I get on average 3-4 voicemails a day* from our kids middle school. Each one is over 60 seconds. 55 of that is spent on the lady enunciating each of her 4 names, and her 20 word title. EVERY SINGLE VOICEMAIL.
My true rustle though is what happened to journalism. I'm too tired to complain about it in general so I'll biatch about game journalism. I found some old Game Informers from 2007, and they make awesome bathroom reading. They would have a huge 8 page article double-sided about things like Dead Space and how it's being developed. Interviews with individual artists, the publisher, where they got their ideas from, and a breakdown of the demo they got to play and new things it brings to the genre.
What we get now just pales so much in comparison, and is rife with politics. People just slap on the title and say I'm a GAME journalist! No, you just picked a hobby at random to make some youtube videos, you have trouble telling the truth and aren't helping. Professionalism is dead. Long life enshittification.
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*Our bus drivers quit daily, so we get a morning and afternoon call to tell us the busses are fucked lol