I'd burn it down for the insurance money before I pay all of that and let them gut your place.Keep watching, we're about to start $200,000 worth of repairs in a few weeks from all that water damage. Yes, it took us (me, since my neighbors are useless) three months to find someone competent enough to diagnose the problems, let alone offer a solution.. You may end up as a witness to murder when I kill one of our contractors. Problems even before they've started..
Don't think I haven't been wishing for that. Right now I'm hoping the massive dying Pecan tree the builder never bothered constructing a root barrier around to protect the foundation (which has now cracked) will fall on the property during one these storms and render it a total loss.I'd burn it down for the insurance money before I pay all of that and let them gut your place.
You can spell so you can't be a builder.(Builder) freedom isn't free
Sorry. "Earned employment income". Carry on.Really? Your income from stock market profits, inheritance or interest is taxed just like a salary?
what kind of government job doesn't require filling out a time sheet? Every government or government-related job I've ever seen has had super strict time sheet requirements.Guy that's hiring me at state job apparently knows one of my references so that worked out well. Praying their offer isn't shit...anything over 60 I think I'm going to do, not filling out a timesheet is worth 15k a year to me alone.
You just described my life.Funny, when legal needs a massive e-discovery search the night before some trial and they call me to do some complex query and production to save their asses, they sure do think I'm a special snowflake. I also make more coin than the majority of our attorneys. And to be fair, if IT is a "support" role, so is Legal. When our transactional attorney has some complex financial transaction dropped on his lap from one of our investment guys and has 48 hours to turn around a contract, he's acting as "support" too..
Wouldn't sweat it. Mine was flagged too, because they didn't read the full form. I had two graduation dates, and they couldn't distinguish between them.Had a background check discrepancy. After shitting my pants a little bit I realized it was because my company counted my internship towards seniority, but on my form I only used my full-time start date. The real confusing thing was I started as an intern Dec 23 2012, and started full-time Dec 23 2013. Weird.