only enough to create a weeks worth of meals.
2) Find a few things that are healthy, filling, and that you LIKE. For me that was Oatmeal for breakfast, chicken/tuna on salad for lunch, and a Subway 6" double meat sub for dinner.
3) Do 30 minutes of cardio a day. I bought myself an elliptical and just watch an episode of South Park/Family Guy per exercise routine
4) If you're a regular drinker, swap beer/wine for vodka with soda.
5) If you REALLY need a kickstart (dieting gets easier once your stomach shrinks a bit), pick up some Primatene tablets from the pharmacy and take 3 or so. Ephedrine really kills your appetite.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Cut update: down to 188 right now. Still not counting calories, doing Paleo and IF for nutrition, 5/3/1/ + conditioning for exercise. It's slow going but as long as I'm not stuck too long I can deal with the pace I guess.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
1) Don't keep any shit food in the house, period. And whatever food you do have is only enough to create a weeks worth of meals.
This is so important it needs to be quoted. I had a bag of Doritos for breakfast last week and another bag for dinner last night simply because they were sitting on the kitchen table.

I'm weak willed



I have horrible knees and am starting this tomorrow. One of my good friends also has bad knee problems and he said he didn't have much trouble with this, hardest part is the diet.

Last august i was 212, now I am down to 183. Being 6ft means I still am skinny, but I am looking to get rid of the last of that body fat and push the extra definition.
Morning of day 1 finished, the warmup was 250~ pushups... I went till I collapsed and only finished 75% of the workout.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not sure what the hell is happening to me recently, but I just cannot manage to lose any more weight, and have ballooned up another 10+lbs over the last 3 weeks.

I'm on a steady and healthy diet running around 1700-1800 cal/day. Exercise consists of 4 days of bouldering for 2-3 hours, 3+ yoga classes, and 3 days of free weights doing rehab on my shoulder. Everything I've looked up, I should be under by about 200-300 cal/day minimum and slowly losing some weight. I still have plenty of fat to lose, and I highly doubt I've managed to put on even close to that amount of muscle in 3 weeks.

Would it be a good time to cut even more calories from my diet? I'm sure I can easily hit 1500 cal/day and maintain my energy level, I'm just concerned about being TOO far below where I should be.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No, you don't want to go further into a deficit. Your body may think you're starving. Depending on how long you've been dieting, your body may have just adapted. The best way to lose weight once you begin to plateau is to completely change the way you eat (carbo loading vs. protein heavy, etc.), spike your caloric intake (1400 one day, 2700 next day, 1800 next day, etc.), or changing your exercise (moving away from bodybuilding, focusing on HIIT, etc.).

How much do you weight exactly? Because it sounds like a fuckton of cardio and exercise for such a low caloric intake. Sounds like your body is going into preservation mode.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
That MFT28 thing is intriguing. Is everything you need to know available for free on that site?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Would it be a good time to cut even more calories from my diet? I'm sure I can easily hit 1500 cal/day and maintain my energy level, I'm just concerned about being TOO far below where I should be.
One thing that worked well for me was to decide on a reasonable rate of weight loss and then adjust food intake to achieve that. Basically, after some research I decided that 1kg/week was reasonable and that my goal was to lose 23kg. Then I drew a graph and plotted my weight every day or two. Now, your weight will vary a bit naturally, so no data point will by itself mean anything. However, over time it should be relatively easy to see which side of the line you're on and adjust the amount of food you eat accordingly. In the end I ended up losing a couple of more kilos than intended, but all in all I was quite satisfied with the outcome of the project. I did lose a little muscle mass, but I think that is hard to avoid.


So I have always stayed thin because I live an active life and my metabolism was off the fucking charts but since I have hit 30 it gets harder and harder to keep the weight off. I have worked hard to get my bulk up but now that my metabolism is slowing down, I am starting to get a gut even though I am working out the same. When I got running I usually do 2 miles because I was in the Army, PT tests etc and every time I run my goal is to run just a little bit faster.

