Jesus you are one completely retarded American Inventor. Talk about short sighted, it's almost as if you can't fathom they aren't competing against the AI of today, but scared of the AI of tomorrow.
Damn near every industry of somewhat monotonous bullshit is going to get upended. Hell AI is already replacing failed 2 viewer streamers like you wanted to be.
Its not really the "monotonous bullshit" jobs. Its the "on the job" training jobs.
This is a major deal in creative fields. Art field is hit hard. and we even have some examples from the past to look back at.
Comic book inking. Comic books are often done in production line. Penciller>inker>colorist>letterer. lets each focus on a particular aspect to master, and speeds up the daily production.
Even manga often does this with backgrounds, or non-key panels. assistants do those. That's how they pump out so many pages a day often.
so, mid 90's digital coloring came around. there was a transition to digital coloring. certainly some hand color separators lost jobs then as well. others made the transition, or new colorists arrived.
But for inkers, it was something else. Digital inking wasn't really a new job. digital coloring is actually MORE artful then color separation. Digital inking is a process. and the quality sucks... but, its fast and cheap. And the casual eye can't tell. Especially if the penciller puts in 20% more effort to clean up their initial lineart. (without getting paid more to do it.)
So paying jobs vanished. The few paying jobs for inking went solely to the masters. 20 years later. those masters retire. and there is no new generation that learned how to ink.
artists in training, take indie jobs. commissions, fanart, vanity projects, porn, etc all to train while getting paid. A.I. art and writing is stab directly at the heart of this. An A.I. may not be as good as a master, but 90% of what it can do is better then an artist in training. and its cheaper, and faster. Can look at A.I. in porn currently. everything is enhanced. or, if you are into crpgs, or dnd. look at everyone using A.I. to do character portraits. The entire cottage industry devastated overnight.
so yeah, this is very dangerous. Many people are very shortsighted, and think, "oh its just going to replace the bad artists". they don't get it, todays bad artists, are tomorrows masters. if you cut out their income, that won't happen.