World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Ha, got neg'd by some twat for saying Blizzard is slow with content. What planet is this? Even if you are a diehard fan of their games it's a pretty undeniable statement.


<Silver Donator>
Ha, got neg'd by some twat for saying Blizzard is slow with content. What planet is this? Even if you are a diehard fan of their games it's a pretty undeniable statement.
Hm, yes, you're right. They are selling us "largest team ever" for more than 4 years now "but we need to train them to get them into speed". However the quality of the product - you might not like WOD but e.g. the leveling experience is so much ahead of every other mmo - justifies the time.

They always go for the "2 years massive content" principle. People would be much happier with a small portion now and then instead of sitting with the end tier patch for a year, I'm sure. Maybe internally that is not possible because "that would cost us a raid tier" you know.


Is there a list of in game rewards for this years Blizzcon virtual ticket holder?

This is the first year I'm not seeing anything for getting that ticket.


Lord Nagafen Raider



Lord Nagafen Raider
One thing I'm kinda...worried the 0 mention of arms warrior. Arms for the entirety of WoD has been absolute dog shit. A toddler could play it and it needs another complete rework.

Guess I have a year to decide which class I want to play in legion.

That 10 minute CD on meta for DH though really turns me off to the class.


what Suineg set it to
They'll have to change it. Just like every other 10 min cd because people bitched about waiting around between attempts.

That or make it and other long cds reset on encounters.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They'll have to change it. Just like every other 10 min cd because people bitched about waiting around between attempts.

That or make it and other long cds reset on encounters.
I'm sure it'll reset on boss encounters, but that's still long as a motherfucker.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there a list of in game rewards for this years Blizzcon virtual ticket holder?

This is the first year I'm not seeing anything for getting that ticket.
WoW was the Murkadin pet which should already be delivered

D3 was a pet or wings? Not sure honestly haven't logged in to check

SC2 was 2 portraits

Hearthstone was a cardback that has not been delivered afaik

HotS was a mount (Nexus BatleBeast) has been delivered

Nothing for Overwatch that I've seen.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Haven't played since early MoP for less than a month, and before that for early Cata for ~2 months. I still occasionally pop into this thread to see what the game is like, and leave satisfied that nothing has changed. I have to say, skipping to a random part in that panel and seeing a chubby androgenous pink/purple-haired almost-certainly-pre-op man-thing introducing the class hall-whatevers really just brought it all home for me! 10/10.

So are peoplereallythis excited about expanded barbie dress-up? I'm genuinely curious, I'm not in here to tell you your game sucks, I don't give a shit what people play. But I've always been very interested in game design theory/concepts, and I'm just wondering what about the transmog stuff is so exciting that it allows you all to look past the general staleness of the game? I phrase it that way, because over the past 10-15 pages of this thread I've read, it seems like the typical statement is "transmog would get me to come back," thus my assumption that these people had experienced the staleness and had canceled long ago as well. I totally get that WoW is super comfortable to play, and has been dumbed down so much that it's probably a decent choice for turn-brain-off relax-playing. I do the same thing with Marvel Heroes, it's been my go-to mindless kill-shit game for over a year now. I'm just not understanding the level of excitement for barbie dress-up, especially on a forum like this!


2 Minutes Hate
I don't understand the barbie dress up excitement for the fanboys in this thread. I like cool looking characters like anyone else but its nothing to go gushing over.


I don't understand the barbie dress up excitement for the fanboys in this thread. I like cool looking characters like anyone else but its nothing to go gushing over.
You realize this is a WOW thread right? It's core audience is 100% the people you are describing, and its been like that for years now.

Without those people WOW has less then a million players. So if anyone still plays this ancient game, be glad they exist.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't played WoW in like a year, but the transmog stuff is what has me most interested as well. It's not even at all about the actual transmogging. I've hadmy DKtransmogged to the basic starter DK gear since forever, and that won't change. What's exciting about the transmog system is another "gotta catch em all" minigame that I enjoy. Working on trying to get every achievement, collect every pet, and in general being a completionist is very appealing to me. The minigame about hunting down and unlocking this gamewide massive wardrobe of outfits is just a goal I would enjoy.


Vyemm Raider
You realize this is a WOW thread right? It's core audience is 100% the people you are describing, and its been like that for years now.

Without those people WOW has less then a million players. So if anyone still plays this ancient game, be glad they exist.
Not really - ive kinda wondered how the best thing mentioned was the wardrobe - like....its going to make the game amazing or something bc you can dress up on the spot. I mean dont get me wrong its a cool feature but not something i see personally as a reason to consider buying nor something to keep people around longer than usual after xpac. Unless people will now have a new craze other than collecting mounts, and pets - to now collecting every piece of visible wardrobe appearance possible.


Unless people will now have a new craze other than collecting mounts, and pets - to now collecting every piece of visible wardrobe appearance possible.
You are arguing with yourself in your own post.

So not only will their core audience have better transmog options for their Fashion Souls , but it will become a collectible game as well.

Also Core audience is the 5 million casuals that still play WoW, not returning players they get from curiosity, publicity stunts like tying in other games items, etc.

Those guys will definitely leave, some within hours of play the xpac.


Trakanon Raider
Transmog for me is simply nostalgia. My old warrior runs around in T3 not for the wow factor but rather it reminds me of the better times in WoW? My shaman is in perma Lich king stuff. It's kinda sad and a statement in itself. I don't transmog any characters to anything new it seems.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
ill resub, play through the leveling zones probably attempt some of the high end stuff and desub until the next expansion like I've done up to this point (with the exception of skipping WoD).

I couldn't care less about the dress up portion, but I do really like the idea of artifact weapons that drive you from zone to zone, and like they have said a few times "making classes feel unique" so i'll give them my $50 or whatever for a month or two enjoyment.