Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Some of the arguing back and forth on that Twitter are comedy gold.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, that story was pretty disgusting as well. You should have started a thread about it, if you feel topics aren't be represented fairly though. A single person starts threads and we all have the ability, so it's kind of unfair to paint the forum as being biased in that regard.


Black people shoot someone so it makes REROLLED NEWS so everyone can come around talking about 'Look at what theses American Inventors done again!' and feel okay about it.

Where was this news story? It was more interesting and just as deplorable.
Some posters are still peeved about not being allowed to make explicitly racist comments. Stories like the Australian being murdered allow them to not-so-subtly imply that they were right all along, and it's a horrible injustice that their right to (racist) free speech on a moderated message board continues to be suppressed. Always playing the victim card, it seems.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah, that story was pretty disgusting as well. You should have started a thread about it, if you feel topics aren't be represented fairly though. A single person starts threads and we all have the ability, so it's kind of unfair to paint the forum as being biased in that regard.
I didn't start this thread either and I didn't have to to recognize the difference in tone and popularity that threadwould havehad compared to this one. Are you disagreeing with the statement I made?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The horn of White Guilt has been blown!

Apologists gather in the valley!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This is where this type of argument gets really convoluted. You're trying to cry hypocrisy because this story about this shooting got a thread on the general forums but the other article did not. Yet to make that case you have to ignore the literally thousands of black on white crimes that never make the national news yearly while simultaneously forgetting how the entire Trayvon Martin and Duke LaCrosse cases, to just point out two quick examples, came to national attention and how wide spread disinformation and intentional misinformation is spread about those cases in order to cry racist on one party or another.

Ther story you point out did in fact have some conversation in one of these threads, I can't remember which one now, but obviously it wasn't as interesting a story, though equally deplorable yes, or it would still be an issue.

You're basically completely ignoring the context of why stories like the one that this thread began with are being pointed to in the first place, which is because typically the media ignores these stories, or if it reports on them at all, its for a day or two and then it disappears until maybe there's a trial. Yet cases like the Trayvon Martin shooting get turned into these massive political issues where everyone needs to "have a conversation" about how to "resolve out latent racism in this society" every time a black person gets shot by a white person, whether legally justified or not, while black on black and black on white crimes go endlessly ignored and not reported on in the media.

As the Time article I posted said very saliently

And recent example illustrates how many blacks feel about who is murdering whom. Two weeks ago, an NYPD cop killed 14-year-old Shaaliver Douse. Douse was in the process of shooting other people, and had been charged with shooting someone else in May - and yet his aunt compared him to Martin. In her mind, the main sin was the white cop's.

For the time being, though, it's time for the media to stop proudly emblazoning the race of white cops who kill black boys while cagily describing black teens as, say, "from the grittier part of town," as has been the case regarding Lane's killers. The media needs to be as honest with black people as we need to be with ourselves. No group gets ahead by turning away from its real problems.
You're essentially trying to call us hypocrits and racists for pointing out hypocrisy and racism in others. Its a defense mechanism for people so ingrained with political correctness that they can't see the forests for the trees anymore.

Let me just say one more thing, you assert that the reason this article is here is so people can mock blacks, but the real reason this story has gotten attention here, and nationally, is in part because after the Martin trial, and videos like this being produced that are full of blatant lies and distortions about the case

people are finally beginning to see how the media manipulates public opinion to continue to divide this nation racially and ultimately to harm the African American communities by constantly excusing thug culture and behavior as acceptable outcomes or results of past racial divisions, rather than focusing on fixing the actual problems such as broken homes and access to quality educations that continue a cycle of poverty and thus violence that continues to decimate the black communities across this nation on a daily basis.

The Ancient_sl

Wrong again.

