World of Warcraft: Current Year


<Gold Donor>
I hope this story was done prior to Metzen, because if not…. So many gay emotional male moments, contrasted with girl power moments. Story just as fucking hamfisted as DF and SL. Surprised at how disappointing it was after watching that metzen hype interview….

Music was superb, great art direction, combat still top tier but the lolnarrative is hilariously dumb.
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BfA was the worst xpac I ever played. Just absolute garbage from start to finish. I never played Shadowlands as a result, so maybe that was worse? DF was actually decent. If you enjoy tradeskills it was actually almost great.

Shadowlands was far worse.

This so far is fine. They are still struggling a bit with baddies now that the legacy ones are all over with, but I like the void theme and they have been hinting where this will all go for awhile. Delves are okay, they are essentially scenarios, they are FAR more fun with a group then solo. Dungeons so far are well done as usual, and I am sure the first raid will be well done and varied.

I think for me the problem is a two fold. I liked building shit in WoD and Legion. It gave me a sense of accomplishment building up my garrison or class hall with new characters, rewards, buildings, etc. I am one of the few who loved the missions to send your dudes on, log in get stuff and have a purpose to find the hidden or harder to get ones. Always something to do, which I think they have lost. Back in the day everyhitng was so time gated you always logged in to do the dailies for rep or farm mats for raids etc and it was slow. Well its not slow now but theres less to "do". WoD/Legion kind had the best of both worlds in that there was always something to do but it wasn't really required outside of powering up your artifact weapon and when that got slow you could stop unless you were a major sweat lord.

Also the World Quests in Legion were the best with that auto group addon. Felt frantic. Its hard to describe but with the Legion attacking everywhere or whatever just running around stopping them with a pile of people was fun.

Ill be done the story soon, then I guess its dungeons or raids or delves. They cut back on world quests after BFA so you only have to log in a couple times a week to do them all and there's nothing that I can focus on to build or recruit or whatever. In a way this game is almost TOO casual now. Im not much of a go find every little treasure with convoluted steps that Ill have to go to Wowhead to look up or mount farming or whatever. Mats on Kel'Thuzad have hit rock bottom already from the bots and initial farmers so I could craft, but its nowhere as good as FF14 crafting.

Ill be done with everything in like a month and resub for major patches like I did in Dragonflight. Its FINE, there's a good amount of content but its not the content I want to engage with. Combat is still the best in the business, the zones look better then anything that came before and their music director is still amazing. Just give people shit to do that isnt run dungeons or raid log or whatever. Player housing and a crafting spree with shit to put into it would be nice. Doesn't have to do what a garrison did in automating everything, but give me something that is "mine" to fuck around with.
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what Suineg set it to
I hope this story was done prior to Metzen, because if not…. So many gay emotional male moments, contrasted with girl power moments. Story just as fucking hamfisted as DF and SL. Surprised at how disappointing it was after watching that metzen hype interview….

Music was superb, great art direction, combat still top tier but the lolnarrative is hilariously dumb.
Well in that interview he said he came in 8 months into development and radically changed directions to work in classic wow characters for 20th and started the 3 expac cycle.

So I take that as read that they scrapped another story. That was also when the leaks happened about people getting canned or friction in the team. So one might presume there was a bunch of even gayer shit got cancelled and they repackaged a lot.

I'll put it this way, I'm less cautiously pessimistic since it's less gay and dumb than DF, even if it has the same wahmen power thing. It feels refreshingly like 2012 progressive instead of 2024, so I guess return to tradition or something?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
All you have to do is have Thrall and Anduin man the fuck up finally. Seems neither can hold a candle to Garrosh or Varian (or fuck even Sylvanas up until they went batshit crazy with her). Then bring in the void. This shit writes itself mediocrely.
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<Gold Donor>
All you have to do is have Thrall and Anduin man the fuck up finally. Seems neither can hold a candle to Garrosh or Varian (or fuck even Sylvanas up until they went batshit crazy with her). Then bring in the void. This shit writes itself mediocrely.
Yup, instead it's waaaah wahhhh waaaah everytime they come on screen. Just nut up you fucking nu-man faggots.


what Suineg set it to
What I wanted delves to be was basically BRD style zones, where you have different adventure paths in them, all sorts of stuff to do. Or another example would be something akin to Suramar, rather than quests and WQs, you get different things to go do.

Unfortunately delves are just scenarios. You can tell they are iterated content rather than any real story or anything useful (e.g. they put less effort into this than archeology). It's content to consume.

At this point the only hope I have for delves is that they devalue M+ and kill participation from everyone who only did it for gear and this causes the devs to rethink how they approach M+.



