2012 NFL Season


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He's not *that* special but you don't just roll out of bed and become the 2nd leading rusher in the NFL. It's also like people not thinking Arian and Tate are a big difference though I think because of the system, where I think the talent isn't even close. I haven't seen enough Morris to know how good he is, but he'd be a 1000 yard rusher anywhere in the league I think
Its like Denver all over again. Yeah he's good, but its the team he's on that's making him great. Foster is a unique talent, Tate is benefiting more from the system. Plus defenses have to play RG3 as well which opens things up for Morris.


<Prior Amod>
I don't get why so may are so shocked by Indy's turn around, yeah they were a 2 win team, but the year before that they were a 10 win team. They had ZERO QB during that 2 win season and everyone knew, EVERYONE knew that as soon as they got a decent one in there they would be fine again. It wasn't a shocker by any stretch.

Meanwhile go to Washington and the last year they finished above last place in their division was in 2007 when they finished 1 game above last. And that was only a fluke it seems as the last season they had that took them to the playoffs was in 2005. That team has been bad for a long, long time and in my opinion has a greater turn around then a team that was playoff bound and a superbowl contender just two years ago.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't get why so may are so shocked by Indy's turn around, yeah they were a 2 win team, but the year before that they were a 10 win team. They had ZERO QB during that 2 win season and everyone knew, EVERYONE knew that as soon as they got a decent one in there they would be fine again. It wasn't a shocker by any stretch.

Meanwhile go to Washington and the last year they finished above last place in their division was in 2007 when they finished 1 game above last. And that was only a fluke it seems as the last season they had that took them to the playoffs was in 2005. That team has been bad for a long, long time and in my opinion has a greater turn around then a team that was playoff bound and a superbowl contender just two years ago.
Its not about shocking. The question is if RG3 or Luck was a bigger piece of the turnaround. Washington has been building and they've had their moments but RG3 was a major missing factor for them. I think they would be competitive with Cousins too though, or even maybe like Matt Flynn or Wilson. I find it a harder sell to say the Colts would have this record with any QB. I think ROY is simply too close to call and RG3 probably wins it due to popularity and media hype.
That team has been bad for a long, long time and in my opinion has a greater turn around then a team that was playoff bound and a superbowl contender just two years ago.
Because they've been worse than Indi for so long, they therefore have had higher draft picks. Your supporting arguement for the Redskins success being more surprising can be made simultaneously for Indi & more to the point Luck himself.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
I don't get why so may are so shocked by Indy's turn around, yeah they were a 2 win team, but the year before that they were a 10 win team. They had ZERO QB during that 2 win season and everyone knew, EVERYONE knew that as soon as they got a decent one in there they would be fine again. It wasn't a shocker by any stretch.

Meanwhile go to Washington and the last year they finished above last place in their division was in 2007 when they finished 1 game above last. And that was only a fluke it seems as the last season they had that took them to the playoffs was in 2005. That team has been bad for a long, long time and in my opinion has a greater turn around then a team that was playoff bound and a superbowl contender just two years ago.
yeah, the difference being that "decent qb" was none other than peyton motherfucking manning. The Colts have always been mediocre at best, it was manning carrying them for 10+ years that made them look like a contender of any sort


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Because they've been worse than Indi for so long, they therefore have had higher draft picks. Your supporting arguement for the Redskins success being more surprising can be made simultaneously for Indi & more to the point Luck himself.
Azeth makes a good point. Truly this is the end of days.


<Prior Amod>
Because they've been worse than Indi for so long, they therefore have had higher draft picks.Your supporting arguement for the Redskins success being more surprising can be made simultaneously for Indi & more to the point Luck himself.
And yet with those higher draft picks, they still sucked each and every single year and were a subpar .500 team and had been for the last 6 years, then the year they get RG3, they go to the playoffs. They never improved with those higher draft picks...ever. RG3 though turned it all around.


Lord Nagafen Raider
that's a great analysis if you ignore the fact they were that playoff and super bowl contender because of their first ballot hall of fame quarterback on their roster. The Indy turnaround is 100x more impressive, especially since their offense is one dimensional.

Everyone knew they would be fine as soon as they got a decent QB? None of the 16 people at ESPN picked them to make the playoffs, despite 12 of their 'experts' choosing him as ROTY in the pre season. Same goes for the 16 experts at nfl.com. They have less talent on both sides of the ball...

