You know you're getting old when.....


<Silver Donator>
Did much the same, some great gaming back then. Doom, Duke3d, Heretic/Hexen, C&C, all that good stuff. I still have a 50ft BNC network cable somewhere that I bought because we started having enough people to have to spread to multiple floors.

View attachment 539597
I still remember my friends looking at my like I was some kind of technical angel when I described to them how this kick ass new kind of network card we got in at my work could run over what looked like "beefed up phone cables"... (i.e. 10baseT )

Unrelated, but relevant...
  • 4Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I just need that Cane I was teased about a year ago in this thread and I will be in my final form...

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  • 1Worf
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I'll be 50 in a few years, I'm thankful that FOR NOW I'm physically fine and I can act like a teen, but goddamn are my eyes my Achilles heel. 1 Lasik surgery in 2003ish for both eyes, a touch up PRK but just for ONE eye a year back or so. I'm kind of enjoying the monovision, one eye is garbage at distance but perfect for reading and vice versa.

But what's rustling me is, and the best way to describe it is one eye has a set of floaties so big it acts like a permanent morming eye booger, like someone graced my eye with a few transparent frosted flakes, and just left them there :*(

When you're younger, I swear the doctors try harder to fix shit. Now they just say 'well, that will be with you until you die'. Wheee!
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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Mr. Poopybutthole

Checks out

45 and a half years old

With his retirement, Brady leaves the game at 45 and a half years old, more than six years older than the next-oldest NFL starter and the oldest starting quarterback for the seventh season in a row.


Avatar of War Slayer
when i realize the people you refer to as the "young couple at the end of the street" have been there for more than a decade.
  • 1Supertaster
  • 1Solidarity
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
when i realize the people you refer to as the "young couple at the end of the street" have been there for more than a decade.
I do that a lot with the new business or the new light. My wife says, "that's been there for 3 years now". Well, we've been here for 15, so it's REALTIVELY new.
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<Silver Donator>
New measuring stick...

You keep track of how many people in your bloodline who are older than you are still alive... As of today I am down to 2. (Mother and Uncle) as my great aunt passed away.
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Rustled
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
New measuring stick...

You keep track of how many people in your bloodline who are older than you are still alive... As of today I am down to 2. (Mother and Uncle) as my great aunt passed away.
My mom is the oldest of 8, one of her brothers has 12 kids. Decent health across the board so it’ll hopefully be quite a while.
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