2012 NFL Season


Blackwing Lair Raider
Round 1
Texans < Bengals
Ravens < Colts

Packers < Vikings
Seahawks < Redskins

Round 2
Patriots > Bengals
Broncos > Colts

Seahawks > Falcons
Vikings > 49'ers

Round 3
Broncos > Patriots
Vikings > Redskins

Vikings > Broncos
I like how you have the Seahawks losing in the first round then playing in the second round, only to have them replaced by the Redskins in the 3rd round.


Vikings can't play the 49ers in 2nd rd. and Patriots can't play the Bengals either. There's a new thread for the postseason too.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Im sure Cathan can tell you how well that worked out, if he remembers that far back
My wife has some Chicago friends that are die hard Bears' fans and I know Chicago LOVES Ditka, which is understandable but people from New Orleans HATE HATE HATE Ditka. He got thrown out of a casino for being an asshole multiple times. As the HC of the city's pro football team you REALLY have to be an asshole to get thrown out of a casino and banned.

That Rickey Jackson (LOLOL) trade of our whole draft is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. There's only 1 Sweetness and Ditka is the stupid motherfucker that fucked him out of his greatest dream, a TD in the Superbowl where the Bears only scored like 7 of them or so...

Imo, Ditka only won that SB because of Buddy Ryan's insanity level defense and Sweetness. They were like the perfect compliment to each other. Another GOOD HC would have won multiple Superbowls with that team. I always wondered why the 85 Bears D was never as good and it's because Buddy Ryan left and Ditka couldn't run it. I'm not saying the Bears D was shitty but they weren't 85 Bears good... Marino may have shown how to attack that D when they rushed everyone and their mother but Buddy Ryan straight up said he was pissed off at his defense because he thought they were rushing too much cause they were all trying to get into the pro bowl instead of focusing on what he taught them about how to play. The 46 was only supposed to be used on about 30% of the downs, not more than half the way it was against Marino that night.

Speaking of Rex... I think Rex is a pretty fair HC. The Jets blew their wad on Sanchez which made it hard to get rid of him after years 1/2, not to mention going to the AFCCG back to back. Then the Jets started losing some of the great D Linemen like Cullen Jenkins and that DE that blew out his ACL? 2 years in a row. Revis has been hurt a lot the last 2 years, Santonio down, Shonne Green's NEVER been nearly as good as anyone had hoped, LT was over the hill... Who did they have for a #2 WR? Stonehands Edwards and slow poke that capped himself? If the injuries weren't enough the last 2 years Tannenbaum has done his best to buttfuck the Jets with some of the worst talent in the league as well as a contract for Sanchez that is only rivaled by Deangelo Williams' in the last few years (and we know what happened to the Panthers GM...)

Give Rex a decent GM that can shore up that team and I bet they can turn it around. They need a for real OC though. Buddy Ryan's major weakness with the Eagles was he was all defense and he had a great defense but Buddy was shit for offensive coaching. Buddy should have stayed a DC.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm still mad at Romo, but...

I just wish that every game wasn't solely on his shoulders. If he doesn't play perfect, they are guaranteed to lose - for the last 4 years, Romo IS the team. He never gets help from the defense (hold a team to a field goal, or heaven forbid create a turnover) or special teams (maybe once a year they will get a punt return for TD).

It was a miracle they even got in position to have a win and in playoff game. Injuries just severely hurt them in the middle of the season (offensive line shuffling) and at the end of the year on defense - the Cowboys had terrible drafts in '08 and '09 so they have no depth when injuries strike.

