X-Men: Days of Future Past.


The Big Mod
i think the fact that most of you nerds are gay for peter dinklidge is tainting your perception of this awful movie.


A nice asshole.
X2 > first class > the wolverine > X1 > xmen origins wolverine > DofP > X3
The Wolverine was almost 100% trash only slightly saved by Hugh Jackman, no one wanted to see wolverine without his powers, and we sure as shit didn't want to see him become a porcupine instead using some stealth and killing some ninjas etc.


The Big Mod
guys i just got some detals about XMen: Age of Apocolypse:

Apocolypse is torn between his desire to rule the Universe and his love for Mystique. Of course love overcomes and Apocolypse gives up his quest of world domination and gets a job as a bank teller. The wedding goes off without a hitch. Michael Cera stars as Mystique's jealous high school boyfriend.


FPS noob
are you writing an internet manifesto of why x-men is a bad movie, plz don't shoot anyone ok


The Big Mod
XMen: Fatal Attractions

Magneto rips the adamantium out of Wolverine... in order to make Mystique a lovely wedding ring! Charles makes himself a cybernetic suit because he knows he'll never be able to satisfy Mystique as a cripple, then brainwashes Magneto into being gay. He then realizes that he is in fact gay too and mind controls Mystique into transforming into Magneto and fucking him... it gets weird.


Avatar of War Slayer
i enjoyed this more than all the recent marvel movies (not seen cap2 or the wolverine)


Mr. Poopybutthole
gayest robot ever?

I thought so too, when I read it as a kid. Then he started killing powerful mutants in one hit, and disposed of Juggernaut very quickly. I remember him defeating the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (killing a few of them), and then fighting all of the X Men to a standstill. He even put Nightcrawler in a coma, because he could read the energy in the area that Nightcrawler was going to port to next.

Here is when he met the Juggernaut (Juggernaut vs Proteus. - Battles - Comic Vine). Juggernaut didn't even land a punch and was dispatched easily. Juggernaut is Thor/Hulk level of power.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So the next movie is supposed to be vs Apocalypse, right? How exactly are you supposed to even beat that guy? Have you checked out his power list? I mean really, it looks like they just kept adding powers to his stat sheet just for laughs.
I read all of the X books as a kid, and still have them. I can't remember how they beat Apocalypse. He's insanely powerful, and they'd need an Omega level mutant on the team to make a dent. I've been contemplating reading the old issues. I think he made his first appearance in X Factor.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Wolverine was almost 100% trash only slightly saved by Hugh Jackman, no one wanted to see wolverine without his powers, and we sure as shit didn't want to see him become a porcupine instead using some stealth and killing some ninjas etc.
I liked that movie infinitely more than his Origins movie.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So the next movie is supposed to be vs Apocalypse, right? How exactly are you supposed to even beat that guy? Have you checked out his power list? I mean really, it looks like they just kept adding powers to his stat sheet just for laughs.
Leech (?) was what I recall but not sure how accurate that is for the comics, as I recall that was from the cartoon. Took away his powers and shoved his ass head first into a cube and sent it into a void of space/time.


Tranny Chaser
So the next movie is supposed to be vs Apocalypse, right? How exactly are you supposed to even beat that guy? Have you checked out his power list? I mean really, it looks like they just kept adding powers to his stat sheet just for laughs.
Apocalypse has a psychological barrier that renders him incapable of succeeding anywhere other than speculative "What If" style stories. He is the ultimate mid-card jobber of the mutant world.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
look at how hard kegkilla is trying to rustle jimmies. only to fall flat. every. single. time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Decent enough movie I guess, but I definitely wasn't blown away by any of it. I probably let reviews of it raise my expectations too high because I left the theater wondering what all the hype was about. I mean, come on... this wasn't even remotely in the same league as Winter Soldier and somehow it's actually a couple points higher at RT.


The Big Mod
look at how hard kegkilla is trying to rustle jimmies. only to fall flat. every. single. time.
what was your fav part of Gays of Future Past? was it Mystique's passionate emotional speech at the end or was it the close up on Wolverine's ass?