World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Shadowlands suffered from developer hubris more than anything else. Covenants were great. They ruined them by being “locked” to your choice, tying power to them(the ultimate sin) and conduit energy shit. Torghast was pretty much universally praised in beta and was changed for launch to be a spiteful, nasty,required slog. The maw was a great theory with bad execution. World quests became super annoying. M+ was a lot harder than it’s been before or since. Pretty much all of that stuff would get walked back eventually, well after everyone was soured on it or gone.

I’d still take it over BFA or Dragonflight. The dungeons were the best and Castle is an all time great raid. The zones are better than either of the other two, revendreth is probably the best zone in the entire game. I’ll never care about story but I can say that the only memorable character since BFA was Denathruis so win there I guess. I can’t blame anyone who hates it though since it really was the worst devs vs players era since the “vision”.
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Potato del Grande
It's definitely ending today at some point not sure if that's in a few hours or actually at launch time this evening though.
Thanks, looks like I'm doing it properly then.

I think I remember that they added a golden exclaimation for the MSQ in BFA, is that still something I can follow? Guessing I can avoid all sidequests and still get 70, would rather do some dungeons than collect bear dicks for tranny wheelchair dragon.


Potato del Grande
Shadowlands suffered from developer hubris more than anything else. Covenants were great. They ruined them by being “locked” to your choice, tying power to them(the ultimate sin) and conduit energy shit. Torghast was pretty much universally praised in beta and was changed for launch to be a spiteful, nasty,required slog. The maw was a great theory with bad execution. World quests became super annoying. M+ was a lot harder than it’s been before or since. Pretty much all of that stuff would get walked back eventually, well after everyone was soured on it or gone.

I’d still take it over BFA or Dragonflight. The dungeons were the best and Castle is an all time great raid. The zones are better than either of the other two, revendreth is probably the best zone in the entire game. I’ll never care about story but I can say that the only memorable character since BFA was Denathruis so win there I guess. I can’t blame anyone who hates it though since it really was the worst devs vs players era since the “vision”.
The Asmongold "dick in salad" analogy works well here.

BFA is a plain salad and if you dig around in it, maybe there's a dick in there (Azerite, Islands).

Shadowlands is a much better salad but there's a huge obvious dick in it (Time wasting built into systems, holocaust of the lore). Doesn't matter how good it is, there's a dick in it.

Dragonflight is maybe a worse salad than Shadowlands but they took most of the dick out.


<Silver Donator>
Isn't one of the main characters a triple diversity hire? Black female amputee?

What's her tragic backstory? Oh wait idgaf, it's not Warcraft anymore.
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Tranny Chaser
That's Faerin and the one I mentioned above as being the main 'girlboss energy' character. She was featured in the cinematic launch thingy they did a couple weeks back. I kinda wish we had a little less her and lot more Aleria and Dagran but oh well.

I actually like Anduin but his shell-shocked veteran story is getting annoying. Yeah it's very much a real thing and yeah it sucks...that's why we don't want to have it in the thing we do to have fun. I am trusting that by the end of this his balls drop and we get a proper reluctant hero.

Hallowfell is a really great zone. Even if 'hollow Earth' has been done before it works well in this context and the art style is great. It does set up the Arathi Empire to be the fascist bad guys of part two of this trilogy though. The 'Alliance' is overdue for a heel-turn so it's not a bad thing + it means Hallowfell Arathi will be a new race for part two as well.


what Suineg set it to
So the first zone you visit the story is you meet some people but one of their leaders made a deal with xalatath for power and you have to set things right.

So the second zone you visit the story is you meet some people but one of their leaders made a deal with xalatath for power and you have to set things right.

So the third zone you visit the story is you meet some people but one of their leaders made a deal with xalatath for power and you have to set things right.

