World of Warcraft: Current Year


Restating what I said earlier in the thread: Lordaeron, South Seas, Arathi and still banking on new class w/ Demon Hunter ranged and Naga since apparently Azshara is being touted as added from some sources we got on the inside. Apparently she works in the 'art department' so either she's really good at trolling my buddies and I or she's pretty much spot on!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Been playing since closed beta and I still have a monthly sub...I just hate WoD and what wow has become in general. We're working on heroic Archimonde right now. Love the first 7 minutes of bullshit and 1 minute of actual fight.

Would so much rather have 4-5 minutes of straight "NUTTED BUT SHE STILL SUCKIN" than this current raid model.

It's not cool to hate wow in-so-much as it's cool to hate what they've done to their beautiful lore (Up through LK was a GREAT story). Seriously. Everything they've built through the RTS games has been crushed in like the past 3 expansions.
Mannoroth and Archi.... ugh. There is no point to 3/4ths of those fights.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mannoroth and Archi.... ugh. There is no point to 3/4ths of those fights.


Tranny Chaser
Well looking solely at the content gaps we might think a new class would be : mail wearing, tank spec, heal spec, dps from range, non-magic based, and possibly a pet class.

Going a bit farther it would be nice to see a "ranged tank", a class with either two tank specs or two heal specs and no dps spec, and melee heals.

I'm not sure what sort of critter such a class would be, but since Blizzard is okay with paving new lore when the need suits them it really is just an exercise in creativity.

South seas could be a pirate, going against the Legion could be a demon hunter, exploring the Emerald Twilight could be a Dream weaver, etc.


wouldn't be surprised at another mail wearing class. Few more hours til it starts to see all the new features that are lied about! The only thing that could possibly make me rationalize spending money on this game again is another class.

I predict a new class.... Orc


Sorry if this has already been posted but i just saw this get linked to on wow reddit

CosmicGuitars comments on A Queen Azshara NPC was added in 6.1.0. Speculations?

Hey, I'm the guy who found the Eye of Azshara trademark and posted it on MMO-Champion. It's fake. It was only ever filed in Benelux, and it never made it out of the filing stage before being removed during the approval process. The sign that it was going to end up being fake was that it never appeared in the US or EU trademark databases -- it was only ever in Benelux.
It appears a fan spent $200 to file a fraudulent trademark application under Blizzard's name to get people's hopes up in the lead-up to BlizzCon.
The filing page (now gone):Search or retrieve a mark
The MMO-C thread (now locked on request):Trademark appears
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Vyemm Raider
God I'd love an underwater expansion, Vashj'ir was my favorite zone by far! Kinda funny considering how much I hated Kedge Keep and Plane of Water but I have a blast every single time I level through Vashj'ir (and since they reduced the XP required for 80-85, you can get all 5 levels in Vashj'ir now!)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I will be happy as long as they keep adding new pokemon to collect. I'd buy an expansion if new pokemon was its only feature.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I totally enjoyed vash'ir but it drove some of my guildies nuts who just cannot handle 3d movement for fighting. That said if they have a good mix of air filled areas and water it could work. I would love to turn the garrison into an actual ship you control along the lines of archages ships.


Vyemm Raider
I totally enjoyed vash'ir but it drove some of my guildies nuts who just cannot handle 3d movement for fighting. That said if they have a good mix of air filled areas and water it could work. I would love to turn the garrison into an actual ship you control along the lines of archages ships.
Much like the farm ended up being an early test for the garrison, I'm pretty sure shipyards are a prelude to getting our own, customizable ship to sail around, which would coincide beautifully with a South Seas or Azshara-themed expansion. One can only hope.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is a fake, looks cool though. Login screens are one of the last things to be added to an expansion, it would not be in alpha. Not that the expansion isn't Eye of Azshara.

Also, happy soon to be disappointed day everybody! Less than 2 hours!


what Suineg set it to
Much like the farm ended up being an early test for the garrison, I'm pretty sure shipyards are a prelude to getting our own, customizable ship to sail around, which would coincide beautifully with a South Seas or Azshara-themed expansion. One can only hope.
Not so sure, shipyard is basically followers. It sounds more like something they may have had on the backburner for awhile and decided to use the idea halfass because they needed anything to beef up patch features. It really is a worthless addition.


<Bronze Donator>
Seriously. Shipyard seems to me like it's something that they spent a whole 30 minutes designing. And all the time wasted building the art for the ships that just sit there. I have no clue what the point of it all was when they already had the follower missions created and more fleshed out.