Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Mobile Game Hunter
Transferred my 50 engineer to stormtalon to saddle up with you guys. Won't ask for an invite until I'm back from Kauai in a week. Still in the process of attunement so I'd be happy to group up with you Qhue.


Trakanon Raider
Are transfers free? What side is the forum guild on (faction wise). I'd like to play with a set group so I could have a reason to log in.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are transfers free? What side is the forum guild on (faction wise). I'd like to play with a set group so I could have a reason to log in.
If you dont mind a PVP server you can have my medic, hes geared and attuned and has 6/6 down in GA. Text me or come into TS one of these nights youngblood.


Trakanon Raider
I'm on a pvp server and I have a lvl 50 warrior - just have no will to log in at night. Been more drawn to dota 2 for a few weeks. You still runnin d3?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm on a pvp server and I have a lvl 50 warrior - just have no will to log in at night. Been more drawn to dota 2 for a few weeks. You still runnin d3?
Stopped when you guys did, by the way Uni and I were dying at that terror of the golf course picture lol


People on Stormtalon who are newly 50 feel free to hit me up if you need a healer. The attunement wave passed me by at the Dungeon Silver stage and so I've been left to PUG my way along and that is not going well lemme tell ya.

I seriously wish the 'kill all world bosses' part was tied to an achievement that was tracked seperately as any World Bosses I help out on now or have done in the past are 100% a waste of time and I already can tell that trying to do them by the time I reach that step will be well nigh impossible.
Ditto Qhue, which is to say healer lfg Silver dungeons.

Problem I have is I don't get much time online during weekdays. Chances are if I'm online I'm either doing dailies or afk

That said, there's a circle that was being advertised last night that is going strictly for Silver completion, both dungeon and adventures. Can provide a little more info (who to talk to) when I get home.

PS - Krassus y u no DataSkape?!


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm willing to help any of you Stormtalon Dominion - SFA guys with silver dungeons. For some reason I enjoy running them for attunements, I always have. The macro goal of getting people attuned is attractive, I guess.

Anyway, IGN Gumbercules. I can't offer much (just a DPS stalker), but at least it's one more willing person to get the ball rolling.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Most of the silver groups I've seen that need people are healers, so I'm surprised I guess? It definitely can be frustrating to 'learn' the dungeon, then a couple hours later someone has to go (whcih is understandable) and then you have to 'learn' again. That said, a lot of it comes down to just the people in the group. There are folks that've been getting pulled through daily, and it's not like it's a carry - anyone that finishes it even if you go with Voldeth's SUPER SQUAD, you're clearly capable of doing it cause nobody is 4 manning the place, period. It takes a LOT of time and effort if you don't want to just go in with 3 or 4 that have already done it and just finish, and even one bad run can cost you an hour and a half.

I don't think anything has passed anyone by at this point I guess is what I'm saying, realistically it's a SUPER long day to carry even 2-3 people through Swordmaiden. World bosses are INFINITELY easier. People that are saying nobody will help them on those are not putting much effort in - most of them are 2-3 mannable, and you can almost always advertise in appropriate zones and get swarms of lowbie pugs, it helps a lot.


<Bronze Donator>
If you're on stormtalon Chaos, Me and 3 real life homies will be 50 within a week or so and will be glad to scrubdungeon with you. I've been playing an engineer tank. I'm Skorj on Stormtalon, Dominion. I haven't joined the RR guild yet because I wasn't sure if I'd be of solid use to the guild, but I may try to sign up just to have reasonable folk to talk to. Is there anyone else in the guild kind of 50 slumming for the most part? or is it all hard core raid guys chomping at the bit?
Hit me up if you guys need an Esper (although just DPS right now unfortunately). I'm hoping to catch back up to the crowd but have fallen behind with some RL responsibilities the past couple weeks. So up for running the first adventures with you guys if you have open spots. Same name as here.

The guild is pretty cool people by and large.


Trakanon Raider
Stopped when you guys did, by the way Uni and I were dying at that terror of the golf course picture lol
Dude the fucking thing is prehistoric. Heard some godzilla music playing in my head when he walked up onto the green like he owned the place.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
About to hit 50 on my stalker. I got a full set of crafted tank gear. Is that enough to do okay in the Veteran dungeons?