<Gold Donor>
What I wanted delves to be was basically BRD style zones, where you have different adventure paths in them, all sorts of stuff to do. Or another example would be something akin to Suramar, rather than quests and WQs, you get different things to go do.

Unfortunately delves are just scenarios. You can tell they are iterated content rather than any real story or anything useful (e.g. they put less effort into this than archeology). It's content to consume.

At this point the only hope I have for delves is that they devalue M+ and kill participation from everyone who only did it for gear and this causes the devs to rethink how they approach M+.

It looks like the gear progression will make it so you can avoid M+ entirely if you don't mind being a little behind the curve. Even when heroic dungeons open in a few days they will be mostly filler/pointless as Devles at +4 will eliminate that need. Shit, I'm already almost passed the gs from heroics and the xpac isn't even launched yet.


The Scientific Shitlord
Shadowlands was far worse.

This so far is fine. They are still struggling a bit with baddies now that the legacy ones are all over with, but I like the void theme and they have been hinting where this will all go for awhile. Delves are okay, they are essentially scenarios, they are FAR more fun with a group then solo. Dungeons so far are well done as usual, and I am sure the first raid will be well done and varied.

I think for me the problem is a two fold. I liked building shit in WoD and Legion. It gave me a sense of accomplishment building up my garrison or class hall with new characters, rewards, buildings, etc. I am one of the few who loved the missions to send your dudes on, log in get stuff and have a purpose to find the hidden or harder to get ones. Always something to do, which I think they have lost. Back in the day everyhitng was so time gated you always logged in to do the dailies for rep or farm mats for raids etc and it was slow. Well its not slow now but theres less to "do". WoD/Legion kind had the best of both worlds in that there was always something to do but it wasn't really required outside of powering up your artifact weapon and when that got slow you could stop unless you were a major sweat lord.

Also the World Quests in Legion were the best with that auto group addon. Felt frantic. Its hard to describe but with the Legion attacking everywhere or whatever just running around stopping them with a pile of people was fun.

Ill be done the story soon, then I guess its dungeons or raids or delves. They cut back on world quests after BFA so you only have to log in a couple times a week to do them all and there's nothing that I can focus on to build or recruit or whatever. In a way this game is almost TOO casual now. Im not much of a go find every little treasure with convoluted steps that Ill have to go to Wowhead to look up or mount farming or whatever. Mats on Kel'Thuzad have hit rock bottom already from the bots and initial farmers so I could craft, but its nowhere as good as FF14 crafting.

Ill be done with everything in like a month and resub for major patches like I did in Dragonflight. Its FINE, there's a good amount of content but its not the content I want to engage with. Combat is still the best in the business, the zones look better then anything that came before and their music director is still amazing. Just give people shit to do that isnt run dungeons or raid log or whatever. Player housing and a crafting spree with shit to put into it would be nice. Doesn't have to do what a garrison did in automating everything, but give me something that is "mine" to fuck around with.
Yup. Farmville/Garrison/Class Halls need to make a comeback. Such a great mechanic.

Game was starting to have severe loot lag this morning. Might be time to do something else for a few weeks until new xpac rush dies down. Will give it another go before sleep time.
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Tranny Chaser
Having an actual Scottish person voicing Dagran is definitely a win. He sounds like an actual person and not just a bad Sean Connery impression. Peter Hannah - Jabbervoices .

I know they wont but I would love if they made the new Kobolds an Allied race.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I liked the building up and getting followers part of the Garrison, as well as having some perks in a small area (Alliance Fort), such as Tradeskills and Portals.

The Harbor add-on sucked (I basically ignored it after a while), and making a bunch of gold, while nice, was also a rather dull 20min a day farm.


Log Wizard
I would still play that shit, they just need to add more depth: more strategy from mission table, more followers and follower talents, more buildings, etc. The player impacting the world and giving customization let's us put our mark on things and that is great. It made us feel more like we fit in this story, we were actually a champion or whatever.
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Potato del Grande
All you have to do is have Thrall and Anduin man the fuck up finally. Seems neither can hold a candle to Garrosh or Varian (or fuck even Sylvanas up until they went batshit crazy with her). Then bring in the void. This shit writes itself mediocrely.
They want to tell the SJW story of all races having good members and eventually working together because multicultural diversity.

What they needed to do was look at Warhammer Fantasy again, which has a reason for every faction to fight every other faction and even their own faction. I'd even like to see a grimdark Warcraft like 40k is.

Every story should have perpetuated the cycle of hatred and set the seeds for the next conflict. They did do this sometimes like in Cataclysm, that was Varian and Garrosh, which I think was a much more compelling story.

