World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
How the hell can anyone say that degeneracy in FF14 is entirely player made when two of the races are a literally god damn loli doll and the other is a playboy bunny, and most of the time you'll see them strutting around in lingerie. I swear to god every single person who plays one of those loli dolls is a pedo and every single one of those who play the playboy bunnies is a tranny. Prove me wrong.
Fox people.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm

None of this gets me hyped for the games expansion. It's like they are really proud of their work and progress with the game while Im just apathetic about it. Its really great that theyre adding so many things that should have been in, as they say, 20 years ago like War Bands. But those features shouldnt define the fucking expansion.

I havent played in quite a while, but I just cant get over the fact that they are pumped about changes or features that they add to the game, that for what its worth.. dont really add anything to the actual game itself. Thats great that I have a search bar on every system within the game. Thats great that my spell book is all on one page now, instead of having to flip through multiple pages. Thats great that the group and raid features have been revamped for QOL. Fuck, they've been doing this schtick since BFA now that I think about it.

... But that shit should be like a "Oh and by the way" section at the end of the video that just spent the last 10 minutes talking about bringing back Class Halls with individual stories for each class like Legion. Delves? I call fucking bullshit that they'll be as interesting as they are pumping them up to be. I've watched a few of the hardest ones, and its a single moms wet dream to my snooze fest. Class Masteries? Oh, you mean you added another set of spells to earn? Ok.. super interesting there. I'm sure that was a ton of work. All the classes are balanced now, right?

Then, they talk about PVP rewards. I'm sure theyre not even talking to us straight about the real reason they took them off the weekly chest. But to sit there and say how unfair it is in PVP that a person may get a weapon one week, while someone else doesnt? Well motherfucker, how do you think I feel when Im raiding and you put weapons on the first boss that a mythic raid can pug, but you stick my preferred classes weapon on the next to last boss - typically just as hard or harder than the final boss. Fucking arrogant out of touch fucking answer.

But really. Im just sick and tired of the developers lacking any kind of awareness about the type of content the player's want. Meanwhile spending 100's of man hours on shit that hasnt mattered to me since I first started playing the game in 2004. If I do end up buying the expansion, I cant wait to see how they neutered the Nesingwary quests, if theyre even at all included in the expansion, but do the 15th iteration of picking up some type of Animal Shit to collect.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The current Devs outside of maybe 1 or 2 are not the people that built Vanilla through WOTLk. Hell...a lot didn't make MOP or Legion which are the two post-WOTLK expansions most people fawn over.

Jeff Kaplan isn't walking through that door. Alex Afriasiabi isn't walking through that door. Chris Metzen isn't...oh wait...we gave him lots of money.

I was going for the Pitino "meme" but I lost it. Upshot, current Blizz is a bunch of the people that would scream out literally "squee" at kittens in a pet shop and would brag about how much they play wow and you find out they can't even finish Heroic Shattered Halls. You know the people I'm talking about!
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The Scientific Shitlord
I was going for the Pitino "meme" but I lost it. Upshot, current Blizz is a bunch of the people that would scream out literally "squee" at kittens in a pet shop and would brag about how much they play wow and you find out they can't even finish Heroic Shattered Halls. You know the people I'm talking about!
In OG TBC or in the current day? That was an awful dungeon if you didn't have a kajillion cc options.
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Log Wizard
If I do end up buying the expansion, I cant wait to see how they neutered the Nesingwary quests, if theyre even at all included in the expansion, but do the 15th iteration of picking up some type of Animal Shit to collect.
Xpac would have to do a 180 from the last one for me to consider it in any small way. DF was full of fiddly, unfun grinds in every single area. FFS, you couldn't even make bandages without doing a giant fucking grind. 900000000000 levels of rep? Players got tired of grinding rep, so they made the grind a zillion times worse. Everyone was happy with crafting, so they threw it away and turned it into a grind.