So the fourth zone you visit the story is you meet some people but one of their leaders made a deal with xalatath for power and you have to set things right.
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<Gold Donor>
Powered 3 toons to 80 - can see the underground nature of the zones really grating after a while. Already they feel a bit claustrophobic and I'm one weekend in. Will dig in this week and run some mythics to get the ret geared up. Ret's hero skills are hilarious - 30 second tactical nuke? 4 button rotation? Good for my old, sorry ass.
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So do you do WQ on each alt or they are all shared now yea for rep? Havent leveled an alt to 80 yet so just curious if i can 1 char it this expansion


what Suineg set it to
So do you do WQ on each alt or they are all shared now yea for rep? Havent leveled an alt to 80 yet so just curious if i can 1 char it this expansion

Will have to see once season is live but right now it seems like stuff is harder for single chars and rebalanced to be same for having multiple alts farming. So 3-4x time investment but you get 'rewarded' for each character in repeatable content? Meeeehhhhh.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Powered 3 toons to 80 - can see the underground nature of the zones really grating after a while. Already they feel a bit claustrophobic and I'm one weekend in. Will dig in this week and run some mythics to get the ret geared up. Ret's hero skills are hilarious - 30 second tactical nuke? 4 button rotation? Good for my old, sorry ass.
I usually would have installed a combat routine addon by now. But I forced myself to learn the rotation of the Warlock and Affliction, at least, is pretty simple too.

I typically love playing a Protection Paladin as their tool kit is just so good. At least it was good before the meta was to get aggro on everything and run away in Mythic+. Which they are fkn God awful at. Guess they gave up on the idea of making each tank unique and everything is just surface level now.

The zones do feel smaller than DF, but definitely not empty. They are a lot more similar to the underground zone they added later in DF.

I am loving the hell out of delves. My only complaint is that they don't allow your companion to stay with you outside of delves too, ala companions in Legion. Definitely a missed opportunity there.
At first, I enoyed them for what they were but hated the idea of them in the back of my head. Trying to find each and every stupid little chest and bag everywhere. Just felt like they were going to be super tedious to speed run because of that. But now that Ive had to go back and do the first three delves over again - I know now that most of that stuff stays permanently discovered. Makes a huge difference in how long it takes. Think the little grab bags respawn occasionally- but theyre skippable thank God.

As far as followers go, hell yeah Id love to see them add more of that type shit. A lot of people hate the required to progress type shit. Like was mentioned about Torghast up above. If pet battles were required content, I would have clocked out of this game immediately. But if theyre just another distraction in a massive game - then its a win win.
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The Scientific Shitlord
At first, I enoyed them for what they were but hated the idea of them in the back of my head. Trying to find each and every stupid little chest and bag everywhere. Just felt like they were going to be super tedious to speed run because of that. But now that Ive had to go back and do the first three delves over again - I know now that most of that stuff stays permanently discovered. Makes a huge difference in how long it takes. Think the little grab bags respawn occasionally- but theyre skippable thank God.

As far as followers go, hell yeah Id love to see them add more of that type shit. A lot of people hate the required to progress type shit. Like was mentioned about Torghast up above. If pet battles were required content, I would have clocked out of this game immediately. But if theyre just another distraction in a massive game - then its a win win.
They don't get permanently discovered, they just get moved around at random every time you go in. They are 100% optional either way, though. Your companion gets xp from every kill, so he will get maxxed out np.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The oversized Disney eyes and gaping mouths they gave models in order to make it easier to rig them for showing emotions weird me the fuck out
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Avatar of War Slayer
I usually would have installed a combat routine addon by now. But I forced myself to learn the rotation of the Warlock and Affliction, at least, is pretty simple too.

I typically love playing a Protection Paladin as their tool kit is just so good. At least it was good before the meta was to get aggro on everything and run away in Mythic+. Which they are fkn God awful at. Guess they gave up on the idea of making each tank unique and everything is just surface level now.
I have never done a M+ 15 (or 10 when it was max ilevel for gear) that the tank needed to do that goofy shit. You should be able to get groups all day as a tank for 15 to 20s and tank it the normal way, as long as you work the RaiderIO score up.

Unless you think you want to jump through all the hoops to be in the top 10 on your server, on raiderIO, there is no real point to doing any M+ over 20. Even getting a 20 done for each zone is just for some cheave that only a very small percent of players care about, and even then, no one will care about it in two seasons.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm genuinely impressed that there are that many people who bought just the $50 dollar pack. The servers are eating a pile of shit right now.


what Suineg set it to
Thank goodness the new main campaign quests that launched today introduce another girlboss that takes over from hundreds of years of PATRIARCHY and fixes the system!
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Hilarious that everyone playing this sounds like that chick that got convinced to do anal, but really not into it at all, and complains the whole way.

I'll be on in a bit, fucking interface OCD for this game is still very real, fuck.
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