Varian was put into a slave gladiator pit in Orgrimmar offscreen (comics only)... that's a good scenario to have alliance vs horde conflict but also horde vs horde conflict as Thrall is an ex fighting pit slave himself but from the alliance side. Maybe players can track down illegal slave fight tournaments and take part themselves to free the slaves.

But no, slavery bad, right click to free 6 slaves in this bad guy mine.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Class Halls were great. Garrisons sucked ass

I thought both were great. I liked garrisons. A tiny little estate of mine own, that had followers, workers, little mining cave, flowers to pick, DE hut, all kind of things.

Honestly though I thought that this game would eventually get something like a Guild Hall/house, where your guild could have all kinds of resources to use, a bank, AH, proffession NPCs, portals to the world and tons of other stuff. They could decorate it (Which opens a whole slew of micro transactions). But they seem to love the idea of just central cities.


Avatar of War Slayer
I thought both were great. I liked garrisons. A tiny little estate of mine own, that had followers, workers, little mining cave, flowers to pick, DE hut, all kind of things.

Honestly though I thought that this game would eventually get something like a Guild Hall/house, where your guild could have all kinds of resources to use, a bank, AH, proffession NPCs, portals to the world and tons of other stuff. They could decorate it (Which opens a whole slew of micro transactions). But they seem to love the idea of just central cities.
A certain loud segment likes to sit in major cities on their achievement/raid mounts and/or show of top tier weapons/armor then masterbate to thoughts of people envying them for having those things. They complained that cities were "empty" in WoD because everyone was siting in their garrison. It would be the same with guildhalls, if they were actually useful.

Also, a instance running for each individual person possibly ate up a bunch of server space, so that might have also shied them off of guild halls, even if it wouldn't usually be 1 person per instance.
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Potato del Grande
A certain loud segment likes to sit in major cities on their achievement/raid mounts and/or showing of top tier weapons/armor then masterbate to thoughts of people envying them for having those things. They complained that cities were "empty" in WoD because everyone was siting in their garrison. It would be the same with guildhalls, if they were actually useful.
Problem was there being more gameplay in garrisons than in cities.

Games with player housing don't have this problem because the housing has less gameplay than cities so people idle outside the auction house.

Housing has to be a lot of work to set up and none to maintain, garrisons was zero work to set up and daily work to maintain clicking on all the shit.

These are not insurmountable problems with some imagination, like how about your guildhall shares it's layout with certain plots in cities and you can rent out the shared world version so you actually have space in the actual city at your active times? Let us rent out taverns with customisable layouts and you get an account wide exp buff per minute spent partying there.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Shadowlands was far worse.

This so far is fine. They are still struggling a bit with baddies now that the legacy ones are all over with, but I like the void theme and they have been hinting where this will all go for awhile. Delves are okay, they are essentially scenarios, they are FAR more fun with a group then solo. Dungeons so far are well done as usual, and I am sure the first raid will be well done and varied.

I think for me the problem is a two fold. I liked building shit in WoD and Legion. It gave me a sense of accomplishment building up my garrison or class hall with new characters, rewards, buildings, etc. I am one of the few who loved the missions to send your dudes on, log in get stuff and have a purpose to find the hidden or harder to get ones. Always something to do, which I think they have lost. Back in the day everyhitng was so time gated you always logged in to do the dailies for rep or farm mats for raids etc and it was slow. Well its not slow now but theres less to "do". WoD/Legion kind had the best of both worlds in that there was always something to do but it wasn't really required outside of powering up your artifact weapon and when that got slow you could stop unless you were a major sweat lord.

Also the World Quests in Legion were the best with that auto group addon. Felt frantic. Its hard to describe but with the Legion attacking everywhere or whatever just running around stopping them with a pile of people was fun.

Ill be done the story soon, then I guess its dungeons or raids or delves. They cut back on world quests after BFA so you only have to log in a couple times a week to do them all and there's nothing that I can focus on to build or recruit or whatever. In a way this game is almost TOO casual now. Im not much of a go find every little treasure with convoluted steps that Ill have to go to Wowhead to look up or mount farming or whatever. Mats on Kel'Thuzad have hit rock bottom already from the bots and initial farmers so I could craft, but its nowhere as good as FF14 crafting.

Ill be done with everything in like a month and resub for major patches like I did in Dragonflight. Its FINE, there's a good amount of content but its not the content I want to engage with. Combat is still the best in the business, the zones look better then anything that came before and their music director is still amazing. Just give people shit to do that isnt run dungeons or raid log or whatever. Player housing and a crafting spree with shit to put into it would be nice. Doesn't have to do what a garrison did in automating everything, but give me something that is "mine" to fuck around with.

Not possible. Titanforging was the worst thing to happen to WoW along with the Azerite fiasco. BFA is way down there.


