Blizzard customer service concern as staff accept cash to exit Irish hub
Yes, paying your customer service employees a year's worth of salary to fuck off is a good sign for the company and the quality of its customer service.
Yes, after "a lean expansion" you have to plan for a "a lean year".
I'm watching Asmon watch another Ion and his but buddy video, and Ion always looks like he is so far up his own asshole that he can't see past his own shit.
I've been playing since vanilla and only took an actual break where I didn't pay for a sub once and that was right after Sunwell came out and I sold off my account. I started back up after a friend had an extra account with an 80 on it already, during Wrath, right before Trial of the Crusader released and I'd been subbed ever since.
During all that time I felt it was worth keeping an subscription active, even though I may not have been playing that much at certain points during each expansion, but now I've finally done it and unsubscribed. This expansion has really just killed it for me, just like many others.
Not that you were asking me, but for me it's specifically class design and how much worse everything feels vs legion. Leveling a new class feels better because I don't have much experience with it, but not all that much.
This was it for me. BfA is the first time in any MMO ever where I actually felt like I got less powerful as I leveled through an expansion. I lost utility, I lost strength vs. enemies, and as such, I lost fun. It's the exact opposite of how an MMO expansion is supposed to feel.
There is still tons of stuff to do in BfA, but what's the point when my character feels like boring, weak shit while doing it? No thanks, I'll play other games.