Alien: Romulus (2024)


Avatar of War Slayer

So is this just Force Awakens then? Make the same movie and cram it full of meta references to old movies to tickle people in the memberberries?

I'm sure this movie is trash. But every time they come out and insist Rogue one was just memberberries, and not the only unique and engaging NuStarwars I loose a bit more respect, and am less inclined to believe what they have to say about the movie in question.
It was weird when they said it the first time, and its even worse now, after time has only made it more appearent.

it was the only one that understood starwars. it was the only one with something unique to say. with its own story, even when that story is couched within the greater story of A new hope.
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<Gold Donor>
You're a good dude, but....
John Candy No GIF by Laff
Yeah I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Predator, like alien, is at its heart a monster movie. Ultimately you can only take them one of two ways, you lean into the mystery/suspense aspect or you veer towards the slasher/horror aspect.

if you go towards mystery/suspense you run into the same issue that alien has, in which case you've mostly explained everything about the creatures within one or two movies which leads you towards expanding out the lore/universe into ridiculous areas which is the last 9 alien films/prequels/sequels engineers bullshit or it's the Olivia munn predator movie with the whole power of autism Schick. Its also the cross over avp movies.

Or you focus on the slasher/horror aspect with the lore/world building of predator 1 & 2 which sets up big game trophy hunter predator hunting group _____X_____ insert commandos, cops, murderers on murderworld or injuns.

There has only been 2 good alien films, alien and aliens, while there has been 4 good predator films, predator, predator 2, predators, and prey. All of these films have something in common, they focused on the monsters and the situation they were in, and all the bad ones focused on the autism of world building and adding new mysteries to resolve.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm sure this movie is trash. But every time they come out and insist Rogue one was just memberberries, and not the only unique and engaging NuStarwars I loose a bit more respect, and am less inclined to believe what they have to say about the movie in question.
It was weird when they said it the first time, and its even worse now, after time has only made it more appearent.

it was the only one that understood starwars. it was the only one with something unique to say. with its own story, even when that story is couched within the greater story of A new hope.

Other than the last Vader sequence what was so memorable about rogue one? I remember it had that fat black guy who always has a retarded look on his face, and it generally was a star wars styled rehash of seven samurai. Other than that I got nothing.


<Silver Donator>
Half way through they show WY reversed engineered the black goo and experimented with it. They used a rat to initially show it to have miraculous regenerating/enhancement properties when consumed. Then they make it a very clear point to show the reverse engineered black goo will still mutate you eventually turning you into some kind of xenohybrid.

Mother character is mortally wounded so to save her life she injects herself with the black goo. In the final scene which is literally a triple "homage" to Alien, Alien Resurrection and Prometheus the black goo mutates her fetus transforming it into a hybrid between a human/xeno/engineer. Anyways she gives birth to an egg inside a cyro pod in an obvious call back to the doctor pod scene in Prometheus. Rain takes the egg and runs away with it presumably to destroy it but it starts leaking acid so she drops it causing it to melt down into the cargo hold and out pops a little human/xeno/engineer baby(honest to god not making this up). Eventually Rain comes back to the Mother and as Rain is kneeling beside the Mother, the Mother sticks her hand into the shirt and pulls her hand out covered in jelly. While this is going on the hybrid appears behind them, Rain runs off to get a weapon while the hybrid comes right up to the Mother just like the New Born did to Ripley in Resurrection and kind of caresses her I dont know its weird. Whats makes it even weirder is the thing is seemingly fully developed 7-8 feet tall. Eventually it cuts back to the Mother being dead with the hybrid feeding on her. Then it goes into Rain fighting the Hybrid all alone in a space suit just like the end of Alien.
Its really every bit as weird and bizarre as the new born in resurrection.

I dont get how Alien movies go so off the rails. This would have been a really good movie if they removed the entire hybrid nonsense, casted actual adults then made the story about WY intrigue. Instead its just a meh movie that the best thing you can say is its certainly better Covenant and a little better than Prometheus.
That's so fucking retarded, I might just have to watch it now, when it comes to video on demand. Fuck paying for that shit in a theater.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm sure this movie is trash. But every time they come out and insist Rogue one was just memberberries, and not the only unique and engaging NuStarwars I loose a bit more respect, and am less inclined to believe what they have to say about the movie in question.
It was weird when they said it the first time, and its even worse now, after time has only made it more appearent.

it was the only one that understood starwars. it was the only one with something unique to say. with its own story, even when that story is couched within the greater story of A new hope.
Ah yes Rogue One being marginally less shit than the rest of Disney Star Wars means that the half in the bag people have no credibility.