I think they are headed in the right direction, so I don't want to see any wholesale changes. You can't get rid of Romo now (there's no good alternative, like Stephen A Smith said, Romo is the best of the non-elite QBs), or that devalues what Ware and Witten have left because you'll be starting all over with a worse QB and their careers will be over before you can get back to contention.
Why are some people so fucking delusional? That's like me saying the Saints D just needs 1 guy to make them great!!! NO... the Saints D needs like 7 or 8 guys at least to turn that shit around. Romo will probably retire a Cowboy and he'll retire with the legacy of never having a deep playoff run, much less a Superbowl. Go back and watch the Parcells "A Football Life". He was dogging Romo hard as fuck and for good reason. Romo never learned the lessons Parcells tried to teach him and he's still fucking away games. Romo's talented, puts up some great stats but he fucks up games at least as often as he wins them. You go into the playoffs with that and you'll never go all the way. Romo's probably too old to learn to play smarter but at least he'll be there a few more years to keep us all laughing at Dallas.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I like how you have the Seahawks losing in the first round then playing in the second round, only to have them replaced by the Redskins in the 3rd round.
I thought about trying to verify who would go where based on what seeds they are but really, would yall have had as much fun with that post if I had?
As someone who's been a fan of a team with a coaching carousel, I know it's difficult to find a competent head coach. That's why they'll regret it. It's the same thing with quarterbacks. You're much more likely to end up with a dud than someone who will consistently have you in the playoffs.
19-39 against teams with a better then .500 record. That says all you need to know about Lovie as the Coach of the Chicago bears. Only once did a bears offense break in to the top half of the league statistically during his tenure. But hey, guy was a world beater against sub five hundred teams with a .749 win percentage. So the Bears will regret letting him go? Yeah right. I'd rather the Bears take a chance and maybe get a coach that can win consistently in important games so that the team and its fans aren't stuck in a rut of mediocrity with deceptively good records because for some reason a Lovie coached team steamrolled a bunch of shit teams each season, but couldn't handle playing against the big boys. He's also 1(2?) and 8(9?) against the Packers lately.

I got caught up in the bullshit again this season, but I'm tired of it. He needed to go.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Get a weird feeling of Andy to the Bears. Not firing Rex still baffles me. They need a real head coach, not an over glorified defensive coordinator. Andy is the perfect pick for the Jets right now.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Bears arent shelling out money for a coach so there will be no Reids, Grudens, Cowhers, Maddens, Turners and whomever else you can imagine.

It will be some obscure OC or DC.


I think Reid to the Cardinals makes some sense. Reunited with Kolb, access to a top tier WR and decent defense, knows how to win a tough/competitive division (which the NFC West is these days).

I'm a Skins fan and I'd give rookie of the year to Luck. I just think he had less to work with and carried his team more than either RG3 or Wilson. I also think RG3 is a bit overrated given the fact that it's his rookie year, and I really think you need at least TWO before you can be considered a competent qb, let alone the "franchise savior". I'm sure I hear about him more than an outside observer would though, given that I live in the DC area. I like him so far, and I'm intrigued by the first round of the playoffs having 2 rookie qb's against each other.

I'd love to see Jacksonville just say fuck it and hire Chip Kelly (who probably wants nothing to do with Jacksonville), trade for Tebow, draft Denard Robinson or some shit as a back up, trade for Joe Webb since you can never have enough backups when you run that type of offense, and just go to town with whatever crazy schemes he can come up with.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Bears arent shelling out money for a coach so there will be no Reids, Grudens, Cowhers, Maddens, Turners and whomever else you can imagine.

It will be some obscure OC or DC.
Grudens is a lol, Cowhers is a bigger lol. Turner getting hired again is the biggest lol. Reid is a sorta good fit, think he would do better at the Jets tho. Sanchez needs help big time, Andy Reid could do that.

I am second guessing Cowher. He might just like the idea of the Bears.

Beef Supreme_sl

Sanchez needs help big time, Andy Reid could do that.
I didn't know Reid was also an alchemist. An alchemist who specializes in turning a bag of shit dicks into, well, not a bag of shit dicks.

Sanchez is beyond redemption. I'd take fat JaMarcus or Ryan Leaf's prison beard over Mark "Hey guys, I played at USC too" Sanchez.


Vyemm Raider
The Vikings wrecked SF earlier this year. Seattle's D is ranked #1 against the pass, not the run esse... God I'd love to see the Vikings wreck SF and Seattle in the playoffs. That would be fucking $$$$$ I hope the Vikings win it all this year. That would troll the fuck out of the NFL as this great passing league where rushing is dead lol.
And despite AP running for damn near 200 yards against us we still managed to beat them in the regular season. And if the Vikings do play the Hawks its IN Seattle in the NFC Champ game and no way is anybody wrecking the Hawks in Century Link.