Never said I was smartSo way before the current state of the game where Ion is trying to beat raiders who play this game for a living. And you're arguing about things like AOTC which you can out gear and brute force after about 2 weeks.
At least you're a healer though which is the hardest role in raid. Noodle is just a braindead tank.
You guys are so lame playing Devils Advocate
Not awful. Last raid I was doing mythic raids, I didn't wear a single m plus drop. It was all raids or weekly chest.For those of you who say M+ is the best thing to happen to this game. How does doing shit like this feel you retarded fuckers?
Not awful. Last raid I was doing mythic raids, I didn't wear a single m plus drop. It was all raids or weekly chest.
Oh look the guy who raids LFR while afk has more to say on end game itemization....
Did they ever consider other Mythic metrics besides time trial? I sometimes think the push for speed at all costs is what leads to some of the bigger issues with Mythic+ content for some people. Might be fun to have 'total damage taken' or 'average health percentage during clear' or something other than pure rush and try-to-skip.
If it wasn't timed, you would see people cheesing in different and less entertaining ways (waiting for CDs every pull). Timed runs are fine, and there is a limited amount you can skip. The challenge mode and mythic + design has been one of the more fun/rewarding additions to the game - especially for those not active in raiding guilds.