So my question is this, would I be better off for loosing weight / fat burning to instead go longer or keep up with the 2ish miles and push myself to go faster?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Distance running won't do shit for losing weight, unless you somehow sprint the entire through. You need to spike your heart rate in order to burn fat, and HIIT is the easiest way to do this. Go to a field and start doing wind sprints, with proper resting intervals.

Distance running will improve overall heart health, though, so don't completely discard it, especially if you enjoy it. But jogging isn't the best way to burn fat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Distance running won't do shit for losing weight, unless you somehow sprint the entire through. You need to spike your heart rate in order to burn fat, and HIIT is the easiest way to do this. Go to a field and start doing wind sprints, with proper resting intervals.

Distance running will improve overall heart health, though, so don't completely discard it, especially if you enjoy it. But jogging isn't the best way to burn fat.
HITT might be the "easiest" way to burn fat but jogging >15 minutes will also burn fat just fine.
If you're looking at doing balls to the wall HIIT running, I highly recommend making sure you're running in the proper type of running shoe for your feet and be prepared to ice your shins often, especially if you're starting out heavy.

Got my first and to date only stress fracture doing HIIT running on a nice soft treadmill for about 6 months. Learned a lot about motion control shoes, foot shape, etc. afterwards. It was a hell of a workout, helped me lose 20 pounds, but I'm scared to ever do much of it again with my excessive overpronation. I work in HIIT sessions in the pool now and do only distance running when I run, the high intensity laps in the pool are damned effective at getting your heart pounding.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How much do you weight exactly? Because it sounds like a fuckton of cardio and exercise for such a low caloric intake. Sounds like your body is going into preservation mode.
As of this evening, I'm 5'9" - 177lbs

I'll try out the calorie shifting as you'd recommended. I'm down ~30lbs since the middle of last year, so I know I've been able to work off weight in the past, and I'm trying to focus on building lean muscle with my bouldering and yoga. I'm hesitant to think that I've been putting muscle on since getting back into climbing and adding yoga. I'd been primarily just doing cardio via elliptical or stair climber with my PT on my shoulder. I'm going quite easy on the free weights, around 20lbs per exercise since my shoulder is still pretty weak doing things like internal/external rotation.


Blackwing Lair Raider
As of this evening, I'm 5'9" - 177lbs

I'll try out the calorie shifting as you'd recommended. I'm down ~30lbs since the middle of last year, so I know I've been able to work off weight in the past, and I'm trying to focus on building lean muscle with my bouldering and yoga. I'm hesitant to think that I've been putting muscle on since getting back into climbing and adding yoga. I'd been primarily just doing cardio via elliptical or stair climber with my PT on my shoulder. I'm going quite easy on the free weights, around 20lbs per exercise since my shoulder is still pretty weak doing things like internal/external rotation.
Well, I have no idea wtf bouldering is. I'm assuming you're lifting boulders over your head and tossing them a great distance. Good job!

Apparently it burns about 700 calories per hour, and if you're doing 2-3 hours... dude, you're literally burning what you're eating and then more. How are you even standing? I'd be dragging ass all over the place if I was only consuming 1700-1800 calories a day, FORGET adding in cardio. I know you're trying to lose weight, but you really either need to down the cardio or increase the calories quite a bit. I would get over 2,000, probably around 2,200. If not more... you seem highly active.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not sure what the hell is happening to me recently, but I just cannot manage to lose any more weight, and have ballooned up another 10+lbs over the last 3 weeks.

I'm on a steady and healthy diet running around 1700-1800 cal/day. Exercise consists of 4 days of bouldering for 2-3 hours, 3+ yoga classes, and 3 days of free weights doing rehab on my shoulder. Everything I've looked up, I should be under by about 200-300 cal/day minimum and slowly losing some weight. I still have plenty of fat to lose, and I highly doubt I've managed to put on even close to that amount of muscle in 3 weeks.

Would it be a good time to cut even more calories from my diet? I'm sure I can easily hit 1500 cal/day and maintain my energy level, I'm just concerned about being TOO far below where I should be.
This guy discusses dieting breaks (aka refeeds) and why you need to do that on occasion. Might apply to your situation: