Alien: Romulus (2024)


<Silver Donator>
I too saw the murals in Prometheus, but they don't really make sense. The murals depict a xenomorph as we know it, that is from a facehugger impregnating a human and the resulting xenomorph from human stock. As far as we know in Prometheus, the Engineers only have the black goo and no access to human livestock to test it on, we see the black goo creating Hammerpedes which don't infest people with embryonic xenomorphs, and we see the black goo directly infecting humans and the result is either zombie-xeno (depending on deleted scene or not) or the infected person being able to sexually transmit an embryonic squid which then evolves into a huge parasite that then infects an Engineer to create a proto-xeno called a Deacon. None of this connects the dots to the actual xenomorphs we have known since Alien. There is really no perfect way to reconcile those two origin stories, especially if you also take in consideration the added lore from Aliens (queens, hives, etc) or Alien 3 assembly edition (royal facehugger)

As for the xenomorphs being a naturally-occuring species, that's developped in the comics and books too, they have a homeworld we call Xenomorph Prime (with an empress-type queen that can telephatically communicate with other distant queens, it gets a bit crazy). Maybe the Engineers captured some specimens, and modified them with their engineered black goo mutagen to allow them to spread in the galaxy as a bio-weapon that could adapt to any terrain or environment since it takes some of its host's DNA?
The predators also used to capture queens and use them to seed a planet for a hunt in the comics as established in the very first AVP series. Think I still have all 5 of those, and the follow-up series.
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<Gold Donor>

Rewatched Alien last night for the first time in like a decade. 1979 Sigorney was a real looker.
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<Bronze Donator>
Yea but they were going too hard on it. They almost turned into CinemaSins his episode. The only egregious thing was CGIing a character from Alien that they should not have done.

Just got back from seeing it and I did not read this thread beforehand. I was absolutely coming to post:

It was ok, I rank it behind the first three aliens (yes I'm a big alien 3 fan). They went WAY overboard with the throwbacks, they got old real quick.
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<Silver Donator>
Just got back from seeing it and I did not read this thread beforehand. I was absolutely coming to post:

It was ok, I rank it behind the first three aliens (yes I'm a big alien 3 fan). They went WAY overboard with the throwbacks, they got old real quick.
Alien 3 was the last great film in the series.
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David essentially reverse-engineered a newer strain of the Xenomorph, which is what I took away from Prometheus/Covenant. It's a prequel to Alien, with Covenant as a side-story parallel to the original Alien. It is possible they can tie back to Covenant later, but I doubt it. Romulus and Isolation happen parallel to each other, if only by years. Amanda Ripley goes off to find her mom shortly after word of the Nostromo goes boom, and Romulus is well after the events of Alien (sans spoilers) but not long before Aliens given the technology available.

The primary timeline is at the very bottom (ASCII sux)

Prey (Prequel) > Predators (side-quest w/ Adrien Brody)
80s Predator > Predator 2
Aliens vs Predator & Requiem (based on Weyland-Yutani & Yautja stinger)
----------------> The Predator (based on the scrapped ending)
-----------------------------------> Prometheus > Covenant > ???? (David is on a solo mission with an entire crew and X amount of eggs in stasis)
                                               \ Alien: Isolation (the game w/ Amanda Ripley)
                                                  \           |
---------------------------------------------------------> Alien > Romulus > Aliens > Alien 3 > Ressurection (200yrs, soft attempt at closure or reboot)


<Silver Donator>
David essentially reverse-engineered a newer strain of the Xenomorph, which is what I took away from Prometheus/Covenant. It's a prequel to Alien, with Covenant as a side-story parallel to the original Alien. It is possible they can tie back to Covenant later, but I doubt it. Romulus and Isolation happen parallel to each other, if only by years. Amanda Ripley goes off to find her mom shortly after word of the Nostromo goes boom, and Romulus is well after the events of Alien (sans spoilers) but not long before Aliens given the technology available.

The primary timeline is at the very bottom (ASCII sux)

Prey (Prequel) > Predators (side-quest w/ Adrien Brody)
80s Predator > Predator 2
Aliens vs Predator & Requiem (based on Weyland-Yutani & Yautja stinger)
----------------> The Predator (based on the scrapped ending)
-----------------------------------> Prometheus > Covenant > ???? (David is on a solo mission with an entire crew and X amount of eggs in stasis)
                                               \ Alien: Isolation (the game w/ Amanda Ripley)
                                                  \           |
---------------------------------------------------------> Alien > Romulus > Aliens > Alien 3 > Ressurection (200yrs, soft attempt at closure or reboot)
Or you just read the comics. It's like people talking about the Star Wars extended universe, never read any of those novels, I don't know much about it other than what one of my goofy friends told me. To my understanding was Star Wars novels were really awesome.

Same thing with the aliens and Predator comics but extended that whole mythos or universe. To me that's canon, and Ridley Scott coming in to rewrite everything is fake and gay.


Yeah, Prometheus/Covenant is its own thing I am OK with, similar to the variations of the Xeno across all the comics. They all have a similar root origin, but HOW they got to those planets or started a riot was typically human intervention.


