In Legion, you could cheese that meter so bad on so many fights. I know of a few, that if I were still playing one here in BFA, that I could cheese the fk out of as well. They are no where near helping to "get the job done" during these bosses, but I get to show everyone how big my meter is. Byoingggg!
Seriously, here is the flaw with the class. Even Bellular or w/e says it in his video. The difference between someone that is skilled at the class versus the person that tops out skill level wise at normal difficulty is night and day. They keep adjusting the class, and how its played cause the top 2% of people playing the class dwarf other peoples DPS. The second top 10% of people that play the class, play at a level that matches the top 2% of people playing other classes, and may even do better. I feel bad for the Spriest class - In legion, it was organic and graphically cool as fk. They needed to neuter Surrender to Madness and stop there. Instead, they kept S2M in a "milder" state, and started "adjusting" other parts of the class so they could keep S2M.
The Spriest forum has vocally spoke out about how to fix the class, (Funny enough, Bellular says in that same video about how "his ideas" would fix that class, but the forum community had been talking about those same ideas far before he made his lil' video. Lame ass fker.) but no, thats not how Blizzard works. They dont take feed back, they do things their own way. But fk, if I had my head so far up my ass that I only looked at the WoW forums - I'd ignore that shit too.