Shadowlands was far worse.
This so far is fine. They are still struggling a bit with baddies now that the legacy ones are all over with, but I like the void theme and they have been hinting where this will all go for awhile. Delves are okay, they are essentially scenarios, they are FAR more fun with a group then solo. Dungeons so far are well done as usual, and I am sure the first raid will be well done and varied.
I think for me the problem is a two fold. I liked building shit in WoD and Legion. It gave me a sense of accomplishment building up my garrison or class hall with new characters, rewards, buildings, etc. I am one of the few who loved the missions to send your dudes on, log in get stuff and have a purpose to find the hidden or harder to get ones. Always something to do, which I think they have lost. Back in the day everyhitng was so time gated you always logged in to do the dailies for rep or farm mats for raids etc and it was slow. Well its not slow now but theres less to "do". WoD/Legion kind had the best of both worlds in that there was always something to do but it wasn't really required outside of powering up your artifact weapon and when that got slow you could stop unless you were a major sweat lord.
Also the World Quests in Legion were the best with that auto group addon. Felt frantic. Its hard to describe but with the Legion attacking everywhere or whatever just running around stopping them with a pile of people was fun.
Ill be done the story soon, then I guess its dungeons or raids or delves. They cut back on world quests after BFA so you only have to log in a couple times a week to do them all and there's nothing that I can focus on to build or recruit or whatever. In a way this game is almost TOO casual now. Im not much of a go find every little treasure with convoluted steps that Ill have to go to Wowhead to look up or mount farming or whatever. Mats on Kel'Thuzad have hit rock bottom already from the bots and initial farmers so I could craft, but its nowhere as good as FF14 crafting.
Ill be done with everything in like a month and resub for major patches like I did in Dragonflight. Its FINE, there's a good amount of content but its not the content I want to engage with. Combat is still the best in the business, the zones look better then anything that came before and their music director is still amazing. Just give people shit to do that isnt run dungeons or raid log or whatever. Player housing and a crafting spree with shit to put into it would be nice. Doesn't have to do what a garrison did in automating everything, but give me something that is "mine" to fuck around with.