Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored

The Ancient_sl

My Point_____

Your Head_____

Whites played the racist card before anyone else in this thread, preemptively staving off Tanoomba or whatever. Hence the "why isn't this being reported on?!!?" tone of the first poster, and the following I'm under attack for being White posts that follow, etc. etc. The overt racism comes later and is of course excusable because hey we said that's what we'd be accused of!

Racism is here if you want to look for it and the only "apologists" in this thread are the people defending it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Oh look, Tanoomba's posting more retarded opinions no one will read or gives a shit about.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Whites played the racist card before anyone else in this thread,
That's interesting to note, now tell us who played the race card first in the Trayvon Martin case.

And in the gruesome murder of the couple in Tennessee, and why was the race angle completely ignored by police in the bus beating incident?

Racism is here
Sure it is, on the part of people calling people who dare mention that three black kids shot a white guy for jogging racists.

Hence the "why isn't this being reported on?!!?" tone of the first poster,
Pretty sure the original post has that tone because this story was not being covered in national media. For several days after it occurred. It took Australian newspapers going completely apeshit over it and Australian politicians and others calling for boycotts on US tourism for the media to pick up the story at all.

Yet surprise, George Zimmerman shoots Martin while being assaulted by him, we had national news coverage 24 hours a day for months afterwards, a 24 hour a day coverage of the ensuing trial, Sharpton and every other race baiting profiteer in the nation down there in Florida holding protests and calling for arrests and criminal charges and screaming racist racism and evil racist white American culture till they were blue in the face.

The overt racism comes later and is of course excusable
You mean the people making jokes? Are you about to go Tanoomba on us, and start arguing that making jokes on the internet contributes to the increasing overall obesity epidemic among minority inner city youths?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I have asked some black families if I could live with them, but they said no.

What's up with that discrimination?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Trollface sends word from the depths of RRP

That day will never be as long as white men forever chains them to the slavery of political and social expedience.

Black men will never find peace til he sees that he is a man. A man who has a voice. A voice that can discriminate against his own color, so as to free them from prejudice, hatred, bitterness, and entitlements.

To lift them from the cycles of poverty and self-loathing.

To build them from the sockets of entitlements.

To teach them that discrimination against American Inventor is for the betterment of mankind.

Until that day, that day when white men frees black men, we shall never use the word, "American Inventor."


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
How do you circumsize a redneck?

Kick his sister in the mouth.

Now that I've told this obviously racist joke about white people, on the internet no less, I expect the number of white on black crimes to quadruple by next Thursday.

Better get to steppin' whitey.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Q. What do you call the sound it makes when you hit a white person over the head with a baseball bat?

A. A honky tonk.


My Point_____

Your Head_____

Whites played the racist card before anyone else in this thread, preemptively staving off Tanoomba or whatever. Hence the "why isn't this being reported on?!!?" tone of the first poster, and the following I'm under attack for being White posts that follow, etc. etc. The overt racism comes later and is of course excusable because hey we said that's what we'd be accused of!

Racism is here if you want to look for it and the only "apologists" in this thread are the people defending it.
Post of the year.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What do you call a bunch of white people sitting on a bench?

The NBA.

Oh shit man we're really going overboard on the racism now, I bet you'll see at least 30 million whites drop out of high school and become crack peddlers by week's end.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Like I said, these kids could be good kids, they are good kids, they just don't have any male figures in their lives, no men. You can't give kids that kind of liberty to go do what they want to with no restraints whatsoever. Do what you want when you want how you want.
Father of a boy that is believed to have been next on the list of targets of these three kids who shot the Australian fellow.

Oh and he's black. Its funny how even responsible African American men see it, and can point it out, like Cosby, this fellow, others, yet so many white apologists for the thug culture refuse to just accept the truth. African American family structures are dead, and as long as that remains, as long as they don't have stable households, don't have good educations, don't have strong male role models in their lives, they will continue to commit 50% of the murders in this country year over year among the vast sundry of other crimes they commit.

And people like Tanoomba will be there to stand on their soapbox, and wag their fingers at us and tell us how we're all racist for daring to say it.


Millie's Staff Member
people like tanoomba and ancient and numbers love the black people. whats the odds of them living in a neighborhood where the only black people they interact with are their garderners or the postal service?