I'm not apologizing for asshole activists on the Black side who place undue weight on a news story, play the race card and create national media attention. I'm talking about forum postershere. Al Sharpton's deplorable actions don't forgive a counter response from the opposite side.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I didn't start this thread either and I didn't have to to recognize the difference in tone and popularity that threadwould havehad compared to this one. Are you disagreeing with the statement I made?
I disagree that the situations are really comparable and thus the tone of posting will be different. In the driver one(I have 0 info on the driver), it seems like something someone would do if they were mentally ill or crazy. They wanted to do "evil" the article says. In the Oklahoma incident, it seems like something done out of glorifying thug-culture and complete ignorance. Just reading their Facebook and Twitter shows tons of this. There's a difference. The latter being a pretty systemic problem; this latest stupidity just the most recent.

I dunno, maybe the car driver was posting shit like "GONNA RUN OVAH SUM FOOLZ 2DAY" or "WISH I COULD PUT SOME YOKOHAMAS ON DIS WakandanS FACE" on his Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis and I'm completely mistaken in my assumption.

The Ancient_sl

I dunno, maybe the car driver was posting shit like "GONNA RUN OVAH SUM FOOLZ 2DAY" or "WISH I COULD PUT SOME YOKOHAMAS ON DIS WakandanS FACE" on his Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis and I'm completely mistaken in my assumption.
Let's be honest, that's not enough. He'd have to do those thingsandbe black. Just acting black isn't enough.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wrong again.

I'm not apologizing for asshole activists on the Black side who place undue weight on a news story, play the race card and create national media attention. I'm talking about forum postershere. Al Sharpton's deplorable actions don't forgive a counter response from the opposite side.
Its not posters on this forum's responsibility or job to make every thread 100% equal and fair to everyone all the time.

The Ancient_sl

No it's not my responsibility to call people out on it, it's simply something I chose to do today.

There is an understandable pattern of racism on this board because hey we're predominately white males, and it's all fairly anonymous so no big deal right? I think I'm more annoyed by people denying or pretending it doesn't exist.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Here's my point----------------------------------------------------

Here's your head ---------------------------------------------------

Its pretty clear that my point was that its not the posters you're trying to "Call out" in this thread's responsibility to be 100% fair and equal about every news story that makes national headlines.

We've had plenty of "trying to call people out on racism" in the Zimmerman thread, go have a read of that to see how well it went for them.

There's nothing racist about pointing out that thug culture killed a foreigner on our soil, thus leading to Australia to call for boycotts on American tourism, among other things. Its racist to ignore the hate crime aspects of these events because blacks magically can't commit hate crimes and can't be racist simply because of the color of their skin.

Do me a favor. Google "black on white murder" and take a looksie at how many google hits you get back

Then google "white on black murder" take a looksie at how many google hits you get back (last I checked it was 29 million versus 200,000)

Then realize that the racism in this issue is ignoring what would be classified immediately as hate crimes and as symptoms of our evil racist heritage if a white person committed them on a black person.

Here's a recent one for you. Three black kids beat a white kid on the bus because he was going to "tell" on them for trying to sell him drugs at school.

Was it racist for posters on this forum to not make a thread about it? Because they didn't. Was it racist when no thread was made back on FOH for this story:

Your argument is without a point, you're seeing racism where none exists, trying to get up on that same high horse Duppin, Numbers and others got on in the Martin threads, and then ignoring the actual racism in the situation in the process.


No it's not my responsibility to call people out on it, it's simply something I chose to do today.

There is an understandable pattern of racism on this board because hey we're predominately white males, and it's all fairly anonymous so no big deal right? I think I'm more annoyed by people denying or pretending it doesn't exist.
It's an EXTREMELY touchy subject with some of these guys. A lot of them simply can't comprehend that it's possible to be both anti-thug and anti-racist. The two are mutually exclusive in their heads. Therefore if you mention that a particular comment (say, "American Inventors gonna Kang") is a clearly racist remark, you are a politically correct white guilt-spouting libtard mangina fag. "White guilt" is a particularly popular term these days, you'll see it being used a lot by people who prefer not to think about whether or not it actually applies in any way.

Oh, and god forbid you point out that thug culture and racism are both problems that feed into each other. Say something like that and you're obviously implying that white guys are the problem and violent black thugs are pure as precious snowflakes. This is a topic that simply cannot be reasonably discussed as any anti-racist points that are made are read through a distorted lens of twisted meaning and projected (always flawed) miscomprehension. Good on you for trying, though.