Ashes of Creation


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Been playing MMOs since EQ1. If there is one thing I know, no one is there to test the game, they are all there to get advanced knowledge of the game and exploit early and often to have a leg up on release.

Especially anyone paying.

If it was random invites, you might get 25% that test, provide detailed feedback and such. But yes the rest are there to learn the game early.


Log Wizard
I doubt they are starving for cash as Fucker stated. If that were the case then they wouldn't have stopped the preorder stuff. But they are a business and they do want to make money. There is demand for Alpha access and Star Citizen has shown that people will pay a stupid amount of money for pixels for a game far from release. So why not make money off of them. And getting people to pay to test the game for you has become a thing, so give the people what they want and charge too much for it. Basic business 101.
They have over 200 employees and no income stream.

This was a laughably bad decision and it blew up in their faces. Who makes bad decisions? Desperate people.

They are still years away from launch, it is a pretty good bet the game won't see the light of day at all.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The game will launch, the real question is how many things promised won't be in at launch and how half-baked it will be at launch.
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They have over 200 employees and no income stream.

This was a laughably bad decision and it blew up in their faces. Who makes bad decisions? Desperate people.

They are still years away from launch, it is a pretty good bet the game won't see the light of day at all.
Pretty good bet it will 🤷‍♂️


what Suineg set it to
A fool and his money are soon departed. Where do I get these keys?


Molten Core Raider
I keep seeing "when the game releases"... Yea not happening.
2016 announced to 2024 alpha 2?

WoW was announced in 2001 RELEASED 2004. Was far larger than AoC will be, and was made using slower older computers, by less skilled game designers at the time. Was buggy as hell for 2 years but was a solid released game.

This... Yea I have said before I was hyped for years. But realized it's vaporware after wasting money on it.

Seeing it get pushed back year after year, since first proposed release date will do that to you. Who remembers when it was scheduled to be released in 2019 after the battle royal cluster fuck finished testing? How did that end up? Oh yea they switched from unreal 4 to unreal 5 to "speed up" production time. And that worked so well too?

Sorry it's not ever coming out as a retail $15 per month sub game. It will just be cash grab after cash grab until all the suckers stop paying to play in their Alphas.

So much potential wasted. I really thought this one was going to be good.
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Vyemm Raider
I keep seeing "when the game releases"... Yea not happening.
2016 announced to 2024 alpha 2?

WoW was announced in 2001 RELEASED 2004. Was far larger than AoC will be, and was made using slower older computers, by less skilled game designers at the time. Was buggy as hell for 2 years but was a solid released game.

This... Yea I have said before I was hyped for years. But realized it's vaporware after wasting money on it.

Seeing it get pushed back year after year, since first proposed release date will do that to you. Who remembers when it was scheduled to be released in 2019 after the battle royal cluster fuck finished testing? How did that end up? Oh yea they switched from unreal 4 to unreal 5 to "speed up" production time. And that worked so well too?

Sorry it's not ever coming out as a retail $15 per month sub game. It will just be cash grab after cash grab until all the suckers stop paying to play in their Alphas.

So much potential wasted. I really thought this one was going to be good.

How big is Azeroth in the game?

From the formulas mentioned above, we know that Azeroth is around 1200 square kilometers, with a land area of around 200 square kilometers. We can then use the formula of the spherical surface to calculate the diameter of the WoW planet, which is S= 4πr², resulting in 20 kilometers.


From a purely mechanical perspective the world of Verra is 1200 km² with some as yet unknown quantity of Underrealm. The world itself is broken into 750 km² of Lakes, Rivers, and Oceans and 450-480 km² of land, including the new islands of Sujoma and Peligora.
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what Suineg set it to
How big is Azeroth in the game?

From the formulas mentioned above, we know that Azeroth is around 1200 square kilometers, with a land area of around 200 square kilometers. We can then use the formula of the spherical surface to calculate the diameter of the WoW planet, which is S= 4πr², resulting in 20 kilometers.


From a purely mechanical perspective the world of Verra is 1200 km² with some as yet unknown quantity of Underrealm. The world itself is broken into 750 km² of Lakes, Rivers, and Oceans and 450-480 km² of land, including the new islands of Sujoma and Peligora.
Why does it matter how big something that never gets finished might be?

Y'all act like we ain't ever Vanguarded before.
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Vyemm Raider
Why does it matter how big something that never gets finished might be?

Y'all act like we ain't ever Vanguarded before.
I mourn the loss of Bard in VG - However of all the turds ive seen listed in the MMORPG section in recent years, this is the only promising one that may give me the old EQ feels. Then again any MMO that has a bard gives me wood.


what Suineg set it to
I mourn the loss of Bard in VG - However of all the turds ive seen listed in the MMORPG section in recent years, this is the only promising one that may give me the old EQ feels. Then again any MMO that has a bard gives me wood.
This is closer to Star Citizen than EQ.


<Gold Donor>
How big is Azeroth in the game?

From the formulas mentioned above, we know that Azeroth is around 1200 square kilometers, with a land area of around 200 square kilometers. We can then use the formula of the spherical surface to calculate the diameter of the WoW planet, which is S= 4πr², resulting in 20 kilometers.


From a purely mechanical perspective the world of Verra is 1200 km² with some as yet unknown quantity of Underrealm. The world itself is broken into 750 km² of Lakes, Rivers, and Oceans and 450-480 km² of land, including the new islands of Sujoma and Peligora.
These metrics are bullshit nonsense.

What is the default movement rate. How long does it take to travel from one end of the game world to another?

Literally every damn game world just about is between 2-5miles or 5-25 square miles.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Again, Steven has already earned his money back(50 million) from the cosmetic package he sold over the last 7 years. Steven is being financed by a group out of Vegas called MLM Mafia. I heard he plans to sell Ashes right before the release when the stock value is at its highest point. The reason why is because of the claims the content creators have against him for referrel codes kick back program because you can convert it for money after the initial conditions are met.
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<Silver Donator>
Again, Steven has already earned his money back(50 million) from the cosmetic package he sold over the last 7 years. Steven is being financed by a group out of Vegas called MLM Mafia. I heard he plans to sell Ashes right before the release when the stock value is at its highest point. The reason why is because of the claims the content creators have against him for referrel codes kick back program because you can convert it for money after the initial conditions are met.
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Molten Core Raider
I'd have to go relisten but if memory serves the community director and Steve mentioned on the last stream that up to this point they have spent around $85M from start up to current going from a team of 6 to 200+. Not that I fact checked but pretty sure he said pre-alpha + kickstarter or whatever was around $35M and the rest was him and "john" (husband?).

Regardless of anything, game looks great graphically and has a lot of strong design concepts and systems being implemented. Unlke most games in this space they don't have the pressure to release before its ready and literally every employee plays and enjoys MMO's; that combined with the extremely open development process which also slows down things I really am confident once its all said and done we will have an amazing game for at least a sub set of MMO die hards. Will have to see how the pvp and node elements play out before I say its my "ride or die" as well as raiding but I've been following the monthly updates for over a year and overall very happy with most the direction they are going and their willingness to listen to the community on many items but also hold firm to certain core things they believe define the game.

While anything is possible; I'm confident the game seems release and has Steven mentioned on the stream he has more motivation then anyone to get it complete with the amount of money he has invested but top priority is a quality game. Considering the huge amount of failures in this space, the significant value of getting it "right", and not alot of high quality games coming out I'd be taking a similar approach. Only get 1 shot so make it count!

The impatient gamer in me is very sad I won't be playing live until at least 2026 but as a season business leader I fully respect their approach and mind set and can't wait. I got alpha 2 for me and the wife a year ago so will get to start at least seeing first hand how its progressing and contribute in what minor ways we can. My biggest hope for the game is for classes to feel special like they did in Vanguard, no other MMO has came close for me as far as class design. I'd love to see VG classes evolve further with talent points as well but the base class designs were just on point.

I'd never play a bard but class looks pretty nice. I always main sorc/wiz then run a healer or 2nd as primary alt so will see how alpha goes.

Also for all the keyboard warriors who never leveled up past individual contributor in their lives, regardless of what Steve did playing Archage or whatever stupid shit people reference i'd maybe focus abit on what he has done over the last 4 years. It is not an easy task to build a company from nothing nor tackle such an ambitious project let alone stick your money where your mouth is. I didn't know who he was prior to following AoC but he seems like a pretty logically and relatable guy who articulates his opinions and thought processes very well. He clearly has a passion for what he does and is very quick to give credit to team members instead of himself.

Hope it pans out...I even started playing WOW to retrain my fingers for MMO hotkey bindings. Fuck me I hate WOW....


Vyemm Raider
I'd never play a bard but class looks pretty nice. I always main sorc/wiz then run a healer or 2nd as primary alt so will see how alpha goes.

Fightin words!