Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Lord Nagafen Raider
RE: Path's I went Settler, I like it well enough, it has probably the most "useful" perks with the summonable vendor, mailbox, and fire?(I think its a crafting station? Obviously I don't use it). The vendor can be helpful and the mailbox is awesome for mailing shit to your alts if your bags are too full and you don't want to vendor etc. The stuff is actually useful and I like that the stations I make are used by everyone around. The tasks aren't too terribly awful or big time sinks so I think it's ok.

Scientist probably has the best path ability with the Illum port every hour (fuck that 24 hour cooldown on the normal one) and the group summon is nice too. It does seem tedious from my limited experience though, same thing with Explorer if you don't like that kind of thing.

Soldier gets the cool title I think and that's all the good I've heard from that.

RE: Skipping quests, the zone rep comes really fast and the level you need to buy the amps is pretty low (third level of rep I believe?) not sure how far you need to go for the raid attunement.


FPS noob
credd is live $20 can be gifted
Shop | WildStar MMORPG

would be curious how much its selling for in game. if its like TERA it'll spike up massively in the first 72 hours, then drop rapidly to 20-30% of the highest price.


Lord Nagafen Raider
credd is live $20 can be gifted
Shop | WildStar MMORPG

would be curious how much its selling for in game. if its like TERA it'll spike up massively in the first 72 hours, then drop rapidly to 20-30% of the highest price.
Earlier than I thought it would come, be interesting to watch it play out the next week or so, sadly don't think I have enough coin to get involved in the market for it yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think this game is making a lot of us question just exactly what it is that we're looking for in MMORPGs these days. It's pretty obvious by a lot of previous posts that many people have the same concern. There is a lot of charm in this game, and it has a lot of potential. You can tell that the devs put a lot of effort into this game. If I ask myself why it is that I'm losing interest in the game so quickly, a lot of things come to mind. Phasing is a big part of it. The questing system is another. Next, I start to ask myself how these systems could be implemented better, or if I'm even capable of enjoying this type of game anymore. It feels like a job for me from the starting instance all the way to end game, and I have to ask myself if I'm actually having fun, or just trying to convince myself that I am.

Rant time: Of course, other things bother me about the game. A lot of people praise the combat system, but the fact that monsters still hit you, unless you are outside of their hit range annoys me. It's like half action combat, half old style. You can't dodge basic attacks, only the special attacks that they do. I absolutely hate addons, I know I bitch about it constantly. I think this bullshit should be implemented into the UI and optional in the system menu, or not in the game at all. Every aspect of the UI should be customizable, but fuck addons. Sprinting is a pain in the dick. It just adds another element of annoyance that I have to deal with everytime I want to move, whether on mount or off. Like someone before said, it doesn't make you feel faster when you use it, it makes you feel slow as fuck when you don't. The. Fucking. Visuals. I just can't stand them. It's a personal thing, I know. Also, you all don't have to tell me. I know the game will still look "amazing" in 50 years while every non-cartoon MMORPG will look like shit, and I'm sure you'll still be playing it in 50 years too. I don't even want to get started on that bullshit. Fun fact, I have to stop and analyze over half of the models in this game for 4 minutes just to tell what the hell I'm looking at. Seizure inducing particle effect orgies, everywhere. I could write a book of shit that pisses me off about this game, but it isn't even worth it. I knew it was WoW 2.0 from the start, and I even had a fuck-wow and everything like it mentality going into this. To say that I gave this game the benefit of the doubt is an understatement of the grandest scale.

Yeah, maybe I am addicted.
Levelling wise, the best experience I ever had was GW2, bar none, with the sole exception of vanilla wow/vanilla EQ2, but only because at the time it was new and fresh compared to grinding shit all the time.
GW2 made it fun and rewarding to just go around killing everything that moved and rewarded pure exploration with chests, vistas and similar stuff, map completion came later.
WS is funny if you avoid half the stuff, like tasks etc as other said here. I tried to be a completionist, but I just can't, I outlevel most shit, it becomes green, it gives almost no exp and it's boring.
Now I explore (explorer) and do storyline only. My esper was sadly a soldier, but that's not particularly annoying, just pointless most of the times.
Apparently I'll have to tank, so stalker explorer and I'm as happy as I can be in this type of game. To be honest I'm not concerned too much about the fotm class or best tank or faster levelling path etc. I want to have fun and nothing else, if I find a way, cool, if not, screw it, time to go play something else.


