2012 NFL Season


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyway.. Hopefully Andy lands in AZ. He can probably salvage Kolb to the point Fitz can get back to real production. I just wonder how he would handle that Oline...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Andy thought Kolb was worth having he wouldn't have traded him. Go get Alex Smith or something while you draft Qb to develop.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He did. If you remember Kolb was the starter. He got hurt and Vick just went on that crazy streak. At that point there was no way you could put Kolb back on. Andy did Kolb a favor by trading him as he started to get more and more outspoken about his predicament. It didn't hurt that Az was offering what was perceived to be a great corner in exchange


Silver Knight of the Realm
Anyway.. Hopefully Andy lands in AZ. He can probably salvage Kolb to the point Fitz can get back to real production. I just wonder how he would handle that Oline...
Replace it... Short term he probably just reworks the playbook to deal with it as best he can with a great RB from somewhere I'd say.

I don't understand the Sanchez argument. The guy is terribad. There's a hundred reasons/stats/film follies and colossal fuckups to support how terribad he is.

To join the football thread that should be the litmus test.

What do you think of Mark Sanchez?
A. He's ok.
B. He's god awful.

Answer B gets you into the thread, Answer A gets you perma banned from the sports forum.


El Presidente
If Andy thought Kolb was worth having he wouldn't have traded him. Go get Alex Smith or something while you draft Qb to develop.
The thing was Kolb was supposed to be the starter. Vick ended up having an MVP type season so there was no way they weren't going to just go with that at that point. Kolb isn't Arizona's problem. Their Oline is fucking awful. Worst line in the NFL by orders of magnitude.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Replace it... Short term he probably just reworks the playbook to deal with it as best he can with a great RB from somewhere I'd say.

I don't understand the Sanchez argument. The guy is terribad. There's a hundred reasons/stats/film follies and colossal fuckups to support how terribad he is.

To join the football thread that should be the litmus test.

What do you think of Mark Sanchez?
A. He's ok.
B. He's god awful.

Answer B gets you into the thread, Answer A gets you perma banned from the sports forum.
I don't get it either. He made some serious bad calls this year at the line. He makes pre snap decisions on WRs and is constantly being baited by Defensive backs.. To be frank... He can't read a fucking defense

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If you actually believe Sanchez couldn't be be a good QB you are not watching football the last couple years. He has been left high and dry the whole time. Baffles me when people say Sanchez sucks when everything around him sucks more.

Why Rex Ryan hasn't been fired yet is a wow to me. He must kiss good ass.

Should clean the house.

LOL they hired Sparano and Tebow? No wonder why Rex still has a job.
click video, scroll below



marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
THat is some funny shit from a guy who doesnt have a coach. oh shit, neither do the jets, worth a shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
THat is some funny shit from a guy who doesnt have a coach. oh shit, neither do the jets, worth a shit.
Maybe Rex should put him back on the color code system?! Lol you should just stop dude.. People are reading this stuff...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
THat is some funny shit from a guy who doesnt have a coach. oh shit, neither do the jets, worth a shit.
sick burn dude, what will my team ever do?

oh yeah, probably hire another coach

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
just what year do the bears see the playoffs again? I mean we all know about this year.
its not easy playing in a division that has 3 teams with double digit wins but we'll be fine

id make fun of you but i dont know what team you root for