Yeah you are kinda proving my point here:Wonder Woman, Silk Spectre, super girl, Emma Frost
How can you look at those two women side by side and think that Storm was the one I was talking about? Who is stupid again!?I'm pretty sure that's just Storm's Marvel Now costume, hard to be sure without a front view. So yeah, you can use female costumes just fine.
Basically Chris is just stupid.
Yeah that's what I assumed at first too, but no, all the old movies were canon...until the timeline changed. Now the events of X-3 really did never happen.Oh, I thought they just pretended X-3 never existed like I did.
It looks like they shaved her entire head and then glued on a hawkpiece. She's the best looking one of the lot but that still sticks out.Guys look terrible, girls look badass though
Pretty sure he's gone in X-Tinction Agenda and E is for Extinction, as well. Although I'm getting confused just trying to keep all the Secret Wars storylines straight.Yeah but Xavier can't be dead. I mean aren't the only two timelines where Xavier dies Age of Apocalypse and House of M? Both horribly bleak dystopian realities. I guess it's different for me because I didn't find out about the post-credits scene until like 5 years later.
I mean, technically it didn't anymore. But the end credit scene of x3 brought back Charles. That was one of my biggest beefs (among many) that they had the guts to kill of Chuck, but not enough to actually stick with it
Yeah but Xavier can't be dead. I mean aren't the only two timelines where Xavier dies Age of Apocalypse and House of M? Both horribly bleak dystopian realities. I guess it's different for me because I didn't find out about the post-credits scene until like 5 years later.
He's alive in X-Men '92. Or he was in Issue 1...that's the only Secret Wars world that I know he's made an appearance in....and there's currently no profX in Secret Wars.