So if there were not world quests then what would you log in and do?
Also there is nothing story related tied to the turtles. I enjoy those world quests and I am not sure why others don't. If you don't like them though you can certainly skip them.
Right now there is plenty to do. Finish your mythics, do the achieves for the mount, farm some of the new mounts/pets, do island expeditions (these are pretty fun), World PvP is actually fun now too for the most part with warmode on. Dailies were never a reason for me to log in and keep my subscription going. They were always a reason for me to quit the fucking game.
You cannot just "skip" World Quests. There is no "just don't do them if you don't like them". They are the ONLY way to raise your rep. Rep that's needed for many major unlocks, both story and achievement related. The turtles are required for Pathfinder. They are a requirement to advance your character. If rep was not tied to World Quests you would be able to target one and grind it out, so you'd be able to do that instead of these stupid fucking world quests.
Time gating sucks. It always has and it always will. Requiring you to log in every day or miss out on important character advancement was never a good idea, nor was it ever a reason to keep your sub running. It's amazing that Blizzard, and apologists like you, don't understand this. This doesn't keep sub numbers up because people feel obligated to log in every day. It drives sub numbers down as people get sick and tired of being forced to do shitty world quests over and over.
If you take a poll of everyone in this thread on whether dailies keep them subscribed to wow, make them cancel their sub, or they are indifferent to them I'm pretty confident nobody would answer that they're a reason to keep your sub alive. Nobody ever said to themselves "Well there's nothing to do if I log in except these dailies. But they are totally worth logging in for. Guess I'll sub for another month". There isn't a single person in this thread who kept their sub active through all of Legion because of World Quests. Not one.