that movie was fucking awesome. it also helps if it was filmed right down the block from your high school and you got to meet joe piscopo, danny devito, captain lou etc.This movie was just dreadful.
girlfriend at the time realized how shit it was about 5 minutes in, stood up next to me in the sold out theater and yells "this isnt star wars!" I thought we were gonna get fucking lynched, thank god it was all star wars nerds.Star Wars Episode 1
Expectations were so high and the let down was so huge. I didn't believe it was as bad as it was at first, but soon I realized what I had witnessed.
Made Prometheus look like the Godfather
Yeah, as soon as Juggernaut and his awful prosthetics showed up you knew. Then when they had him quoting an internet meme that was funny for 5 minutes a year before the movie....fuck...ruined such a cool character/actor.X-Men 3 has to be up there on everyone's list. I didn't walk out, but I wished that I had.
Consistent adherence to god's laws is not something christians are known for.So, he does the godly thing and steals? Just religious things.
Saw BnR in the dollar theater with a bunch of friends. We MST3K'd the shit out of it.Batman & Robin was easily the worst movie I ever watched in a theater. Bat Nipples! Ahnold! Just awful from beginning to end. Battlefield Earth was a close second, though.
Seriously half the movie is close ups of kurt russels dead dead eyes and the other half is walking back and forth along a trail of junk in a dust storm. The few fight scenes are pretty bad and basically the only "deaths" when people fall from very modest heights onto their backs. Apparently that is the super soldier weak spot.Soldier is awesome! It just takes a few viewings.
Did you know that Blade Runner and Soldier take place in the same universe? The same person wrote (at least one version) of both scripts and confirmed it. Todd even fought at the Tanhauser Gate! TODD AND ROY BATTY BOTH FOUGHT AT THE TANHAUSER GATE!!! Maybe they were on the same side! Maybe they foughtagainsteach other? How cool would that be! It's all right there on the screen when the officer goes over his combat history.
I've gotten a great deal of enjoyment teasing super fans of Blade Runner about it. Literally the best part of Soldier is that you can link it to Blade Runner for teasing purposes. I do still like it on its own merits though.
The Quick and the Dead was another one that grew on me over time. When I figured out that it was a live screen adaptation of Feng Shui The Action Roleplaying Game I really came around to it. Headcanon saved the whole thing.
HOLY RUSTED GRATE BATMAN!Hrm.. Batman & Robin may beat out Eragon.
I've never walked out of a movie though. I was a little salty when I found out the only reason we were at Eragon was because she wanted to see how terrible it was, having read the book and knowing it would be crap. But I made the best of it in a MST3K sort of way.
But Batman.. god, the ice puns.