The announce date for HC was basically instant to release, yet classic WoW took years. SoM took how dang long for announce to release?
HC is on t***ewow and other private servers where tur***wow has a playerbase of 8k people or more and they dont take down the server even WITH HC release.
A guy just posted about how era classic client has 7 layers to it now basically destroying the version altogether for open world pvp and meaningfulness in multiple contexts.
All our addons are broken and strangely no devs are interested in fixing most of them despite the fact that... era and HC are allegedly just as popular as wotlk. HC MUST be very popular with our client if you look at all discord activity on HC and realize the HC numbers on private servers themselves, the activity must be massive for official blizz HC.
Bots are sort of banned then not banned for era, economy is in shambles for some items but not other items strangely.
People are getting banned for certain things but not other things....
what the F is going on here?
Do i even need to MENTION how the wow classic red**it subforum for classic wow is basically ONLY era and HC posts and wotlk is barely even mentioned? FIVE THOUSAND people at any given time are looking at the R subforum.
PEOPLE, is this NOT adding up to anyone else?
What is going on????