Rogue One was shit.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
You missed that part where they were French
What does their white european colonial empire of origin have to do with anything?

White man bad.

Not like the savages weren't murdering each other long before any Europeans arrived. And the tribes that sided with the Europeans are running multi billion dollar casinos to this day on tribal lands.

Kill whitey.
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FPS noob
had some free time so checked this out, not bad. i enjoyed it, although i wish they had cut the last 20 mins and kept the movie to a tight 90 mins. The last part of the movie was goofy.

first hour was probably the best, i like the world building and space visuals.

some great fight scenes especially the stuff around acid as people said, I am not a big horror guy and rarely see any so this felt like a fairly low level of tension and horror, its probably gonna be super tame for anyone who is really into horror. I was still very nervous a few times.

best part for me was not finding any of the cast annoying, especially since they are all young. They felt like they could have shown up in any 80s or 90s movie as is, which was nice. There was one guy, "the cousin", who had a super thick English lower class accent and I could not understand him half the time. I think its the "theres something in the WARTAH" guy from the trailer and RLM video.

its a disney movie so it should be on VOD in 90 days or so, i don't think there is any real reason to see it in theaters but if you got a few hours to kill its probably a better choice than most of the other shit out there.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
No it was woke girlboss garbage. All her fight scenes were pathetic where this super hunter who was killing men in seconds couldn't do anything to a chubby little girl who could barely move. It was ridiculously stupid. Good premise, ruined by DEI stupidity. Also portrayed all the white men as irredeemable evil rapists and slavers.

Yeah, Prey could have been great if left to its own devices, but instead they had to inject a bunch of bullshit. The French trappers were like irredeemably awful and vicious and everything white was portrayed as an absolutely nightmarish bloodbath of barbarians, compared to the kindly and peaceful native folk. Noticed a trend with big Hollywood studios the last few years of demonizing French people and I'm not sure why the sudden push to single out that one particular group and make them look like irredeemable villains.

Edit: I liked Prey in spite of all of this and think most of it was good. However the way it was going out of its way to shit on The French was distracting.

As for Alien Romulus, it was really good, I approve. In terms of theme and structure and so forth first act is basically Alien, second act is basically Aliens, third act is basically Prometheus. Also some nods to Alien Isolation and (bleh) Alien Resurrection. This movie was legitimately terrifying at times as well. Can't even remember the last time a movie had me freaked out in the theater.

However one thing that disappointed me is
that I was hoping this would finish the Prometheus trilogy and show us what happened with the space station David had commandeered for his alien experiments. Tney could have finished that story and basically had the exact same movie here, just switch Not-Ash for David which would have made more sense anyway, avoided CGI since Fassbender's aging accounts for 80 years passing, and had it be the station from the end of Covenant. Boom, trilogy completed with minimal changes. Oh well.
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Vyemm Raider
However one thing that disappointed me is
that I was hoping this would finish the Prometheus trilogy and show us what happened with the space station David had commandeered for his alien experiments. Tney could have finished that story and basically had the exact same movie here, just switch Not-Ash for David which would have made more sense anyway, avoided CGI since Fassbender's aging accounts for 80 years passing, and had it be the station from the end of Covenant. Boom, trilogy completed with minimal changes. Oh well.

The problem is, despite Romulus' attempt at reconciling the Prometheus/Covenant story with the main story, it contradicts itself quite a bit.

In Covenant, David is revealed to have engineered the Xenomorph species from the black goo mutagen, having gone through many iterations (various species of local fauna on display in his laboratory, the spores leading to bloodbursters/neomorphs) before creating the first egg from his experiments on Shaw's body. This egg then leads to the first xenomorph we see chronologically. Romulus however starts with the "Big Chap" from Alien having survived the events on the Nostromo, but he was from an egg on the Derelict on LV-426. The ship on LV-426 had nothing to do with anything David ever did, the space jockey in the seat was fossilized (which takes several thousand years), and there were many eggs in the cargo hold, the ship being later described as a bomber in various comics/stories. So if you include David in the events of the main franchise, you have (even more of) a mess with the story because the xenomorph's origins become very confusing. Romulus handled it pretty well by having the black goo retconned into being part of their genes, explaining the volatile mutagenic powers of the xenomorph species, but bringing David into the main story would have been a step too far in my opinion.
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Trakanon Raider
In Prometheus they show the Xenomorph on the murals at the engineer station. I believe David was just trying to recreate the xenomorph or create his version of them. So based on Romulus then I would imagine the Xenomorphs are a race that simply exist somewhere out there and were not manufactured but simply evolved the way they did. Everything involving the engineers and David is simply them trying to reverse engineer the Alien race or weaponize it via the black goo.


