I agree with Keg to a point. Movie was just OK to slightly above average. Not as good as 1st Class, but better than the other X-Men movies of late. Not nearly as good as Cap2. 6.5/10.
Good Points:
-Fassbender as Magneto is pretty goddamned awesome. You really get a sense that other mutants have almost no chance vs him when he's wearing that helmet and Charles can't get inside his head. Without Cyclops, Storm or Jean Grey around nobody could even touch him.
-Beast throwing Wolverine around in the house was kind of cool.
-Quicksilver scenes were the best action in the movie by far and really well done.
-The Zapruder style camera work in Paris was a cool period touch.
-The Retro Sentinels are done pretty well considering it's a new design.
-This movie essentially reboots the Xmen franchise and allows you to cast new actors for future installments in the vein of 1st Class. In that sense this is one of the better reboot movies of late since X3 was dogshit and anything that excises that malignant cyst of a movie is a good thing.
Weak Points:
-All the future action stuff is rendered pointless since the timeline resets, which kills any tension these scenes may have. This is the biggest problem with the movie, as once they send Wolverine back, there's basically no point showing anything happening here.
-Future sentinels are way too strong for it to only be what? 20 years past present day considering the age of Iceman? No way has tech expanded that rapidly. Especially if most of mankind is wiped out. I agree that numbers should have been their biggest advantage.
-As someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, how did Trask capture and kill all those mutants? Especially Azazel, a very powerful teleporter?
-Lots of focus on DNA in the 70s. They're just now barely past the point where computing power allows us to look at DNA. In the 70s? Forget about it, that kind of thing was decades away, highly doubtful they'd be able to store DNA off of small blood sample for that long and have it be useful.
-The pacing of the movie is a bit slow in places, I was kind of bored during the part where Charles finally comes around. Although McAvoy really does well with the role.
So the next movie is supposed to be vs Apocalypse, right? How exactly are you supposed to even beat that guy? Have you checked out his power list? I mean really, it looks like they just kept adding powers to his stat sheet just for laughs.