You not aware of his retarded posts in this thread? It's apparently the half sister of a B lister actress. Won't be surprised if we start seeing him posts the death of friends of athletesI'm not even sure who the celebrity in that is supposed to be?
I'm not even sure who the celebrity in that is supposed to be?
You not aware of his retarded posts in this thread? It's apparently the half sister of a B lister actress. Won't be surprised if we start seeing him posts the death of friends of athletes
Did you know who she is?She got a front page splash on one of the most visited news website on the planet? So presumably someone knows who she is
What the fuck are you talking about? High school is pre pubescent? Kids read those books back in the 80s. She was an extremely popular author back then. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit celebs spam. Nobody knows who they were and neither do you. You're just wasting oxygen and everyone's timeMeanwhileChukzombi is posting the author of a book series aimed at pre pubescent girls and nobody bats an eye
View attachment 539609
"Which is a ridiculous insult, not to mention a misreading, for to come to Sweet Valley for the story lines is to subscribe to Playboy for the articles. Criticizing the narrative arc of the books misses and, tellingly, demeans what for me was the entire point of the series: a rare portal through which we girls growing up in the 1980s and ’90s could explore our erotic potential."
Opinion | My Erotic Awakening in the Pages of ‘Sweet Valley High’
Twins, one good and one bad. Choose your adventure. Or be both at the same
What the fuck are you talking about? High school is pre pubescent? Kids read those books back in the 80s. She was an extremely popular author back then. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit celebs spam. Nobody knows who they were and neither do you. You're just wasting oxygen and everyone's time
Girls. Old and young. That's half the planet. Your posts here are disingenuous bullshit and when you get banned, you have nobody to blame but yourself.popular with who? The main demographic of this forum which is late gen-x/early millenial former MMO players? or tween/teenage girls? I'm aware the series was popular enough to spawn a TV show that my younger sister would want to watch on a Saturday morning. That doesn't make the author any more of a "celebrity" that people here are able to name.
Judy Blume maybe, but I had to scroll back up just now to remind myself of her name. Did you actually think arguing "noOssoi it's actually aimed at teenage girls not pre-teen!" makes her more of a celebrity?
Girls. Old and young. That's half the planet. Your posts here are disingenuous bullshit and when you get banned, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
That's enough autistic faggot. Back into the hole you go.The absolute hypocrisy of saying my posts are "disingenuous bullshit" whilst arguing your post is legit because of "girls". last time I checked this forum was 99.99% men, and there'd be something wrong with any man here who grew up reading teenage girl high school romance novels. Exposure to the franchise via the TV series (via younger sisters) and the hot actresses who played them maybe, but that still doesn't make your post anymore of a celeb than mine.
So fuck off with your bmx biking, teen soft erotica, disingenuous hypocritical bullshit. If you want to take shots at me then wait for an S+ celeb to die and then post that, instead of throwing stones from your glass house.
He's admitted that he does this to get revenge on this board. I don't see why he hasn't been banned on general principle. But if he isn't breaking rules then not much anyone can do about it.So are we all about done with the Ossoi experiment? Anyone see a reason for keeping him around? Any value to be had in literally anything he posts? No? Ok, let's pack it up thenAmod
No, people have been banned for less already. But this does seem like one of those cases whereHe's admitted that he does this to get revenge on this board. I don't see why he hasn't been banned on general principle. But if he isn't breaking rules then not much anyone can do about it.
I've been a long time member of another board. There's always a handful of people who skirt the rules and do so just to troll people. He told everyone to knock it off or get banned. Within a few hours, some long time members got the boot.He's admitted that he does this to get revenge on this board. I don't see why he hasn't been banned on general principle. But if he isn't breaking rules then not much anyone can do about it.
He's admitted that he does this to get revenge on this board.
A five page food derail in this thread, and the whole discussion could be in the fast food thread.
Lightning Lord Rule is this true?