You know you're getting old when.....


<Gold Donor>
It's called Gabapentin, does nothing so far.

I have found using one of those Dr.Ho devices with the pads being the most effective.
Tried it, that's the specific drug I was on when my wife told me I was being , and I quote ' A Mopey Bitch'. I stopped it immediately. But thanks for letting me know. I am trying generic Lyrica but also nada so far.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I don't often get sciatic nerve issues, mostly lower back muscle spasms, my doc prescribed me Tizanidine 4mg, like 90 pills a year ago, still have half a bottle left, it's pretty effective. It feels dumb but yoga has helped me a ton too when its really bad.
Yoga or yoga-like movement/stretching. I don't get any crazy back pain but sitting most of the day or work + not getting enough exercise + etc, and I've had a few stretches where motion/ability to move stuff around was pretty well hindered. I pieced together a little routine that helps maintain or help workout pain and tightness. Body weight squats as low as you can go and keeping your back straight helps me a ton as well.

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<Silver Donator>
It's called Gabapentin, does nothing so far.

I have found using one of those Dr.Ho devices with the pads being the most effective.
My mother is on Gabapentin for back pain. First, you have to build it up to a level in your system. Like, you need to be taking it 5 days to get it consistent from what her Dr told her. Second, it's not a traditional pain blocker, but rather a "sodium chain" blocker which inhibits how well nerves send signals (like pain) and that's how it "helps".

Unfortunately guess what also relies on nerves sending signals to one another... your brain. Which is why many people who get on it get to "mopey fuck" level, or as one woman I know who was on it and stopped said, it gave her "brain cloud"....
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<Gold Donor>
yes that's correct, pain management with that is basically borrowing one of the side effects. I'm in the middle of this but I'd rather be sleepy/dopey than on all the pain meds I am on now. They no longer make me 'not give a fuck' that I'm in all this pain, it's basically like a baby aspirin now.


I remember when I'd get in the car and move the seat as far back as it would go and then recline it. Now I sit about as close to the steering wheel as I can comfortable fit. Amazing what 25 years does to you.
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<Gold Donor>
I enrolled in a Yoga studio, taking beginner classes. at ~45 I am the youngest person in these classes and by far the least flexible. 80 year old grannies are doing warrior poses with more grace than I.
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