Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Golden Knight of the Realm
You can't even carry people through SSM silver with 4 atm. We're close to getting Kuralak down in GA but we have a load of people we're still trying to get through the attunement process to get a 2nd GA raid up to be ready for datascape. And SSM is the bottleneck, a huge one. Even with our top players in a 5-man it's still far from a sure thing atm. Take out 1 person to carry them and if theyre not a solid player there's no way silver is happening. If it was more of a sure thing for our strongest 5mans then we would consider doing it as 5 and subbing people out at the end boss, but it's just such a huge time investment for 5 people to get 1-2 people through. They're nerfing it a tiny bit soon (although buffing it in other ways), but right now it's a huge pain in the ass. All about endless trash skipping, wall hacking and hoping for favourable optionals.

Luckily, it's worth it because GA is fucking great.


Log Wizard
You can't even carry people through SSM silver with 4 atm. We're close to getting Kuralak down in GA but we have a load of people we're still trying to get through the attunement process to get a 2nd GA raid up to be ready for datascape. And SSM is the bottleneck, a huge one. Even with our top players in a 5-man it's still far from a sure thing atm. Take out 1 person to carry them and if theyre not a solid player there's no way silver is happening. If it was more of a sure thing for our strongest 5mans then we would consider doing it as 5 and subbing people out at the end boss, but it's just such a huge time investment for 5 people to get 1-2 people through. They're nerfing it a tiny bit soon (although buffing it in other ways), but right now it's a huge pain in the ass. All about endless trash skipping, wall hacking and hoping for favourable optionals.

Luckily, it's worth it because GA is fucking great.
Well last I checked you can person swap before the last boss and they get medal'd. Douchey, but if you need it...


Molten Core Raider
You can't even carry people through SSM silver with 4 atm. We're close to getting Kuralak down in GA but we have a load of people we're still trying to get through the attunement process to get a 2nd GA raid up to be ready for datascape. And SSM is the bottleneck, a huge one. Even with our top players in a 5-man it's still far from a sure thing atm. Take out 1 person to carry them and if theyre not a solid player there's no way silver is happening. If it was more of a sure thing for our strongest 5mans then we would consider doing it as 5 and subbing people out at the end boss, but it's just such a huge time investment for 5 people to get 1-2 people through. They're nerfing it a tiny bit soon (although buffing it in other ways), but right now it's a huge pain in the ass. All about endless trash skipping, wall hacking and hoping for favourable optionals.

Luckily, it's worth it because GA is fucking great.
Maybe your strongest 5 really aren't that strong? or as great as you think?


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I was thinking the same thing. We ran a guildie through SSM the other day to finish him up, and we had 20 minutes left over on silver. Before any of us had set foot in GA. I personally had 1 epic to my name, and several blues with only 2 slots, because I haven't had great drop luck.

Yes, as you mention, it requires creative use of leashing, jumping, etc to speed the run up. But if your strongest 5 people can'treliablysilver SSM, then your strongest 5 are just not that strong. Period.


Trakanon Raider
SSM is not difficult to make the timer. You could easily have 30-40 minutes left if you're not horrible.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
first 2 adventures and dungeon all gold, not really that hard so far


Log Wizard
first 2 adventures and dungeon all gold, not really that hard so far
You just got the game July 11th and you're already golding dungeons?

I R Skeptic.

Some of this shit is just technique. Like my group server first Rift vets, but this shit irks us. Some time's it's comps, some time's it's just interrupt rotations fucking up because we don't trust other people. We're 3/4 silver, but just dipped our toes into SSM and will have it by tomorrow afternoon.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Fairly sure he means the leveling forms of the adventures/dungeons, so probably Riot, level 20 forms of ST/KV, etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So in other words, he's acting like people are saying levelling dungeons are hard (harder than wow dungeons? absolutely. HARD? uh no).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You also have to consider many of the people you are doing dungeons with at this time are alts and people who already know what they are doing. You skip the growing phase and take advantage of experienced players.


Buzzfeed Editor
So in other words, he's acting like people are saying levelling dungeons are hard (harder than wow dungeons? absolutely. HARD? uh no).
Let's not get all MMO-hipster on this shit. It doesn't take anything away to admit that these are difficult encounters for the target audience, which is not bleeding edge organized raiding gamers.If you're running it with the same group you were farming Vex Thal keys with 15 years ago then yeah, you will probably scoff at the very idea.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Let's not get all MMO-hipster on this shit. It doesn't take anything away to admit that these are difficult encounters for the target audience, which is not bleeding edge organized raiding gamers.If you're running it with the same group you were farming Vex Thal keys with 15 years ago then yeah, you will probably scoff at the very idea.
He's the one saying it as if he's some billy badass and the game isn't hard :p Re-read and become a more high information janitor next time.


Log Wizard
It's interesting this is one of the first games I've played where the weight of the group is on the DPS. DPS has to be good at positioning, interrupts, AND DPS. Tanks and Healers need decent gear, but the real carry power is good DPS who know how to do DPS well.


Trakanon Raider
So, did I get kicked from the guild (Korvok) I Just logged in and I'm guildless. ;-;
No. The guild bugged out and had to be reformed. Ticket is already in to hopefully restore it. If you need an invite send a tell to the usual suspects.


It's interesting this is one of the first games I've played where the weight of the group is on the DPS.DPS has to be good at positioning, interrupts, AND DPS. Tanks and Healers need decent gear, but the real carry power is good DPS who know how to do DPS well.
How different is that from the many encounters in WOW that rely heavily in positioning and superior DPS?


Lord Nagafen Raider
No. The guild bugged out and had to be reformed. Ticket is already in to hopefully restore it. If you need an invite send a tell to the usual suspects.
That sucks, I was also perplexed this morning when I logged in. Hope it gets fixed up soon.