Vyemm Raider
In Prometheus they show the Xenomorph on the murals at the engineer station. I believe David was just trying to recreate the xenomorph or create his version of them. So based on Romulus then I would imagine the Xenomorphs are a race that simply exist somewhere out there and were not manufactured but simply evolved the way they did. Everything involving the engineers and David is simply them trying to reverse engineer the Alien race or weaponize it via the black goo.

I too saw the murals in Prometheus, but they don't really make sense. The murals depict a xenomorph as we know it, that is from a facehugger impregnating a human and the resulting xenomorph from human stock. As far as we know in Prometheus, the Engineers only have the black goo and no access to human livestock to test it on, we see the black goo creating Hammerpedes which don't infest people with embryonic xenomorphs, and we see the black goo directly infecting humans and the result is either zombie-xeno (depending on deleted scene or not) or the infected person being able to sexually transmit an embryonic squid which then evolves into a huge parasite that then infects an Engineer to create a proto-xeno called a Deacon. None of this connects the dots to the actual xenomorphs we have known since Alien. There is really no perfect way to reconcile those two origin stories, especially if you also take in consideration the added lore from Aliens (queens, hives, etc) or Alien 3 assembly edition (royal facehugger)

As for the xenomorphs being a naturally-occuring species, that's developped in the comics and books too, they have a homeworld we call Xenomorph Prime (with an empress-type queen that can telephatically communicate with other distant queens, it gets a bit crazy). Maybe the Engineers captured some specimens, and modified them with their engineered black goo mutagen to allow them to spread in the galaxy as a bio-weapon that could adapt to any terrain or environment since it takes some of its host's DNA?
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Trakanon Raider
After looking at the mural again perhaps I'm jumping the gun on the Engineers involvement as it relates to the Aliens. Maybe they stole the goo or created it which leads to the downfall of their people as punishment for messing with "fire" aka knowledge they shouldn't have been messing with. As for the mural I don't think it depicts humans but engineers. Clearly their is religious symbolism regarding the mural, sacrifice, creation, etc. The goo has properties that mutate life in different ways and the engineers show signs of being able to manipulate it. Example being the Engineer who seeded life on Earth. He drinks the goo but doesn't mutate into some weird creature. He dissolves in order to seed the planet. The goo allows the engineers to become god in a way. The alpha and the omega. They have the ability to create life as well as destroy it.
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Vyemm Raider
After looking at the mural again perhaps I'm jumping the gun on the Engineers involvement as it relates to the Aliens. Maybe they stole the goo or created it which leads to the downfall of their people as punishment for messing with "fire" aka knowledge they shouldn't have been messing with. As for the mural I don't think it depicts humans but engineers. Clearly their is religious symbolism regarding the mural, sacrifice, creation, etc. The goo has properties that mutate life in different ways and the engineers show signs of being able to manipulate it. Example being the Engineer who seeded life on Earth. He drinks the goo but doesn't mutate into some weird creature. He dissolves in order to seed the planet. The goo allows the engineers to become god in a way. The alpha and the omega. They have the ability to create life as well as destroy it.

To refresh your memory, the murals show xenomorphs and facehuggers as we know them, long before David supposecly creates them, and not looking anything like the hammerpedes and deacon creatures seen from black goo and LV223-related fauna. It seems logical that the Engineers know about those creatures from before, which both explains why there are specimen in eggs in a thousand years old derelict ship on LV426, and that they are probably an existing species encounetered in the past by the Engineers, thus rendering the entire explaination of Covenant's xenomorph origins either completely contradictory, or at best turning David into a complete fabricator bragging about creating something he had nothing to do with and making his entire story arc moot and dumb.

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Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah i saw it and it was a legit scary movie and a good alien movie.
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