Imagine real life is an MMO, and there's a tried and true specialization for women that has existed for thousands of years. It's not always perfect, but it's been the meta spec since the dawn of civilization. Take the talents Not a slut, Don't be crazy, Devoted partner, and Traditionalist. The rest of the talent rows are largely irrelevant as long as you take two of the following: Educated, Evangelical, Good Housekeeping, or Motherhood. Don't take Polyamorous or Karen no matter what wifey-veins or some spreadsheet nerd from the Wife and Taxes forums says! If you take these specs there are good odds you will be desired and receive several offers from multiple men to join their stable and well-to-do guilds. You may not get into the top Mythic guilds like Hollywood or Sports Celebrities, but you will earn stable gold income per day, as well as be part of a tight knit guild that doesn't have people constantly coming and going.
The ladies in Tide's post that chase after celebrities are crazy cat ladies. They're Feral DPS when you had to juggle all these debuffs and hope the stars align at the right time on a single target. 99.9% of the time it fails, but if you try enough times you might be one of the lucky ones.
Feminism is everyone that actively rejects the safe meta specs that have always worked and have never been nerfed. They want to prove their garbage off-meta specs can produce the same results no matter what. They will defy all logic no matter how much you talk to them; they are the die hard Ret Paladins from WoW Classic who will rage on the forums telling everyone else, "It'll work, you just don't get it! You're the problem!" After losing their raid spot to the humble and cute Warrior girl who just wants to be a team player by spamming hamstring while wielding Nightfall so all the casters do more DPS, they spend the rest of their days crying about how the game is fundamentally broken because it doesn't cater to their garbage playstyle.