Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Oh that is the worst decision. People will quit in the next few days and they will fix that.
Personally, I might shelving this game for now. I don't think I want to put forth my best effort for an increased chance of lower tier drops. That really doesn't make sense to me. Adventures/Dungeons were a good way for me to work at it because I could log in, heal up even PUG runs that could get Gold. Two or three of them and I was good for a day even if I personally didn't get anything, it was the certainty of knowing that I would at least see a purp after it was over.

Knowing now that the same effort now rewards me with an increased chance of lower tier gear isn't really much of an incentive either way. I'm sure it's good for the vast majority of casual players in the game that can't figure out how to put interrupts on their hotbars or when to use them when they actually figure it out, but it really doesn't do much for the people they claim they won't dumb the content down for.

Sure, you can buy some crafted stuff but I'm not really trying to make someone else rich, that's dough out of my pocket.

Besides, FFXIV is kicking up now with a lot of content so I'll just spend more time in that. Probably just log in for dailies then out again. If this isn't fixed within a month, unsub time.


Log Wizard
From what I've heard dungeons actually made the gold-tier purples available to everyone, and a good chance the higher the medal. So basically only the adventures got nerfed. The idea I think is to get everyone a lot of pieces of gear in a run and then have a small chance for an 'uber' item. After you get your blues you go to dungeons. Maybe you have an awesome purple or two, maybe not. Don't matter.

Though crafting gear is better for about 80% of classes/slots.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Personally, I might shelving this game for now. I don't think I want to put forth my best effort for an increased chance of lower tier drops. That really doesn't make sense to me. Adventures/Dungeons were a good way for me to work at it because I could log in, heal up even PUG runs that could get Gold. Two or three of them and I was good for a day even if I personally didn't get anything, it was the certainty of knowing that I would at least see a purp after it was over.

Knowing now that the same effort now rewards me with an increased chance of lower tier gear isn't really much of an incentive either way. I'm sure it's good for the vast majority of casual players in the game that can't figure out how to put interrupts on their hotbars or when to use them when they actually figure it out, but it really doesn't do much for the people they claim they won't dumb the content down for.

Sure, you can buy some crafted stuff but I'm not really trying to make someone else rich, that's dough out of my pocket.

Besides, FFXIV is kicking up now with a lot of content so I'll just spend more time in that. Probably just log in for dailies then out again. If this isn't fixed within a month, unsub time.
I like how you group dungeons and adventures together, as if gold in those two things were remotely similar.


From what I've heard dungeons actually made the gold-tier purples available to everyone, and a good chance the higher the medal. So basically only the adventures got nerfed. The idea I think is to get everyone a lot of pieces of gear in a run and then have a small chance for an 'uber' item. After you get your blues you go to dungeons. Maybe you have an awesome purple or two, maybe not. Don't matter.

Though crafting gear is better for about 80% of classes/slots.
So basically adventures are worse than AH bought gear now is what you're saying.


I like it but opportunity blown.
Should have changed the weather so these two guys could live there.


I know I'm being a little trite here, but aren't people forgetting the fact that getting golds also qualifies you to (some) purples on the elder gem vendor?


True but at the moment most people are still very frugal with those. 140 a week is not a lot. The world drop change for amp/ability points might allow people to consider buying gear with points, but even then it would take an amazing item. You're gonna kick yourself if a few months go by and you realize you wasted 2-3 weeks of points.


The change to Medal rewards is complicated. Its a nerf to those with organized groups who could slam out Gold adventures with their eyes closed, buts its a HUGE buff to those without organized groups. I can't count the number of pugs that have fallen apart due to a single person dying and "losing Gold for us", at least now those groups have a reason to keep going. For Dungeons, its a buff to everyone but the .05% who can consistently Gold the dungeons. Now there is a reason to do the dungeons other than for practice.

The biggest problem (IMO) is their itemization. Adventure/Dungeon blues are barely better than the crap you had from leveling, making things into an EPIC OR BUST scenario. They should have made Epics rare as fuck, and had the end-game blues be the "standard".


