The Scientific Shitlord
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I'm just tired of the only way to progress being mythic and raiding. If they let people go HAM on raids and mythic to get geared up as fast as they wanted to, but let other paths get you to max ilevel 1/2 - 2/3 the way through the season it would make for a much richer game experience.Crafting has all that stuff and more. Doesnt matter though, because you've already seen through the veil.
Delves will gear a person up to ~610 on the very first day they reach 80. The following week, with the crafting tokens and the maps, theyll get up to around 613. The next week, another 2-3 item level gain.
Delves were a double edged blade. They were a great addition to the game for the casual audience. But the rewards that they distribute, at the low difficulty they are - flooded everyones item level. If I had the data spread sheet, I would be willing to bet there are more people that are in the Heroic Raiding item level range than there have ever been in the past. So.. at 613-616... Tell me, where would a person logically go to get an upgrade from there? Are they going to ideally want to farm out a bunch of crests? Or are they going to want to walk right into a +7 or higher, and start there? Or, are they going to want a chance at side upgrades or fill in missing spots with Heroic raiding? Or start at Mythic raiding tier?
Then the realization that neither of those are viable options and give up. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to see how poorly thought out all of this was.
If I were making the next xpac I would make all gear have the same levelling mehanic as heirlooms, except at max level you have shared unlocks for higher ilevels per slot. Warlock gets a 626 trinket? Great, all toons at 80 have 636 trinkets now.
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