World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Next expansion will be back on Azeroth proper, where the world faces a plague that transmogrifies its victims into Orcs.


Maybe another part of Grim Batol will open up and it won't be a super short 5 man, but an actual raid

Its now an Orc Fortress


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe another part of Grim Batol will open up and it won't be a super short 5 man, but an actual raid

Its now an Orc Fortress
Orcs have taken over. We'll need the master of Orcamentals, Thrall, to part the red sea so we can enter.

EDIT: Lol that spoiler wasn't there when I first quoted you...GET OUTTA MY HEAD CHARLES!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was watching the Final Boss (god that fucker is cringeworthy) interview with Method the other day.

They touched lightly on legendaries and how none of them like this new "collect 900 bear asses" legendary model. I can definitely agree with that. Even if they put in legendaries as a low drop rate again from the last boss on mythic, I think I would be fine with that. Giving them to everyone who can basically hang in there and tough out the GRIND doesn't make them legendary, it just makes them epic.

I think the only reason for them to be rare drops from the last mythic boss is to keep the legendary from screwing up the world first e-peen race, since if one guilds RNG hits and they get one early it could totally throw off the race...but I think a better answer to that would be making it like a 1-2% drop from the HEROIC final boss the week AFTER the world first race is over with.

Maybe even put in a mythic version for those status whores or something. I miss that shit. Standing around in IF with your fucking tier gear on and oh man.


I doubt that will ever be a feeling we have again tbh. I mean I still get thrown off a bit and impressed when I see a Thunderfury, even with how irrelevant it is now. Seeing someone with this crazy ass gear was and will always be cool as fuck, but that cool factor is nonexistent for me. Especially with the ring. I don't have the ring for myself but I don't even fucking care either when I see someone with it cause in a good month or so everyone will be rocking one.

I still remember having 7/8 Stormrage (shoulders never dropped for my guild and I never completed the set until fucking Cataclysm) and all the druid on the server messaging me asking me to link them shit, lol. It was nice for the epeen.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the way the ring legendary works is fine for a totally non visible item. It has very little epeen factor even if it was a super rare drop off mythic only mode. I think maybe the older methods of legendaries for weapons or visible armor but for a ring or a necklace or a trinket this kind of thing works fine.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If the ring was just epic with a 795 ilevel instead of legendary, would you guys feel differently?

They've stated their design goal with the cloak and ring is to basically be the story quest of the expansion. That's why they removed the ability to get the cloak after WoD launched. The cloak symbolizes your adventures through Pandaria and the MoP expansion. I'd be surprised if they didn't do the same with the ring as well.


Potato del Grande
Wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Thrall is killed in present-day Azeroth by some unknown assassin and the heroes find out they have to time travel to the future to stop the killer from time traveling to his past which is the heroes present.


El Presidente
That's a lot of lost subs. Not really surprising considering how mediocre this expansion was. Still ahead of all the other shitty MMOs though that feels more like an indictment on them than it is praise for WoW. Still butthurt over how mediocre SWTOR was. Wanted that game to be good so much.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lowest amount of subs since 2005
The data seems to suggest that half their playerbase no longer thinks WoW is worth a long term sub. They either need to produce more content on a more frequent basis or accept these wild swings in subscription numbers.

Still, context is everything. Nothing in this industry in those 10 years has been close to those type of sub numbers. I'm sure Smed would have sold his mother (and a whole plate of mozzarella sticks) to have any of his SoE/Daybreak's games reach 5m subs under his tenure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That's a lot of lost subs. Not really surprising considering how mediocre this expansion was. Still ahead of all the other shitty MMOs though that feels more like an indictment on them than it is praise for WoW. Still butthurt over how mediocre SWTOR was. Wanted that game to be good so much.
Man, I think it can be argued that SWTOR was one of the few - if not the only - MMO that actually turned around from a horribly disappointing launch to end up being pretty goddamn good. Maybe FFXIV's relaunch kind of counts, but that's something different altogether. Of course, it got that way too late, but it still turned out okay. I wonder if they made their money back and are profiting on that now? Would not surprise me if they were.

And that sure as hell is alot of lost subs. The titan is still strong but staggering now, and it is kind of foreseeable that something could supplant it as king. Still not likely, but it is not a total laughable idea anymore, just mostly laughable.

That spike for WoD and drop though, wow, nothing like that in the game's history. Kind of lets you know what a significant chunk of players thought about the expansion in general, just meh, play for a month and done.