I took 2 days to hit 120. Wasn't going to do the all night grind. I've only used Champions of Azeroth contract the whole time, although I didn't have one for the entirety of my first day doing WQ's. I've also had the most obscene luck with my mission table. Any reputation mission (which I prioritize right now), I bonus even if I'm at 40 or 50% chance. Literally I think I have a 100% bonus rate on rep missions since the expansion started. When it's azerite cluster missions for AP, I fail the bonus virtually no matter what even with 90% bonus chance. I've seen a lot of weird completely non random things like that in the expansion so far, like certain WQ rewards that titanforge or upgrade for virtually every single member of my guild that does them. I myself have had 5 belt rewards from WQ and every single one has upgraded, 4 TF, 1 WF. 1 or 0, not random.
I'm just curious how others have higher Tortollan rep by that big of a margin. Don't think I've been missing any at all. Are there more normal quest chains for them other than the one hub in Zuld? Do Horde just get more Tort rep naturally while questing/leveling?