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i planned on playing a medic, but at 50 what is currently lacking in pugs? tanks or healers?

also how does tanking with stalkers vs warriors go? are warriors still clearly the better choice?


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, they announced in the stream today that the next dungeon (which should be on the PTR today) is a Protostar Gameshow. There's also another 20-man raid in the pipeline.

They also said they're designing a level 10 teaching dungeon and adding quests to all dungeons so the first time you complete it, you get a really nice reward. Both of those should go a long ways towards encouraging people to learn group content before hitting level 50.

I left the game for a number of reasons, but this has to be among the top ones: I started farming for other people during the infamous Vex Thal shard collection and never stopped, but if I dragged myself through PoP attunements, after trying out dungeons with randoms, my will disappeared like a popsicle under the sun.
Stubborn decisions? I don't know. I won't put up with these anyway.
I think there are benefits to the way they set up attunement in Wildstar. It forces you to do a lot of group content, which gives guilds assurances that you at least have some competency. You'd be destined to failure if there were a lot of people in your guild who had just soloed to 50 and wanted to jump into raids immediately. Getting the key to Genetic Archives isn't just sitting on your ass in a bunch of unrelated zones for hours, crossing your fingers, and praying to the RNG gods. It's just that, once you put in all the work to get your key, you want to be able to move forward, which a lengthy attunement process doesn't necessarily lend itself to.

Fortunately, based on the stream today, it sounds like they might've learned from their mistake. The lead dungeon designer said the next key/attunement process will be a lot less demanding. The examples he gave were more along the lines of completing events/quests in The Strain rather than dungeon or faction grinding.


Lord Nagafen Raider
i planned on playing a medic, but at 50 what is currently lacking in pugs? tanks or healers?

also how does tanking with stalkers vs warriors go? are warriors still clearly the better choice?
Warriors have never been the better choice. Engineer and stalker compete for that with engi pulling ahead, warriors are... not there.

I think there are benefits to the way they set up attunement in Wildstar. It forces you to do a lot of group content, which gives guilds assurances that you at least have some competency. You'd be destined to failure if there were a lot of people in your guild who had just soloed to 50 and wanted to jump into raids immediately. Getting the key to Genetic Archives isn't just sitting on your ass in a bunch of unrelated zones for hours, crossing your fingers, and praying to the RNG gods. It's just that, once you put in all the work to get your key, you want to be able to move forward, which a lengthy attunement process doesn't necessarily lend itself to.

Fortunately, based on the stream today, it sounds like they might've learned from their mistake. The lead dungeon designer said the next key/attunement process will be a lot less demanding. The examples he gave were more along the lines of completing events/quests in The Strain rather than dungeon or faction grinding.
I'm not against group content, hell I love it. I just think that as usual this shit ends up with a "good team" of four, bringing in a different guy every run. It was like this for me since the PoJustice trials in EQ and given that I'm not a person that likes to antagonize or criticize too much the "bads" (not that I'm a superstar, mind you) I just avoid the issue entirely. I love games that reduced the size of the guild activity just for this reason alone.


Tranny Chaser
So a nifty new bug hit me this AM where I cannot change my DPS LAS. I can switch to the secondary LAS just fine, but if I try and remove an ability from the primary LAS or swap the points around at all it completely ignores the new settings. Zoned, relogged, etc and nada.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So a nifty new bug hit me this AM where I cannot change my DPS LAS. I can switch to the secondary LAS just fine, but if I try and remove an ability from the primary LAS or swap the points around at all it completely ignores the new settings. Zoned, relogged, etc and nada.
any mods?!


Tranny Chaser
Entspy is the only addon I have atm although I have installed but not currently loaded Galaxymeter and Bijiplates


i planned on playing a medic, but at 50 what is currently lacking in pugs? tanks or healers?
Neither. Queues pop very fast. You won't be waiting for more than 10 minutes in any role you choose. Even DPS don't sit around for long in this game waiting.

Pug groups actually need more competent DPS than anything else imo. Tanks are easy to heal (most of the time healers are healing DPS who steal aggro anyways), healers are a dime a dozen right now but skilled DPS who can actually figure out a way to do decent DPS, INTERRUPT WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO (or even put one on their bars) and stay out of shit are in short supply.