

<Gold Donor>
Ok FOH bros I need some advise / help . My father in law made this sign for us in 2020. It was made out of scrap wood & vinyl tape. This is what it looked like when he made it in 2020.

Before 2020 .jpg

Unfortunately he’s no longer with us and 4 years of SNV summers (100-120 highs + single digit humidity) have beat the shit out of it. Note: A few years ago I replaced the letters with wood ones that have since delaminated.

now - left .jpg
now - right.jpg

My woodworking skill is I took wood shop in high school. PC's are more my thing but I need some advice about what I can do to rehab this to make it last longer. The backing and letters are basically garbage now. But throwing away the bears/cat – cat tail is a non starter. Nor is throwing that garbage dollar store bird house in the trash where it belongs as my wife said a ‘good friend’ gave it to her and it’s special.

I have broken down most of the sign since it was screwed together for the most part. I cannot tell how the tail is attached and I’m thinking it’s wood glued. If I can get the tail off I would like to repaint the bears/cat and attach it to an engineered wood product. Any recommendations there? I have skill saws/chop saws but assume I’d need a special blade to cut engineered wood (Trek/etc).

I have 3” metal letters to go back so I’m good there but the rest I’m a little lost. Is there a good paint / covering I can put on it all to make it take the sun beating better?

Feel free to talk shit about the work but help a brother out huh?

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Ok FOH bros I need some advise / help . My father in law made this sign for us in 2020. It was made out of scrap wood & vinyl tape. This is what it looked like when he made it in 2020.

View attachment 546535
Unfortunately he’s no longer with us and 4 years of SNV summers (100-120 highs + single digit humidity) have beat the shit out of it. Note: A few years ago I replaced the letters with wood ones that have since delaminated.

View attachment 546536 View attachment 546537 View attachment 546538

My woodworking skill is I took wood shop in high school. PC's are more my thing but I need some advice about what I can do to rehab this to make it last longer. The backing and letters are basically garbage now. But throwing away the bears/cat – cat tail is a non starter. Nor is throwing that garbage dollar store bird house in the trash where it belongs as my wife said a ‘good friend’ gave it to her and it’s special.

I have broken down most of the sign since it was screwed together for the most part. I cannot tell how the tail is attached and I’m thinking it’s wood glued. If I can get the tail off I would like to repaint the bears/cat and attach it to an engineered wood product. Any recommendations there? I have skill saws/chop saws but assume I’d need a special blade to cut engineered wood (Trek/etc).

I have 3” metal letters to go back so I’m good there but the rest I’m a little lost. Is there a good paint / covering I can put on it all to make it take the sun beating better?

Feel free to talk shit about the work but help a brother out huh?

It looks like the cats are screwed to the 2x4 backer blocks. I can see the heads from the front and tips sticking out the back. Try backing them out and odds are fair you're fine. If there's also glue you could try a heat gun. Or just go scorched earth and take an oscillating multi tool to the back. Cut the screws, chop up the 2x4, and then sand the back of the cats flush. But I'd bet the screws are the extent of it

Durable outdoor finishes are tough. Moisture, UV, and changing temperatures will mess up about anything. You could refresh the paint and maybe put some marine varnish over it. Most outdoor objects need touchups every couple years.