Hell, you can't even get regular loot anymore. You have to grind it up. Wizard chores, you hate wizard chores? Grats, they are mandatory and instead of making them fast like in Legion, they turned them into a grind.

The only thing Blizzard understands are long grinds. Not a single thing in that entire xpac was fun.

And then the prepatch for the new xpac? A bunch of half assed recycled content that was initially a grind to do anything....for disposable gear.

Numb from the nuts up.

And for fucks sakes, they need to quit putting themselves in front of cameras. They aren't rock stars, they are shitty bottom of the barrel devs that are the source of constant ridicule. Shut up, fuck off, and get to work doing something useful.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
In OG TBC or in the current day? That was an awful dungeon if you didn't have a kajillion cc options.
OG. That was an amazing dungeon. But this gets back to those that miss CC and those that don't.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Heroic Shattered Halls was an amazing dungeon. A true test of what a group could accomplish in its OG form.

It was no joke.
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Potato del Grande
Heroic Shattered Halls was an amazing dungeon. A true test of what a group could accomplish in its OG form.

It was no joke.
Am I remembering right that we had to do a timed version for some reason? Or was it a one and done for an attunement?


Vyemm Raider
There was a prisoner after the last boss that would be executed if you failed to engage the last boss before the timer was up. If you saved the prisoner you'd get some extra loot I believe.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I had to run that crap a bunch of times (and the other 3 as well), even carry other tanks because they couldn't finish it with their groups to get attuned. So we often ran with 0 or 1 mages because they didn't want to go there again. Was funny seeing the rogues getting gang buttfucked when sap failed :p.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I will admit after running a bunch as a twinkle fingers pally healer, my guild would then lay me to respec to AE tank it but I’m pretty sure I was wearing cast off Tier 5 tank bits for that. I’m almost positive I got my shit pushed in with Tier 4 gear.

I think I’m partially erect.
  • 1Worf
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what Suineg set it to
There was a prisoner after the last boss that would be executed if you failed to engage the last boss before the timer was up. If you saved the prisoner you'd get some extra loot I believe.
I don't remember did you need to beat the timer for attunement as well?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I had to run that crap a bunch of times (and the other 3 as well), even carry other tanks because they couldn't finish it with their groups to get attuned. So we often ran with 0 or 1 mages because they didn't want to go there again. Was funny seeing the rogues getting gang buttfucked when sap failed :p.

Yeah we had to baby through so many people with a set group of CC's. Loved the challenge of double freeze trapping in there, though. Mages were pretty easy to get through b/c their sheep CC was pretty brain dead, at least. Certain classes/players were a real chore, though. Our one lock was a real beast, helped out a ton.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My Malt back then was a lock that I had in a mix of t4/t5/Super shadoweave or whatever. I played super shadowbolt. I seem to recall locks fear did not hold in place at all. That came later. I feel like I ran succy all the time then anyway when not sac’ing.


The Scientific Shitlord
OG. That was an amazing dungeon. But this gets back to those that miss CC and those that don't.
CC is a terrible game mechanic in MMOs. I want to kill the things, not babysit the things. It was also ass because it fucked over classes without CC abilities.
  • 1Picard
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
CC required planning and teamwork. You still killed the things but with a strategy. Otherwise, it’s an action RPG you want.

But I did see the appeal of AE tanking the fuck out of things in Wrath and beyond. I get it. I just think the slower game pace makes for tighter community and teamwork.
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The Scientific Shitlord
CC required planning and teamwork. You still killed the things but with a strategy. Otherwise, it’s an action RPG you want.

But I did see the appeal of AE tanking the fuck out of things in Wrath and beyond. I get it. I just think the slower game pace makes for tighter community and teamwork.
I was a hunter, so I knew how to do the CC stuff, but I stand by it being a shitty design choice. Maybe if they had limited it to adds on a boss or something to make the encounter faster, but having to waste time on every pull was just boring. Was a lot of pointless timesinks in TBC.