Windows 8


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Ah, I was using the Windows Update Assistance thing from the original download link in my e-mail. Windows 8 is installed now (painless like usual, it is actually a really nice and quick upgrade process from 7 to 8). But the version of Windows 8 it downloads apparently doesn't have the KB update that allows you to find 8.1 in the MS Store, so going through the Windows 8 update process so that I can see the 8.1 upgrade and then start that one.


Trump's Staff
Yeah, we got a new computer at work and while I was setting it up I had to go through the update/restart process I think 3 times, over 100 updates, before the 8.1 update would show :/


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Everything is pretty nice and I'm happy. Only thing I can't figure out is my wireless performance has taken a complete shit. With Windows 7 I could always connect at 120 - 150 mbs, now I can't get over 30 - 50. Granted it is a little USB dongle thing but certainly wasn't present earlier today. Will mess around and Google Fu, maybe find something. Think I have another wireless dongle around here somewhere too.

*edit: Yeah, back up to 150 on the other dongle... not sure what's going on with the other one. Oh well, can't complain


Blackwing Lair Raider
depends if you play games or not, lots of people have benchmarked things like BF4 as 15-30% faster under Win8.1 with a lot less lag spikes. Nvidia drivers etc are all optimized better under Win8.1. Under the hood Win8.1 does a lot of stuff better, especially with things like SSD drives and UEFI booting. Its all of course balanced by shitty metro, but honestly with classic whatever config and Start8 (or pokki) I don't see a difference at all between my 8.1 and 7 in terms of day to day use. Sometimes you get that goddamn Metro full screen window and you rage at your PC for a few seconds, but life goes on.

Whats hilarious is my parents PC has win8 too (new PC this fall) and for a week my dad literally would restart the computer every time he got trapped in the metro screen, since he didn't know how to get out of it. Fortunately with 8.1, if you choose the go-away-metro stuff you rarely see it anymore.
Thanks for this post! I just ordered one of them Lenovo gaming laptops with Win8 on it, and had only heard the bad things about the UI so far, so it's nice to hear that there are good reasons to give 8 an honest try instead of reverting to 7 straight out of the box.

So... how much of the first 10 pages of this thread are still useful info? Would it be worth the time/effort to go back and read any of that? I've been a full-time Linux user since early 2010 after I tried Win7 for about a month, so I consider myself pretty much total Windows noob/born again virgin at this point.


If your Lenovo laptop has a touch screen, Windows 8 is pretty friggin awesome and downgrading to 7 would make no sense at all. The lack of touch on my MacBook Pro has become consistently frustrating in comparison, especially when some things scream for touch (like the launchpad).

If you don't have touch, Windows 8 is better than 7 (imo) but it takes a bit more to appreciate the differences. Once you learn the new windows key shortcuts and get comfortable with opening stuff by typing instead of the significantly slower method of trying to click on it then you really start to appreciate Win8. Rather than moving a mouse around and hunting through menus, I can open any application in around 1 second with: Windows key -> first 2-3 letters -> enter key. Windows Key + x is especially nice for control panel type stuff. For example, to get to the device manager I can just hit Windows Key + X -> M and be there in under a second rather than the old method of start menu -> control panel -> whatever the fuck you used to do in Win7.

I also recommend making your Metro background match your desktop background to make switching between the two less jarring.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I also recommend making your Metro background match your desktop background to make switching between the two less jarring.
I think that is a great idea. However, it took me a while to even find the option (decided not to Google it and just find it on my own). It wasn't in "PC Settings" for Display or what-not, it wasn't in Personalize either. Could only change the Lock Screen and Account Picture there. I ended up having to type "background" for the option to come up in search and once clicked it let me choose it from the sidebar menu. And I have no idea how to get to that setting through a normal menu. On the other hand, search worked spectacularly for finding that option and going right to it rather than through menu settings windows.


Trump's Staff
I think that is a great idea. However, it took me a while to even find the option (decided not to Google it and just find it on my own). It wasn't in "PC Settings" for Display or what-not, it wasn't in Personalize either.
It is under Personalization from the charm menu, but you need to have the Start menu active. If you are using Personalization from the Desktop, that's the setting window you're gonna get. The charms are always contextual.


Is it possible to have collapsing folders on the all Apps screen that either expand with a click or hover? For example, I have a "Office Apps" folder, inside of which is a "Libre Office" folder the contents of which are always shown on the Apps screen. Or default the rarely used "Windows ..." folders to a collapsed state to save screen real-estate. I'd like to get the Apps screen to one screen and in general just make it more manageable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If it's not something you use often just hide it and use the search to find it when you need it. Way faster than searching for the right icon.


Molten Core Raider
anyone using a cracked version of win8 off IPT? getting my new PC and wanna run win 8 instead of 7.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The old cracks weren't like the new ones, because activation wasn't as secure so they didn't need to be so low level. The hacked bootloaders they use to crack windows now put all sorts of security holes in your system.


Molten Core Raider
so if i was going to purchase win 8, would i go pro or?? i know nothing at all about windows 8 ive just heard its alot better for memory management or something, and if you can get over the changes it runs faster overall, any thoughts?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Windows 8 is worth it if you're using a decent SSD for your system drive. Otherwise not really worth it.


Molten Core Raider
ill have a ssd, but only for games then a regular drive for other shit, is there really no performance gain? should i just stick to windows 7?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I wouldn't worry about it if Windows isn't installed on the SSD as your primary drive.


Molten Core Raider
alright ill stick to win 7, wish i remembered what version the one i have now was on ipt its worked flawless even updates.


Death and Taxes
Windows 8 is worth it if you're using a decent SSD for your system drive. Otherwise not really worth it.
False. Windows 8 is a superior OS over Windows 7. Period. It doesn't matter if you have an SSD or not. If you dislike the "Metro" interface and prefer the taskbar you just go toNinite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Onceand install Classic Start.

I'd be interested in why people still think 8 is worse than 7.