2012 NFL Season


You know who the Bears need to pick up for head coach?



Molten Core Raider
He was always going to be safe. Jerry gave Wade three and a half years, and I don't see him giving the RHG less than that at the very least. Plus you look at how bad Murphy's Law fucked this team, especially the defense, and it's amazing that they were even in a spot to win the division. At some point you have to give credit to coaching for him getting his players to never give up. They sure as shit don't do any of that under Wade or Bill.
I'm still mad at Romo, but...

I just wish that every game wasn't solely on his shoulders. If he doesn't play perfect, they are guaranteed to lose - for the last 4 years, Romo IS the team. He never gets help from the defense (hold a team to a field goal, or heaven forbid create a turnover) or special teams (maybe once a year they will get a punt return for TD).

It was a miracle they even got in position to have a win and in playoff game. Injuries just severely hurt them in the middle of the season (offensive line shuffling) and at the end of the year on defense - the Cowboys had terrible drafts in '08 and '09 so they have no depth when injuries strike.

I think they are headed in the right direction, so I don't want to see any wholesale changes. You can't get rid of Romo now (there's no good alternative, like Stephen A Smith said, Romo is the best of the non-elite QBs), or that devalues what Ware and Witten have left because you'll be starting all over with a worse QB and their careers will be over before you can get back to contention.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why would the Bears regret letting Lovie go? "You play to win the game" as someone once said and while he came close in the end it's 9 years of not winning or even competing for a SB. I suppose if your a Browns fan and just getting some sort of mediocrity is a step up then you'd have a point.

The core of the defense is all over 30 so the whole thing needs to be rebuilt in the next 2 years anyway. All the youth for the most part is on the offensive side of the ball.
As someone who's been a fan of a team with a coaching carousel, I know it's difficult to find a competent head coach. That's why they'll regret it. It's the same thing with quarterbacks. You're much more likely to end up with a dud than someone who will consistently have you in the playoffs.


Im sure Cathan can tell you how well that worked out, if he remembers that far back
He doesn't, but I do. This pic sums up Ditka's tenure with the Saints. This was after a hail mary by Tim Couch which was tipped by a Saint defender into the hands of a Browns receiver, giving the 0-8 new Cleveland Browns their first ever victory. Dark times indeed.



Golden Squire
So as if to add injury to... injury... Romo was playing the entire second half with a cracked rib, Austin has a High Ankle sprain, Dez suffered severe back spasms that forced him to be wheeled out of the stadium in a wheelchair, and Ware needs offseason surgery on both his shoulder and his elbow.

I maintain serious reservations that if they had won they would have made it out of the wild card game alive.

On coaching news. It'll be interesting to see who these teams manage to get. Cause there really aren't any big names out there, at least assuming Cowher and Gruden stay in their current analyst/booth jobs.


Silver Knight of the Realm
True, Manning wasnt the only one, but to take them to 11-5 in his first season, as a rookie no less demonstrates that Luck has that type of talent. I'd say that after all is said and done in 10-15 years, Luck will have a similar legacy to Manning/Brady/Cutler (jk on that last one) and RG3 will be remembered as a better version of Michael Vick.
That's some big shoes for Luck to fill there... but it's possible...

RG3 won't be another Vick. For one, when it comes to being a pure runner Vick is/was miles ahead of RG3. Vick's talent running the ball was better than most RB's in the league ever have. RG3 can run but he's not the same runner Vick is. The verdict is still out on what type of passer RG3 develops into but I hope the guy gets the chance to work on his pure passing skills more in the coming years.

RG3 has a lot of things that Vick never had though. For one, RG3 is really fucking smart. Vick has more talent but far less brain power. RG3 actually works hard also. Vick admits he left the play book in the car and partied, last into the locker room and first one out for practice...

Even before RG3 started in the NFL it was easy to see he was very, very different from Vick. RG3's already thanked his team mates and stood up for them, put them before himself. Vick is much quicker to throw people under the bus. In a nut shell, I think it's a horrible comparison to put Vick up against RG3.
So as if to add injury to... injury... Romo was playing the entire second half with a cracked rib, Austin has a High Ankle sprain, Dez suffered severe back spasms that forced him to be wheeled out of the stadium in a wheelchair, and Ware needs offseason surgery on both his shoulder and his elbow.

I maintain serious reservations that if they had won they would have made it out of the wild card game alive.

On coaching news. It'll be interesting to see who these teams manage to get. Cause there really aren't any big names out there, at least assuming Cowher and Gruden stay in their current analyst/booth jobs.
It was visually obvious that Ware was playing at about 42% of his normal, probably same with Dez. Romo, I dunno...if that's true I can't believe they left him in, especially with the 2 picks he already had in the first half. The broken rib would have allowed him to save face and not have to answer about being benched.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't think mcdaniels is going anywhere, his stint as HC= he not ready yet for the head coach gig. a few more years under Bill's Wing= Ready to take over...The Patriots when BB retires..in ~5 years(when brady retires, so will BB imo).
Big what if but... What if Bill finds another great QB about the same skill level as Brady? If it's even close you'd have to think he keeps coaching for a while longer right?

