But people insist on messing with my mojo lately in high keys and I'm going to have to toughen up. I roleplay a hardchatter on FOH but in-game I'm a pussy, and I've been getting beat up on by the PUG scene by the most retarded 15 year old kiddie arguments ever. Had to reassess and rebalance. I had to remind myself I'm not some school kiddie.
I always stop playing WoW for this reason, and no expansion has fully fixed this issue in design.
WoW has an insanely big player pool with servers all merged into one battlegroup. You're better off just depleting a key and then pushing it with another person, compared to actually working with that person who is underperforming to improve. At least, that's a result of the design.
There's no sense in arguing with people ingame that have been ingrained with this level of toxicity. And it's the 'norm' now due to the level of 'competition' fostered by the loot/gearing system. You're rewarded for doing better, but there's been no ways to help new players improve.
Let's say you come into SL at the middle of this expansion: Despite not being time gated as hard, there's multiple weeks of loot you're now behind on, and your class is basically useless until you get that level of gear. Your options are: be one shot in battlegrounds, until you catch up. And ruin your seasonal rating so you can maybe participate in the next PVP season with the gear you got from this one. But if you stop playing for more than 2 weeks, you won't be able to catch up.
You're outnumbered on finding reasonable, sane people to group with as a result.
No gear? No group, unless you're playing with people slightly above the gear level foodchain you're on. Or you're playing with people who are incredibly toxic and shit on you underperforming despite knowing your gear. Back to farming BGs and solo quests until you have the level of anxiety die down enough to group - outside of whatever schmucks you conned into playing the game with you, if any.
At least with games like EQ, Warhammer Online, DAoC etc - the content is either insanely numbers dependent, or you have a 'team' constantly working in your interest because the barrier of entry does not require you to socialize, and there's incentive to actually protect the 'new players' - you can utilize them later in a numbers sense, and make a friend in the process. That, and those games have a population that is microscopic compared to WoW.