Lord Nagafen Raider
Still having purples be guaranteed wouldn't have done much to stop the "gold or bust" mentality. A 100% guaranteed purple for getting gold still would've blown twochancesat purple out of the water, so you'd still have people quitting the moment gold was no longer obtainable. I don't really think there were any other reasonable ways for them to address the toxicity that was occurring than making purples no longer a guaranteed drop.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
They should have just moved the adventure epics to the dungeons in this patch. Adventures are way too easy to be getting great epics from, and dungeons are legit challenging. Something like dungeons dropping 50/50 blues/epics would probably work, get you 2-3 epics per run from a dungeon silver/gold.


Buzzfeed Editor
idk, I guess it depends on how low the rate is right now. I haven't been able to get on and really see, I will probably get on this weekend. If anything it gives me more incentive to hit up dungeons now, I have been dragging my feet with that because yuck pugs in vet dungeons.

The guild is back, right?


Buzzfeed Editor
Cool will do.

Someone should point out, too, that their person/guild search system sucks ginormous balls. the '/who' command is pretty standard across MMOs, but in this game just returns people in your area and cannot be customized with operators. I never bothered adding people from the guild to my friends list, because they are in the guild, no point right? If something happens you can always just find them! Well you can't and I cannot fathom why they designed it like they did.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Personally, I might shelving this game for now. I don't think I want to put forth my best effort for an increased chance of lower tier drops. That really doesn't make sense to me. Adventures/Dungeons were a good way for me to work at it because I could log in, heal up even PUG runs that could get Gold. Two or three of them and I was good for a day even if I personally didn't get anything, it was the certainty of knowing that I would at least see a purp after it was over.

Knowing now that the same effort now rewards me with an increased chance of lower tier gear isn't really much of an incentive either way. I'm sure it's good for the vast majority of casual players in the game that can't figure out how to put interrupts on their hotbars or when to use them when they actually figure it out, but it really doesn't do much for the people they claim they won't dumb the content down for.

Sure, you can buy some crafted stuff but I'm not really trying to make someone else rich, that's dough out of my pocket.

Besides, FFXIV is kicking up now with a lot of content so I'll just spend more time in that. Probably just log in for dailies then out again. If this isn't fixed within a month, unsub time.
Seriously though, this game is practically designed to be un-fun. Fuck this.


Trakanon Raider
Seriously though, this game is practically designed to be un-fun. Fuck this.
The information that you're quoting to make that assessment is just wrong. I don't even mean that as in he got a small part of his post wrong - he got the entire thing wrong.

To understand the change you need to understand how gear in Wildstar works. You cannot treat Wildstar loot like you do World of Warcraft loot. It isn't about blues & purples. It's about slots. Anyone who thinks that they have full BIS loot or a BIS item is probably an idiot. Getting the item to drop that you want (be it a purple or blue) is less than half the battle. To get a BIS item you also need to get it to drop with BIS slots. This is maybe a 1 out of a million drop.

With the change and the additional loot rolls, you gain an exceptionally better chance at getting drops that will have good slots even if you don't complete it with a good medal ranking. THIS IS EXCELLENT FOR CASUAL_TIMMY. It makes gearing up and being able to compete with players that have purples possible.

The ONLY people who were negatively impacted by this change are players who were consistently gold medaling dungeon. This is the 1% of the 1%. Any 'casual' player (as the one you quoted) who wants to log in for a few hours and get decent loot and feel that their character has advanced has been given just that with the change. The issue is they're not smart enough to realize how it works and are instead busy looking at spreadsheets with BiS items and thinking that it's been made even more difficult for them to obtain. It didn't.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Nah, I'm just citing the change as one more thing Carbine is doing to intentionally make the game less fun.
The abysmal leveling experience is one glaring example. Attunement is another.

It's. just. not. fun.

And it therefore can fuck itself hard.