World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Dwarves and Gnomes storyline involving the Titans, if not the Dark Below then even another planet would work.
Too complicated. Why involve another planet, AND then put everything, including Old Gods (which are pretty much an Azeroth-only problem) there? You keep on the alternate timeline of WoD, and we go check on alt-Azeroth then. That allow full scale rewrite, with possibly the return of LK. Because, after BC nostalgia, time to capitalize on LK nostalgia. Of course, this time, it's Gul'dan who is the LK, since we killed Ner'zhul. But, eh, that means the Heir of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil, had to lead the war against the LK! (and get burned to a crisp, and end up on the seat after we defeat Gul'Dan? Fun!)

The only advantage of it: Since we stopped the Draenic invasion of alt-Azeroth, it is free of ORCS! But we still have native Trolls and Taurens (led by none other than Magatha, of course). And they're not going to trust those "orcs" things very much, thank you.


Vyemm Raider
Too complicated. Why involve another planet, AND then put everything, including Old Gods (which are pretty much an Azeroth-only problem) there? You keep on the alternate timeline of WoD, and we go check on alt-Azeroth then. That allow full scale rewrite, with possibly the return of LK. Because, after BC nostalgia, time to capitalize on LK nostalgia. Of course, this time, it's Gul'dan who is the LK, since we killed Ner'zhul. But, eh, that means the Heir of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil, had to lead the war against the LK! (and get burned to a crisp, and end up on the seat after we defeat Gul'Dan? Fun!)

The only advantage of it: Since we stopped the Draenic invasion of alt-Azeroth, it is free of ORCS! But we still have native Trolls and Taurens (led by none other than Magatha, of course). And they're not going to trust those "orcs" things very much, thank you.
My god that's genius. Don't forget that alt-Azeroth Malfurion was killed by alt-Azeroth Lich King when they invade Kalimdor, and is raised to lead the armies of undead Quillboars in Razorfen Kraul. Alt-Azeroth Tyrande is on the rebound and hooks up with Alt-Azeroth Illidan after ordering him free. Along with Alt-Azeroth Kael Thas, who hooks up with all 3 Alt-Azeroth Windrunner sisters wincest style(He is a prince after all), Alt-earth Illidan is a good guy to close the nostalgia circle of BC. Everyone buys the new expansion and it's hailed as a success because people stay subbed 1 month longer than they did with WoD.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
it's hailed as a success because people stay subbed 1 month longer than they did with WoD.
That's pretty much the only definition of success that THIS guy acknowledges:


what Suineg set it to
RE: flying achiev, can you just go to the daily apexis crystal area and get the thing or do you have to wait for them to rotate through the quest type thing? I guess I'm confused because some show up as one-time quests with story parts and others I only think I've ever seen a daily to go smack things in the face.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
RE: flying achiev, can you just go to the daily apexis crystal area and get the thing or do you have to wait for them to rotate through the quest type thing? I guess I'm confused because some show up as one-time quests with story parts and others I only think I've ever seen a daily to go smack things in the face.
Easiest way to do it is to look at which ones you are missing in the securing Draenor achieve and just buy the missive for that one in your garrison.


Registered Hodor
You can buy missives for all of them except for "The Pit", which you will have to wait for it to show up as the daily. If you're Alliance it's on the table today.


Blackwing Lair Raider
RE: flying achiev, can you just go to the daily apexis crystal area and get the thing or do you have to wait for them to rotate through the quest type thing? I guess I'm confused because some show up as one-time quests with story parts and others I only think I've ever seen a daily to go smack things in the face.
You can spend garrison resources to spawn the apexis daily stuff of your choice. So doing that part of it is not bad at all and you can do multiples in one day so you don't even have to string it out over a long period of time.

Honestly the only part that took much time was the rep to revered for the three new reps which is simply time gated. The other stuff took me 2 hours on one saturday to finish up it looks ugly but it really was not bad at all.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
There's definitely some potentially heavy time investment components to that cheeve; it was just optimal to knock a lot of it out during the leveling to 100 process. Collecting all those treasures? Lore master? Those could take a while if you didn't use handynotes or ignored quests in favor or PVP or something. It might not seem realistic to us here, but we incline towards min/maxing. I'm not sure how common (or uncommon) it was to skip treasures/quests while leveling.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's definitely some potentially heavy time investment components to that cheeve; it was just optimal to knock a lot of it out during the leveling to 100 process. Collecting all those treasures? Lore master? Those could take a while if you didn't use handynotes or ignored quests in favor or PVP or something. It might not seem realistic to us here, but we incline towards min/maxing. I'm not sure how common (or uncommon) it was to skip treasures/quests while leveling.
At 20k xp a pop I was hitting those treasure all day erry day...for the day it took me to hit 100...


Blackwing Lair Raider
On my first play through I was scrambling for GR quite a bit so I tended to get all the treasures I could find and I know a lot of folks simply loaded the treasure hunter mod they used on timeless islands. Just grabbing the ones near where you are questing would get you almost all the way to the 100 needed. The only one I would see some would have to do some work on was the apexis stuff but early on a lot of folks were actively working to kick off invasions which ment hunting the hell out of those apexis areas.

To each their own but I have not played anywhere near hardcore this expansion compared to past ones and after getting the reps it literally took me two hours of finishing exploring frostfire dashing into a few of the horde areas I had avoided previously and grabbing the last 20ish treasures I needed. With the easier to get treasure maps and garrison resource missions for specific apexis stuff they did a pretty good job of making it at least pretty reasonable to unlock flying. You basically just need to do the main content the expansion had and then do a pretty easy daily quest run. Also if you are just starting the reps get your trade post to level 3 and hit up the darkmoon fair and stock up on hats. The plus 30% rep combined between those really is pretty nice.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well at least he left to be Senior Content Manager instead of a CM. So he is most likely making way more money. But for how long lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly depending on salary offered it could make perfect sense. Make some quick cash and ride that pony for a year or two and get some more stuff to put on the resume and make industry contacts. Given how incesteous the game industry for poaching and counter poaching talent the latter can make a huge difference in continual employment.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I also bet he wasn't happy about Stephan Frost getting hired by Blizzard to be a Game producer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I also bet he wasn't happy about Stephan Frost getting hired by Blizzard to be a Game producer.
I'm guessing this was it. He got upset they hired another guy instead of promoting him to the position. Which is fine, do whatever you want...but eh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Is anyone happy about Stephan Frost being associated with something they pay money for?