When I was young I was super fit. Played basketball in university, ran, muay thai, I was a machine. I would sometimes literally play basketball all day long with a quick break for lunch and dinner. Sounds good, right? Setting myself up for older age with a healthy lifestyle, right?
Wrong. So. Fucking. Wrong.
Horrific bone spurs. Walking is agony. I feel like a crippled person and some mornings it is so bad I can barely hobble to the shower. Spent over $3,000 this year alone on various kinds of treatment. Worse thing is feet always hurt...so you feel tempted to sit more...and by sitting more tend to gain weight...making feet hurt worse.
I've gradually begun to get out of that loop by biking and swimming more but, fuck me, you have no idea how much you hate life when you can't, for example, walk to get coffee without massaging and bathing your feet in cold water for 30 minutes after.
Oh. And I also want to fuck too many young girls.