

I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd play the most recent one, Albion Prelude or whatever.

Yeah they're huge timesinks. It's pretty difficult to get into and without looking up shit online you'll spend forever experimenting with what works and what doesn't.

I stopped playing the game when I realized you couldn't build a super expensive badass fighter and fight a huge war in it. The entire game is just trying to make money by doing boring shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wouldnt suggest to start with Albion Prelude, since it would be pretty tough to get things straight with the ongoing war in that part.
Either start form the very beginning X (when you bought the Superbox) and get through that,then to X2 for the Story part, or start with x3 reunion and play the main plot. which is hard but doable with a pimped out m4 starter ship, iirc. Then your free to enjoy Terran Conflict Albion Prelude for an low story/open end game.


I wouldnt suggest to start with Albion Prelude, since it would be pretty tough to get things straight with the ongoing war in that part.
Either start form the very beginning X (when you bought the Superbox) and get through that,then to X2 for the Story part, or start with x3 reunion and play the main plot. which is hard but doable with a pimped out m4 starter ship, iirc. Then your free to enjoy Terran Conflict Albion Prelude for an low story/open end game.
I never cared for the story much. I played Reunion and it was great. I played terran conflict but it seemed just exactly the same game to me. I would just go for Albion or TC. Whichever has the most active mod community. Mods in Reunion were very neat.

Lost Ranger_sl

What mods would you guys recommend? I have that list that was posted earlier saved, but it has a obscene amount of mods listed heh. I feel like playing a sandbox space sim, and this sounds like a lot of fun if I can be patient with it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Launched Reunion late one night. Holy no tutorial/user friendly interface batman. This morning fired up albion prelude. I'm working through it fairly decently though still not quite as intuitive as I'd like. (Much better using a gamepad instead?)

Very confusing when it initially lead you through a few warpgates. Blow up a few enemies. And left with a fight/accept missions but at the time no mission givers nor any indication of where to go. (Finally from zoning around figured out next step was triggered by enough kills to rank up and started seeing quest givers?)

Find stats kinda a nightmare to navigate and seems like a very daunting task to go from a starting 30k to the >1million for what I imagine is first upgrade before the starting uber fighter. (Maybe awards will ramp up quickly but right now missions are for like 5k.)

Might go middle of the 3 and try terran conflict see if I like that more.

Big combat question, is there no easier way to target incoming missiles for you to use your own light missile on or otherwise blast yourself? Best I've had is blindly firing at them if I see them fired, or maybe get lucky cycling through enemy targets and hopefully not overshooting. (Early would warp into areas with like 4-5 fighters and a vette or destroyer. Many light missiles that did no damage but then thered be one of those silkworm? or whatever big missiles mixed in I wouldnt notice and 1 shot me.)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I suggest to take a look at the key binding settings (there gotta be a map online), i cant remember for sure but i think the most important shortcuts were "m" and "n" for navigation and i think "," and enter for general settings.

regarding missiles:
You can change target to them and blow them up with your blaster, since that tends to be tedious and also lets your opponent fire even more missiles, people generally upgrade to a ship with turrets, to take care of that, or just let the small missiles take care of that.
Also read up on the different missile types since there are just so many types.


Trump's Staff
New Trading and Mining Video



New Trading and Mining Video

The squad-ships trading looks like a great mod I had installed on Reunion. Can't remember the name. Hope they give the modder credit somewhere.

Not sure why they have the "walk to NPCs to trade" thing going on. Do NPCs serve another purpose? What's the point other than slowing down the pace?


Trump's Staff
Not sure why they have the "walk to NPCs to trade" thing going on. Do NPCs serve another purpose? What's the point other than slowing down the pace?
A far as I can tell it is sort of both. You can still trade through the comms, but the person-person stuff is more like running trade missions or getting missions for discounts and stuff like that. If it is like that than it adds more varied gameplay options to players that want to just be traders.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The X games seem like they are centered around slowing the pace of the player between the player clicking "Give me credits" buttons.


Trump's Staff
This is out November 15th, 2013, btw. Up for pre-order on Steam for $49.99.

I'll be waiting to see some initial reviews before purchasing, personally.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
This is out November 15th, 2013, btw. Up for pre-order on Steam for $49.99.

I'll be waiting to see some initial reviews before purchasing, personally.
If I were smarter, I'd do the same thing. Their games are always trainwrecks when first released, and with all the delays and shit with this one, I'm expecting nothing short of their most spectacular train wreck to date. As long as its highly modable (Appears it will be), I wont regret buying this, as I know their community will eventually fix the probable shit storm into some amazing fun. Who knows, the release game may even be worth playing as is (lol fat chance.)

Either way, I'm pumped as fuck.


Trump's Staff
For anyone that is holding back, I am going to try and skip out of work early on Friday to play. I'll post my first impressions after a few hours of playing, especially whether it is a bug-ridden mess or not. That way you can enjoy a weekend of playing if you like


Golden Knight of the Realm
For anyone that is holding back, I am going to try and skip out of work early on Friday to play. I'll post my first impressions after a few hours of playing, especially whether it is a bug-ridden mess or not. That way you can enjoy a weekend of playing if you like
Please do. I'm dying to hear more about it, but I'm scared of a rocky release.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Day 1 purchase for me. The game is going to be a buggy mess and will be playable in 6months to 12months time. I'm such a sucker.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just decided to say fuck it and bought it for release. Considering how often I complain there aren't enough sandbox/space sims out there, best man up and put my money where my mouth is. Bugs or not, I'm going to dive in tonight.

I'm pre-loading it now. I'll post my thoughts after cracking out with it for a few hours.