2 Minutes Hate
I like WS leveling the same as GW2 because you have to at least pay attention while you're fighting so it's somewhat engaging. What I don't like, as everyone has mentioned, is the menial tasks you have to do.


I like WS leveling the same as GW2 because you have to at least pay attention while you're fighting so it's somewhat engaging. What I don't like, as everyone has mentioned, is the menial tasks you have to do.
Earlier yesterday I tried doing a quest, I had to follow this little bug around called "Mr Wiggles" and he dug up "truffles" for me to harvest. The GF thought it was the cutest thing on the planet. I was like, "I'm a galactic hero, I murder tons of people in tiki-mask town, why am I following Mr. Wiggles around?"

I let wiggles die to a cat and then queued for pvp and never looked back.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I really miss GW2 leveling. Yah, it's basically questing in a different form but it was fun. I think I don't mind questing as much as I thought I did. I'm just tired of fucking having to click everything. Just give me some pop up narrative of what I'm doing and a progress bar and send me on my way. If I am around something that needs to die then let me kill it right there and then with a pop up progress bar. Also dynamic event's in zones are way better then phasing bullshit. Rift and GW2 basically had the right idea but fell short. Game makers now need to expand and improve on the idea making them more complex and actually dynamic.


Log Wizard
Anyone Gold Medal'd a Vet Dungeon yet? My group is just doing Vet Adventures for our free purple's right now. We're not sure where the tank/healer really needs to be to start this shit with a decent chance at silver/gold.


I also enjoyed the GW2 leveling system. I ended up with multiple max level characters within a very short time frame, and I enjoyed it for the most part. Also, the world felt much more alive than in WS. As a mostly solo leveler, I never really felt like I was playing a single player game unless I was doing the single player quests. I would even go as far as to say that the GW2 leveling system might be part of the reason I can no longer stand the more traditional WoW-like quests that WS offers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll be selling a CREDD for whatever the cost of a full Raidin' costume set is.


Anyone who plays this game is a simpleton. Just another WoW clone with shitty quest hub leveling, horrible arena style PVP aoe-fests, and shitty action combat worse than tera.

Come at me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really miss GW2 leveling. Yah, it's basically questing in a different form but it was fun. I think I don't mind questing as much as I thought I did. I'm just tired of fucking having to click everything. Just give me some pop up narrative of what I'm doing and a progress bar and send me on my way. If I am around something that needs to die then let me kill it right there and then with a pop up progress bar. Also dynamic event's in zones are way better then phasing bullshit. Rift and GW2 basically had the right idea but fell short. Game makers now need to expand and improve on the idea making them more complex and actually dynamic.
The thing I liked the most about GW2's leveling is I never felt tied to a particular area. I could just run around, go where I want, and there was usually something that'd pop up that I could do no matter where I was. It sort of felt like EverQuest again where you were just going where the exp was instead of checking off a list of errands you were sent on. It made exploration a lot more rewarding, whereas the quest hud method almost discourages it: You come across a new area and instantly think, "Oh, I probably shouldn't go in there until I find the quests for it. I don't want to outlevel them!"

However, I think the trade-off of that was that there was very little narrative aside from the personal story and dungeons. Wildstar may have the quest hubs, but if you enjoy lore, I think they allow you to feel more of a connection to the world. I know some people will disagree of the importance of this, but for me, having a story for why I'm doing the things I'm doing allows me to get more immersed in the game world.


2 Minutes Hate
Anyone who plays this game is a simpleton. Just another WoW clone with shitty quest hub leveling, horrible arena style PVP aoe-fests, and shitty action combat worse than tera.

Come at me.
Every single time you post it's like a brilliant gem of amazing. I would like to keep you forever.