Vyemm Raider
Shadowlands was far worse.

This so far is fine. They are still struggling a bit with baddies now that the legacy ones are all over with, but I like the void theme and they have been hinting where this will all go for awhile. Delves are okay, they are essentially scenarios, they are FAR more fun with a group then solo. Dungeons so far are well done as usual, and I am sure the first raid will be well done and varied.

I think for me the problem is a two fold. I liked building shit in WoD and Legion. It gave me a sense of accomplishment building up my garrison or class hall with new characters, rewards, buildings, etc. I am one of the few who loved the missions to send your dudes on, log in get stuff and have a purpose to find the hidden or harder to get ones. Always something to do, which I think they have lost. Back in the day everyhitng was so time gated you always logged in to do the dailies for rep or farm mats for raids etc and it was slow. Well its not slow now but theres less to "do". WoD/Legion kind had the best of both worlds in that there was always something to do but it wasn't really required outside of powering up your artifact weapon and when that got slow you could stop unless you were a major sweat lord.

Also the World Quests in Legion were the best with that auto group addon. Felt frantic. Its hard to describe but with the Legion attacking everywhere or whatever just running around stopping them with a pile of people was fun.

Ill be done the story soon, then I guess its dungeons or raids or delves. They cut back on world quests after BFA so you only have to log in a couple times a week to do them all and there's nothing that I can focus on to build or recruit or whatever. In a way this game is almost TOO casual now. Im not much of a go find every little treasure with convoluted steps that Ill have to go to Wowhead to look up or mount farming or whatever. Mats on Kel'Thuzad have hit rock bottom already from the bots and initial farmers so I could craft, but its nowhere as good as FF14 crafting.

Ill be done with everything in like a month and resub for major patches like I did in Dragonflight. Its FINE, there's a good amount of content but its not the content I want to engage with. Combat is still the best in the business, the zones look better then anything that came before and their music director is still amazing. Just give people shit to do that isnt run dungeons or raid log or whatever. Player housing and a crafting spree with shit to put into it would be nice. Doesn't have to do what a garrison did in automating everything, but give me something that is "mine" to fuck around with.
The one-two punch of BfA and Shadowlands killed retail WoW for me.

I got into the BfA Friends and Family Alpha towards the end of Legion. Like most people, I enjoyed Legion overall; I felt it was probably the best expansion retail WoW had seen since WotLK. Going from that to BfA was a shock - everything about BfA was a mess, and Blizzard aggressively ignored all feedback. By the end of Beta, I was done. I cancelled my subscription, and never bought or played a minute of release BfA.

When Shadowlands came out, I got suckered back in. I naively thought they might go back to the alternating "Good expansion, Bad expansion" trend. I was wrong. Shadowlands was a slog from the start, and I've avoided any modern WoW expansions/updates since. At this point, I can't see myself ever bothering with retail WoW again.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The one-two punch of BfA and Shadowlands killed retail WoW for me.

I got into the BfA Friends and Family Alpha towards the end of Legion. Like most people, I enjoyed Legion overall; I felt it was probably the best expansion retail WoW had seen since WotLK. Going from that to BfA was a shock - everything about BfA was a mess, and Blizzard aggressively ignored all feedback. By the end of Beta, I was done. I cancelled my subscription, and never bought or played a minute of release BfA.

When Shadowlands came out, I got suckered back in. I naively thought

In no uncertain terms could Shadowlands ever be considered worse then BFA. Azerite never even worked. I'm guessing Juvarisx Juvarisx came back for corruption mechanics in season 3 and had some type of fun, and is misremembering BFA entirely through some kind of twisted rose-colored glasses. That's cool he played the entire expansion front to back for several months-- but the guys original question was can he get 2 weeks of fun out of this. 2 weeks of Shadowlands was better than BFA entire season 1.
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Vyemm Raider
In no uncertain terms could Shadowlands ever be considered worse then BFA. Azerite never even worked. I'm guessing Juvarisx Juvarisx came back for corruption mechanics in season 3 and had some type of fun, and is misremembering BFA entirely through some kind of twisted rose-colored glasses. That's cool he played the entire expansion front to back for several months-- but the guys original question was can he get 2 weeks of fun out of this. 2 weeks of Shadowlands was better than BFA entire season 1.
Like I said: I never played a single minute of live, release version BfA. My experience in the almost six months of the BfA Alpha/Beta was enough to drive me away from WoW completely for the next two years. Up until that point, I'd played at least a month or so of every other WoW expansion at some point during their release cycles - even the ones I wound up not really enjoying, such as WoD and Cataclysm. BfA was the first time I thought: "Fuck it, I never want to see any of this content ever again."