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Go fuck yourself. I was best friends with her ex, kind of killed it for me.You're gay bro. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Holy fuck what a tramp. There goes the "you guys just aren't meeting friend quality women" explanation.
Arbitrary? Holy fuck, dude, it's not that hard. Being friendly is not the same as being friends. Facebook has ruined the word. In school you had a handful of friends. Now you have 386 as an adult with a job and responsibilities? Wow, either you're just fucking fantastic at managing your time or you're bastardizing the meaning of the word."Overwhelming majority"? Care to back that up with statistics? Oh wait, you can't because you're speaking out of your ass. Besides, the point several of you are trying to make is not "The majority of men can't be friends with the majority of women", it's "men and women can't be friends". Even if cases where men and women were friends were in the minority, the blanket statement is invalidated. If this were any other topic you guys wouldn't put up with wild and ridiculous generalizations in order to support a point for a second!
If you want you can fool around by putting down as many asterisks as you like:
Men and women can't be friends*
* unless the parties are not attracted to each other
* unless both parties are married
* unless the guy isn't a "real man"
* unless the female is "using" the male as an "emotional tampon"
* unless they're technically just "acquaintances" by some arbitrary definition
* unless they're friends, but not "platonic" friends according to the dictionary
* unless the guy is holding out hope that they'll fuck
* unless they are forced to spend time together (ie: they're co-workers)
Note that in all these cases, the man and woman involved are happy to call each other friends and don't give a shit about your "rules". If two people consider themselves friends, who are you to tell them they're not?
When you have to keep "qualifying" what you mean in order for your statement to work, eventually your original statement just doesn't hold any sway any more.
If you accept that some men can be friends with some women (and your statement implies that you do), then the statement "men and women can't be friends" is false.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to continue this discussion indefinitely, but you're going to have to come up with some better material.
Oh look, another random circumstantially driven exception whereby you actually admit that it 'killed it for you' IE you would have otherwise desired the woman.Go fuck yourself. I was best friends with her ex, kind of killed it for me.
This depth you look for is in your head. It's as simple as this, I don't want to fuck my female friend. When I met her, I also met her then BF and befriended him, and became bros. Insta-kill on that, even though they've since broken up. It just got hard wired. If you look hard enough for a "well that's different" explanation you'll find it. You mention it's not a political thing, but fuck you're trying to crusade it.The sheer enthusiasm with which deniers continue to repeat the same thing over and over is really intriguing to me. This isn't a political thread or something else with incredible complexity. This argument has 0 depth. Every point that was made was made in the first couple pages. The rest is restating it in different words. Most other arguments would fizzle out pages ago, but deniers REALLY want to prove it wrong.
Something weird is going on. There is something you all have in common that makes you wildly insecure or something.
So you're saying that if you woke up this morning to your "friend" sucking your dick you'd have stopped her and told her that you cared too much about your friendship to ruin it over something sexual?This depth you look for is in your head. It's as simple as this, I don't want to fuck my female friend. When I met her, I also met her then BF and befriended him, and became bros. Insta-kill on that, even though they've since broken up. It just got hard wired. If you look hard enough for a "well that's different" explanation you'll find it. You mention it's not a political thing, but fuck you're trying to crusade it.
I'm done, believe whatever you want, I can get value and friendship from all sources, do what the fuck you want.So you're saying that if you woke up this morning to your "friend" sucking your dick you'd have stopped her and told her that you cared too much about your friendship to ruin it over something sexual?
Translation: Hell no he would have let her go to town. Lol.I'm done, believe whatever you want, I can get value and friendship from all sources, do what the fuck you want.
Once again, you're trying to decide for me who my friends are without knowing a thing about either me or my friends.Arbitrary? Holy fuck, dude, it's not that hard. Being friendly is not the same as being friends. Facebook has ruined the word. In school you had a handful of friends. Now you have 386 as an adult with a job and responsibilities? Wow, either you're just fucking fantastic at managing your time or you're bastardizing the meaning of the word.
I wonder what dimension this dude lives in, it sure ass hell ain't realityOnce again, you're trying to decide for me who my friends are without knowing a thing about either me or my friends.
Hey, if it makes you more comfortable to believe my friends aren't actually my friends, knock yourself out. Come up with whatever criteria you want, quote statistics, get out your dictionary, do whatever makes you feel secure in your masculinity.
Here's a story:
When I moved to Halifax, I went to an art school with the plan to get a graphic design degree. Early on in my program, I met this girl who was very open and friendly and, for whatever reason, considered me an interesting enough person to intentionally spend time around me and talk to me. She wasn't what I would consider "hot" but she was cute and charming and bubbly and quirky and had many endearing qualities. We started out hanging out in generic situations (with groups of friends at parties, for example), but became close enough that we could easily spend time together on our own. We would drink, listen to music, watch movies, hang out at her place, go skinny dipping, whatever... She saw in me what I hadn't even seen in myself before then. She was like the polar opposite of me, personality-wise, in that she was extremely outgoing and I, by default, was more reserved. But because of the time I shared with her I grew as a person. She helped me come out of my shell and change the direction of my life from that point on. We actually, for shits and giggles, tried dating for a while, but while she was a pretty good kisser we both realized we weren't cut out to be in a romantic relationship together and were better off as friends. We played a significant role in each other's lives and connected on a level few friends will ever reach regardless of gender. She was a guest at my wedding and is currently pregnant with her second child. She lives in a different province and most of our contact is through Facebook now... oh wait she's not my friend then, she's an acquaintance.
What's that? Oh, she's an exception? Most Facebook friends are people you don't really give a shit about but like to maintain a superficial connection with? Again, we're generalizing. Go ahead and tell me how insignificantYOURFacebook friends are toYOUand I can't argue. As for mine, every one of them has a story. Sure, some of them I don't know allthatwell and I wouldn't necessarily fight over whether or not I can consider them "friends", but others have shared experiences with me that were some of the most important moments of my life. Everybody goes through significant shit. Sometimes, when it goes down, the people in your life who are most connected are male. Sometimes, they're female. Maybe the difference between you and me is that I choose not to subscribe to any particular "that's just the way things are" theory. I find, based on my own experiences, that the less you assume to know about the world, the more you actually learn about the world. I also noticed, and this should be far less difficult to grasp, that any person who has had any experience in any field becomes an authority compared to somebody who has had no experience in that field at all. And yet, you continue insisting to the guy in the tree that he can't climb trees. *sigh*