Major rustle this morning from some dumb asshole rear ending me at a stop light. Thankfully just seems like bumper damage on both bumpers but now i have to get the car to the shop, have them take care of it and hope insurance covers it. Car is 15 years old so I'm a little concerned they may balk but the airbag didn't go off and other than the bumpers the car is fine. Just pissed since it was a dumb accident that didn't need to happen if the dumb fuck had just payed attention to traffic rather than the light.
Minor rustle from an employee at work. We are shifting their schedules as a group from just Mon-Fri to all 7 days a week plus some on-call from after work till about 11:30. We arn't doing full overnight call so they can still get a full nights rest. We've been telling them for a full year this was our plan, hire more team members to fill out the team; and yet when we sit down to actual have them pick the scheduled this dumbass just sits there, after picking the prime schedule no less, to say "Well, I just cant work this, I have stuff going on at home. This just isn't going to work for me!" And we are all just looking at him thinking " If we say we are going to do this and your saying you won't do it, how do you think this conversation is going to go?" The only thing I'm waiting on right now is the manager to talk to our HR rep, but I'm pretty much going to have to fire him since he won't take the initiative himself and leave. I guess he just thinks we were going to scrap our plans just because he doesn't like it.