You can think RG3 is the ROTY, and I understand many arguments for his case, just not that one


<Prior Amod>
yeah, the difference being that "decent qb" was none other than peyton motherfucking manning. The Colts have always been mediocre at best, it was manning carrying them for 10+ years that made them look like a contender of any sort
Clearly Manning wasn't the only one who can do it, I'd argue anyone of Cam Newtons talent level or above could have done something comparable.

I'm not taking anything away from Luck, I've already said it's a close decision on who gets MVP, I just consider what RG3 has done to be more impressive.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Clearly Manning wasn't the only one who can do it, I'd argue anyone of Cam Newtons talent level or above could have done something comparable.

I'm not taking anything away from Luck, I've already said it's a close decision on who gets MVP, I just consider what RG3 has done to be more impressive.
True, Manning wasnt the only one, but to take them to 11-5 in his first season, as a rookie no less demonstrates that Luck has that type of talent. I'd say that after all is said and done in 10-15 years, Luck will have a similar legacy to Manning/Brady/Cutler (jk on that last one) and RG3 will be remembered as a better version of Michael Vick.
The Colts have always been mediocre at best, it was manning carrying them for 10+ years that made them look like a contender of any sort
Definitely, and Manning was clearly the reason they excelled with a mediocre roster. One thing to be said about the roster though is that as few "star calibur" players as it had, they had the right positions filled with the few stars they had available.

They clearly were a pass first team and complimented Manning with Wayne, Clark, & Harrison.

Their run game with Joseph Adai was worth preparing for.

& they had perennial pro-bowl D-linemen, Mathis & Freeney.

They had a lot of holes, but at least they had their corner stones.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Best RB in league, put the game in the hands of your shitty Qb.
Ponder controls and manages the game well, without any receiver core to speak of.

I got about 4 hours of sleep last night because I was so amped, but Ponder gets a real shit card handed to him. He makes mistakes because he tries to force something that isn't there in the past and has been working on that, usually because he feels pressure to pass for more than 100 yards a game. (Hard to do when the receivers do not get open besides Kyle Rudolph, that combined with really poor progression ability) But our receivers are some of the shittiest in the league (Bar yesterday's game) and without a lot of blocks down field from those folks, that 2 yard pass doesn't grow into a 10-20 yard break away down field. AP is the best running back in the league because 1) He just isn't human. 2) He has Fulton and a fantastic blocking line, and from there he can create his own opportunities.

Going to be a tough game next Saturday in the tundra. One of the most hostile environments to play in for the Vikes.

What the D needs to work on this week in drills:

1) Slant coverage on 2 man Blitz. Rogers sees this easily over the line even on Greenway and Robison fake outs. Audible from Harris to Jennings, Nelson, or Finley and it's an automatic 5-10 yards. With some of the best blocking receivers in the league, this turns into 20-30 down field in one hell of a hurry.

2) With Winfield out, someone needs to learn how to cover Jennings. The corners need to talk more and read each other better. This goes to experience in playing together, but this is going to chew us up alive if this doesn't improve. Jennings all by himself with Winfield on the sidelines mouthing the words "What the fuck" doesn't get any worse.

With that said, 5 days rest. The packers are pretty beat up and took some punishment late in the game.

It's going to be a good match up I hope.

With that said, if we get passed this Packer game, we have a very good shot at going to the super bowl.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I don't think Lovie is a bad coach but at some point you need change for changes sake. While the D has had some down times over the years it's always been able to get back to a decent level at worst, the O has been an Achilles heal forever. I don't think Lovie can fix that at this point and we're never going to win anything as is.
How does the CHI fanbase feel about the GM Phil Emery? Cutler is good enough to win, and 1-2 high draft pick O linemen might keep him from getting wrecked every game.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Leaving the OLine as is would give anybody a major concern about how well Emery will do. Then again it was his first year and his draft + FA signings/trades look good. We'll see what happens this year but if Webb is starting at LT in 2013 then someone is just playing a huge joke on the fans.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
How does the CHI fanbase feel about the GM Phil Emery? Cutler is good enough to win, and 1-2 high draft pick O linemen might keep him from getting wrecked every game.
Honestly, everyone loves Emery. In one year he gave us a franchise QB, franchise receiver and another good receiver (Alshon Jeffery), signed Michael Bush and resigned Forte. He basically rebuilt the entire offense in one year.

The weakest point is the oline right now so people are waiting to see what will happen in 2013 draft and FA to fix those problems. Defense is aging too (I will shed a tear the day Urlacher retires), but I think its got another year or 2 left before they need to overhaul it.