<Gold Donor>
People discussing the lore and here I am all like, “dudes, those movies sucked. The lore doesn’t make any sense because the movies were bad and the movies were bad, in part, because nothing really made any sense.” Alien 1,2, and 3 excepted.

Someone should make Aliens 2 just to fuck with people.
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<Silver Donator>
People discussing the lore and here I am all like, “dudes, those movies sucked. The lore doesn’t make any sense because the movies were bad and the movies were bad, in part, because nothing really made any sense.” Alien 1,2, and 3 excepted.

Someone should make Aliens 2 just to fuck with people.
Well that's what Neil Blomkampff was going to try to do, but then old man Ridley decided to say hey I want to make some gay movie with Damon Lindelof.

Things could have been great. Looking at his original storyboards and stuff it was probably much closer to what the comics covered would imagine they were inspired by them to a degree, but instead you got alien Covenant, and a giant donut spaceship rolling over somebody.

I guess a real question is who owns the rights, and how exactly does that work if somebody's writing a comic book or a novel or something?
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<Silver Donator>
If that's is that's actually from the movie, what the hell.

Jesus, when I have to watch this movie Just because it looks so goddamn horrible. Seriously what the hell. It's like the retards of writing it said let's do all of the stuff from all of the other films. We're going to have the original alien from the first film, then we're going to have people trapped on a space station or whatever and I have some stupid pulse rifles, and then we're going to include the black jizz, on top of that we're going to make a weird engineer alien baby hybrid as a call back to stupid Alien Resurrection.
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<Gold Donor>
If that's is that's actually from the movie, what the hell.

Jesus, when I have to watch this movie Just because it looks so goddamn horrible. Seriously what the hell. It's like the retards of writing it said let's do all of the stuff from all of the other films. We're going to have the original alien from the first film, then we're going to have people trapped on a space station or whatever and I have some stupid pulse rifles, and then we're going to include the black jizz, on top of that we're going to make a weird engineer alien baby hybrid as a call back to stupid Alien Resurrection.

The movie's good, and retelling all those elements of the others was an interesting choice. Each act is essentially a different movie. Too bad you got the third act spoiled because it's actually pretty unnerving in action.
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<Silver Donator>
The movie's good, and retelling all those elements of the others was an interesting choice. Each act is essentially a different movie. Too bad you got the third act spoiled because it's actually pretty unnerving in action.
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<Gold Donor>
This little movie did ok for what it set out to do. No real risks, just very safe stuff. Pretty much a greatest hits of the first 4 movies while still building upon Prometheus and Covenant.
I wouldn't be too surprised if we got another Ridley Scott movie next to close out the David story.

I appreciate that it was low budget and still used so many practical effects. I'm down for a practical effects renaissance!
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<Gold Donor>
So we're operating under a "I haven't seen Romulus yet but it sucks lol" paradigm in this thread, I see.

TBT-TheBigToe TBT-TheBigToe Yes, each act is a referemce to a different movie in the series, and the overall movie (sum of its parts) is good.


In other news, during my Alien rewatch I spotted this. It flies by in a blur, but you can clearly see the Xenomorph sleeping in the escape pod before Ripley even boards it, when she's going back for the cat.

Continuity-wise the Xeno knocks the cat box out of the way (it's quite hostile to anything that moves) and then disappears for the next five minutes of the movie. You can see where it just waltzed right into the escape shuttle and took a nap (for some reason). I like when movies do such a good job with the spacial elements of their setting that you can tell where in the setting the characters are at any given time. The Thing is like this too (at the end they do a pan that shows that the door to the basement (where Blair was lurking) is right behind where Childs was guarding an exterior door before he goes missing, which is IMO a large hint).


Vyemm Raider
You can see where it just waltzed right into the escape shuttle and took a nap (for some reason). I like when movies do such a good job with the spacial elements of their setting that you can tell where in the setting the characters are at any given time. The Thing is like this too (at the end they do a pan that shows that the door to the basement (where Blair was lurking) is right behind where Childs was guarding an exterior door before he goes missing, which is IMO a large hint).

I've read about the original script mentioning the xenomorphs drawing energy from their surroundings, to boost their incredbile metabolism, so it is possible the Big Chap went to nap in the shuttle amidst cables and tubing to "feed" on the energy of the ship. That's also why in Romulus the chestburster makes its chrysalis on a wall with tubes and pipes and cables. It was written as a way to explain why the creature's design is bio-mechanical.
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<Silver Donator>
I've read about the original script mentioning the xenomorphs drawing energy from their surroundings, to boost their incredbile metabolism, so it is possible the Big Chap went to nap in the shuttle amidst cables and tubing to "feed" on the energy of the ship. That's also why in Romulus the chestburster makes its chrysalis on a wall with tubes and pipes and cables. It was written as a way to explain why the creature's design is bio-mechanical.
I don't remember that in any of the comics or anything but it's not a retarded idea. Aren't they silicone based? That would kind of make sense.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Saw this on RPX last night and really enjoyed it. Had some good suspense and jumps. It was close to being in my top 2 but the third act kinda killed it for me. Was an interesting twist and was also a jump the shark moment. The actor who played Andy did an awesome job.
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