Nothing wrong with any of what you said there. I'm not really taking much issue with feminism in this thread, you're lumping me in with other people.You guys act like it's some big revelation that men and women are different. It's not. But you can't just dismiss a gender based on sweeping generalizations.
Let me ask you this: What's the big fucking deal about letting individuals prove themselves relative to what they're trying to accomplish? What is there to gain by systematically restricting the opportunities of a particular gender because "they're not cut out for that stuff"? That's what's been happening, and that's what feminism is trying to eliminate.
lol take this as a sign you fat faggot, even Astro is making fun of you. This is the guy who relied on Lost parties to get this "guy" is still going on about his cherry blossom tours with the ladies. women still have a ways to go to be physically and mentally equal to a male. and honestly i dont think either gender wants that to ever happen. also i have had deeper platonic friendship with a dog than i have ever had with a woman. sure you cant fuck a dog. well you can, then end up being arrested and from then on people will point at you and scream dogfucker. but a dog will always be there for you.![]()
Speaking of sweeping generalizations. I forgot that all females who enter into the military and physically demanding jobs all "work out and train with firearms". While all the men who enter those same jobs are "Mountain Dew guzzling WOW-obsessed shut-ins".There are a lot of women who are better than a lot of men in a lot of male-dominated areas. A woman who works out and trains with firearms would probably be a better soldier than a Mountain Dew guzzling WOW-obsessed shut-in. Usingsweeping generalizations
How is this possible?!?! My reality is being shattered here! I thought women were just as well suited for those jobs, from a physical strength standpoint, as men?! How are they allowing themselves to be overpowered, especially when they are just as aggressive and possess equal physical strength!?men to physically overpower and sexually force themselves on a fellow soldier.
Sorry for lumping you, I mistook you for one of the hundred Agent Smiths charging at my Neo.Nothing wrong with any of what you said there. I'm not really taking much issue with feminism in this thread, you're lumping me in with other people.
I just think it's ridiculous that many people refuse to acknowledge that there are real differences between men and women, and that those differences probably explain a significant amount of the gap in career achievement between men and women that remains after 40+ years of feminism. We'll probably never see true equality between the sexes, because get this, the sexes aren't perfectly equal in every respect.
If you say "women are better at child rearing and emotional nurturing" everyone nods and goes "oh yeah, of course that makes perfect sense". Almost no one will take offense to that or say it's sexist to write men off as emotionless automatons. If you say "men are more single minded and driven to achieve their ambitions, resulting in them more frequently attaining high office or place in everything from business to politics to science", ~5-10% of the population loses their shit and calls you a misogynist asshole while most everyone else either doesn't give a shit or tacitly accepts it as self evident.
bitch are you retardedMaybe there is a fundamental difference in the biological structures that affects how well certain jobs can be done. We don't know much about that.
Wow, you are an idiot, but I like talking to idiots so I'll humor you.Speaking of sweeping generalizations. I forgot that all females who enter into the military and physically demanding jobs all "work out and train with firearms". While all the men who enter those same jobs are "Mountain Dew guzzling WOW-obsessed shut-ins".
I'm sorry, I can't use hand puppets over this message board so I'll have to do my best with the written word, something you've already shown yourself to have trouble with.How is this possible?!?! My reality is being shattered here! I thought women were just as well suited for those jobs, from a physical strength standpoint, as men?! How are they allowing themselves to be overpowered, especially when they are just as aggressive and possess equal physical strength!?
Umm, is "this guy" me? 'Cuz I'm not "going on about" cherry blossom tours. I don't know what the fuck you're talking this "guy" is still going on about his cherry blossom tours with the ladies. women still have a ways to go to be physically and mentally equal to a male. and honestly i dont think either gender wants that to ever happen. also i have had deeper platonic friendship with a dog than i have ever had with a woman. sure you cant fuck a dog. well you can, then end up being arrested and from then on people will point at you and scream dogfucker. but a dog will always be there for you.![]()
What the fuck is a weeaboo?Are you fat AND a weeaboo? I'm almost sorry.
You got something to say, say it. Quoting somebody and saying "bitch are you retarded" (sic) does not a counterargument make. You got an alternative point of view to share? Fucking bring it on.bitch are you retarded
lol, I didnt have Lost parties to get laid, I had them because im a huge nerd. Getting laid was just a happy take this as a sign you fat faggot, even Astro is making fun of you. This is the guy who relied on Lost parties to get laid.
Well, we might disagree about the size of the problem (no way to prove either way), but if you agree there's a biased system you're halfway to being a feminist. The other half is wanting to get rid of the bias. Amazing how big of a problem most of these guys have with that.So even if there's only a teeny, tiny little bit of difference in the ability or desire to achieve between the sexes, that will result in huge disparities in the number of women sitting on corporate boards, winning Nobel prizes, or becoming billionaires. It doesn't all come down to a biased system, although that's certainly been a huge problem in the past, and remains an issue today, albeit a much smaller one.
Nah, I'm not concerned at all. If women are as "badass" and "equal" as you say they are, they'd have around the same rape numbers as men. They don't, because they aren't. Deal with it, cum guzzler.Most importantly, why are you ignoring the key point I made: That RAPE IN THE MILITARY is something you should all be more up in arms about
C'mon, man, you're better than this. You actually brought up a good point before. No need to sink to Kirun levels of retardation. I know you're just trolling for laughs, but if anybody can make a second point that defends anti-feminism, you can. It's getting a bit dull shooting these fish in a barrel.what's wrong with rape? Cry of Rape was just another patriarchal means of controlling women and exploit their fragility to advance men's machoness to be protective of their womenfolk (WHITE MEN MUST PROTECT WHITE WOMEN FROM THE EVILS OF BLACK RAPISTS).
I got bored by your no true scotsman fallacy long time ago, which you are continuing to this page. You are here to sell your title. Continue selling it.C'mon, man, you're better than this. You actually brought up a good point before. No need to sink to Kirun levels of retardation. I know you're just trolling for laughs, but if anybody can make a second point that defends anti-feminism, you can. It's getting a bit dull shooting these fish in a barrel.