Every person I've ever met my life had to undergo a "would I fuck test". Some of those tests were really easy: "No" for men, family, people out of age range, etc; "Possibly" for just about everyone else. We can call it factor X or, hey, I'll do you one better and call it factor A because, as my buddy says, it's the first decision you ever make about anyone you meet (after puberty). After factor A comes everything else you learn about a person: Their race, their name, their accent, their interests, their opinions, their hobbies, their passions, their skills, their connections, whatever. Let's call those factors B through Z (although there would likely be more than 25 of these factors). Somewhere along the line you've seen enough of these factors that this person undergoes a "would I be friends test". Note that they may pass this test before any actual fucking occurs, regardless of factor A. Once someone passes this test they are a friend. Now, if it turns out that this person is not attracted to you because you didn't pass her "would I fuck test" but you did pass her "would I be friends test", then you both qualify as friends to each other, which is the only way that friendship can be measured.
If, on the other hand, you did pass her "would I fuck test" and she passed yours, well, you fuck. And things are different then. But the fact that the fucking might have happened under "different circumstances" (which is pretty fucking arbitrary) changes nothing about the quality of the friendship that already exists there.