Another thing to consider is BB made Matt Cassel look good. He probably doesn't need a GREAT QB to make that team run well, especially if he turned his focus back to the defense with a more average QB... Pats would still be a really scary team if they had a STOUT D with a slightly less potent offense. Bill might even view that as a challenge to go that route.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
So as if to add injury to... injury... Romo was playing the entire second half with a cracked rib, Austin has a High Ankle sprain, Dez suffered severe back spasms that forced him to be wheeled out of the stadium in a wheelchair, and Ware needs offseason surgery on both his shoulder and his elbow.

I maintain serious reservations that if they had won they would have made it out of the wild card game alive.

On coaching news. It'll be interesting to see who these teams manage to get. Cause there really aren't any big names out there, at least assuming Cowher and Gruden stay in their current analyst/booth jobs.
Sounds to me like your strength and conditioning coaches are fucking terrible. It doesn't help that Dez Bryant is Mr. Glass incarnate and that apparently Romo has the brittlest ribs on the planet(seriously, the dude looks like he's 800 pounds with all that fucking kevlar he has on, yet he still manages to break his ribs almost every fucking season), but your staff seriously sucks.


Silver Knight of the Realm
He didn't stop when Garret was caught pulling a gun on another motorist after an accident.

He didn't stop when Britt got into a seperate accident on the same day, with pills and "other drugs".

He didn't stop when a prosecutor showed him how their home was a known "drug den".

He didn't stop when a judge told him his sons were going to die in prison.

He didn't stop when he found his son dead, with a needle in his arm at the team's own facility.

But on the 7th day, he'll rest because of a bad season. Andy Reid is a fucking douchebag and a serious contender for worst dad of the year.
And Tony Dungy's son offed himself too. Are you really going to blame the parents for everything a shitty kid has ever done? I would probably guess that Andy Reid's more guilty of spoiling his kids instead of beating their asses properly. I suppose you probably blame your daddy for all your failures too eh?


El Presidente
And Tony Dungy's son offed himself too. Are you really going to blame the parents for everything a shitty kid has ever done? I would probably guess that Andy Reid's more guilty of spoiling his kids instead of beating their asses properly. I suppose you probably blame your daddy for all your failures too eh?
Um, fairly sure the main point of the post was that he isn't likely to take a year off.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It's funny buddy and I were texting this morning about our games next week and how we're not really sure to expect anything more out of the season but the dream is Skins v. Ravens in the Super Bowl (I told him I'd bet the house against this happening for obvious reasons).

You really think Minnesota is going to get wrecked? I'll be honest after 7 in a row if we beat Seattle I wouldn't be shocked but I think Minnesota probably has a better chance of beating Green Bay than we do of the Seahawks.
The Vikings wrecked SF earlier this year. Seattle's D is ranked #1 against the pass, not the run esse... God I'd love to see the Vikings wreck SF and Seattle in the playoffs. That would be fucking $$$$$ I hope the Vikings win it all this year. That would troll the fuck out of the NFL as this great passing league where rushing is dead lol.


Golden Squire
Sounds to me like your strength and conditioning coaches are fucking terrible. It doesn't help that Dez Bryant is Mr. Glass incarnate and that apparently Romo has the brittlest ribs on the planet(seriously, the dude looks like he's 800 pounds with all that fucking kevlar he has on, yet he still manages to break his ribs almost every fucking season), but your staff seriously sucks.
Their current S&C coach has 6 rings. 3 with the early 90s Cowboys and 3 with the early 00s Patriots. To call him terrible might be stretching it juuuuust a little. Injuries happen, and more than a few were types that S&C can't account for. Like getting your ankle rolled by a 300 pound lineman. Or getting hit full force by a blitzing safety and driven to the ground. Or breaking a toe. Or breaking a finger. Like I said, this team was pretty much the living definition of Murphy's Law this year.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Round 1
Texans < Bengals
Ravens < Colts

Packers < Vikings
Seahawks < Redskins

Round 2
Patriots > Bengals
Broncos > Colts

Seahawks > Falcons
Vikings > 49'ers

Round 3
Broncos > Patriots
Vikings > Redskins

Vikings > Broncos

Beef Supreme_sl

Sounds to me like your strength and conditioning coaches are fucking terrible. It doesn't help that Dez Bryant is Mr. Glass incarnate and that apparently Romo has the brittlest ribs on the planet(seriously, the dude looks like he's 800 pounds with all that fucking kevlar he has on, yet he still manages to break his ribs almost every fucking season), but your staff seriously sucks.
With what space medicine do you prevent ribs from being re injured WHILE still doing the same activity that broke them in the first place?

I get that if you have the personnel you can prevent a lot of the injuries that would sideline us mortals, but for Romo, nolegalmedicine or training is going to prevent them ribs from breaking over and over again, you know, until he stops playing football.